For Sale - 1975 1 ton dual Order your 1978 American wheel Ford 350, 361 engine, cars and small trucks from 12 ft. stake low bed, auto., ANDERSON CAR ENTER- Iow mileage, lists for $7300, - PRISES, 442 Nevin St., Lan asking $4200. 717-273-6018 caster. 717-394-7961 after 5 p.m. Priced to Sell - GMC 6x6 ton Army truck - new 160 Cum mins engine, new winch, _ new trans., excellent condi- Chevy 12 ft. flat tion. $9000.00. Call after 5 twin cylinder dump. Ph: p.m. 609-939-3757. 215-689-9339. 2000 FleetstarlHdieseltruck with 250 Cummins engine, 10 speed Road Ranger trans., new tires, all worn parts replaced, truck like new. 1970 Chevrolet pick up wigOl-D »x bed, good shape. 1962 Ford pickup with tool box bed. RllO series IH ladder truck, good for barn painting or whatever, hyd. operated. 1970 White compact cab over, single axle truck tractor. 1972 Ford pickup, model 250 automatic, 53,000 miles, with Wolverine camper, sleeps 4 with stove, re frigerator, sink and bath. 2 single axle van trailers. 2 twin axle flatbed traders. STRALEY FARM SUPPLY, INC. 1760 East Canal Road, Dover, PA 17315 717-292-2631 or 717-292-4443 For Sale - Strick trailer 40’x13-6 high; Great Dane trailer 40’x12-6 high; 1965 1000 Ford truck tractor; Dia mond T truck trailer, 220 diesel; 32 & 38 ft. flat trailers; storage trailers for sale or rent. Keens 717-626-5420. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Egg producing and process ing business. Real estate in cludes 12 acres, hen house & processing plant. 26,000 hens, two refrig, trucks and accounts. A real money maker. Owner will consider financing. Berks County, Mary mil Real Estate, 634 Center Ave., Reading, Pa. 19601. Ph: 215-374-4854. HELP WANTED AMS/OIL the quiet leader in synthetic lubrication needs dealers. No investment, ex cellent commission and bonuses. Full or parttime. 717-872-7324. Wanted - Christian, non drinking man mechanically inclined to work in warehouse and roofing yard. No experience necessary. Barr Wholesale Roofing RR4, Dußois, Pa. 15801 (814)583-5253 Wanted-Swine herdsman. Responsible person to manage 500 sow farrowing to finish operation, total con finement. Salary& benefits based on ability & ex perience. References re quested. Ph: 717-292-1326 or write P.O. Box 266 L-16, c/o Lancaster Farming Newspaper, Lititz, PA 17543. FARMER- excellent wages, all benefits and modern liv ing quarters, must have general farm and equipment repairing experience and small family. Call collect - Mr. Walters 215-643-6120. AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS A SITUATIONS WANTED Young, married couple, ex perienced in small beef operation with established retail customers, interested in farm management in cooperation with owner. Have general farming ex perience with limited dairy knowledge, but willing to leam. Also interested in future options to lease or buy. Write P.O. Box 22, Nazareth, PA 18064. Married man seeking work on a farm with housing available for 2 people. 301-658-6231. Wanted - Person interested in partnership for dairy far ming in York Co. 717-432-4535. HELP WANTED The possible dream - $40,000 per year, your own business - no investment. Mondays on ly 717-859-3348. Part-time work for ex perienced dependable per son on dairy farm near Strasburg in exchange for house rent. Call 717-687-7353 - 5:30-7:30 a.m. Wanted - Reliable married man for 75 to 100 cow Hols tein dairy farm, 225 acres, must be able to milk and manage herd, operate farm machinery, modem living Quarters, send resume to .S. Erb Estate, RD 1, Mid dletown, Pa. 17057. 717-9444541. Expanding company has opening for individual with sales ability. Prefer background in animal nutri tion, dairy science, or related field. Practical ex perience considered, previous sales experience helpful. Excellent base salary, commission, health insurance, paid vacation, holidays, etc. Call 3014724343 collect. AUTOMOBILES COME & SEE THE THREE NEW LOOKS FROM DODGE ... Stock No 6001 Stock No 2004 I*7B DODGE MAGNUM XE. 2 door 1978 DODGE DIPLOMAT WAGON, hardtop Automatic transmission power steering Stock No 7001 Automatic transmission power steering power front Power disc brakes 360 V 8 standard engine electric 197 S DODGE CHALLENGER 2 door sport coupe disc brakes electronic ignition slant 6 cylinder 225 rear window delogger protective rub stnpson front Automatic power front disc brakes 4 cylinder cubic inch with new 2 barrel carburetor AM FM 1 rear AM FM radl ° rear speaker, leather covered engine AM FM radio dual power controlled mirrors radio wheel lip molding air deflector Eggshell white steering wheel accented body side tape stripes and vanity light chronometer clock Spitfire orange with with split back bench seat with fold down center wheel [| P ta P® stripes remote control mirror light cashmere plaid cloth bucket seats and console ralley armrest saddle tan in color FR7Bxls white sidewall package 60-40 split seat cloth & vinyl dark brown wheelswithl4 radial tires and much much more radial tires ln color complimented with a color keyed landau tP9il J vinyl roof and vinyl body side moldings deluxe wheel *565/ covers GR7Bxls white side wall steel belted radial w« ■ ■ tires and much much more *6705 Stock No 1015 BRAND NEW IS7S DODGE ASPEN 2 door coupe with Special Edition in tenor t exterior package Automatic transmission power steering power front disc brakes thick shag carpeting AM FM radio radial while sidewall tires 60 40 split seat in cloth and vinyl Starlight blue sunfire metallic with blue Landau roof vinyl body side molding accented hood tape stripes and body side tape stripes *5221 Stock No 0052 ■HAND NEW 197* DODGE 0 150, 131 wheelbase Sweptline pickup Slant six 225 cubic inch engine (x 2 barrel) heavy duty clutch power front disc brakes 6100 lb GVW package (burns any type gas) Light tan with black vinyl interior *4285 ■RAND NEW 197 S Dodge Van medals will not be available until January, 197*. Stock No 3044 BRAND NEW 1977 DODGE B-200 SPORTSMAN WAGON. 109 wheelbase 318 V 8 engine, automatic transmission power front disc brakes electronic ignition insulations package (wall to wall carpeting full head liner and trim around the sides), 61001 b GVW package (burns any type gas) 5 passenger seating F7B x 15 tires Russet sunfire metallic with beige interior *6023 STock No 0755 1977 DODGE B-100 TRADESMAN VAN. 127 wheelbase 318 V 8 power front disc brakes windows in rear and side doors electronic ignition H78x15 tires Russet with Parchment vinyl bucket seats *4650 JERSEY SHORE,PA. Phone 398-1590 AUTOMOBILES Stock No 1007 BRAND NEW 1971 DODGE ASPEN sta tion wagon Automatic transmission power steering power front disc brakes slant six cylinder 225 cubic inch engine with new 2 barrel car buretor Special Edition package which includes simulated wood grain exterior complimented with pewter gray metallic paint and red vinyl bench seats and vmy! body side molding Radial tires *5053 Stock No 1004 ■NAND NEW 1971 DODGE ASPEN 4 door sedan Special Edition Slant six 225 cubic inch engine with new 2 bar rel carburetor automatic transmis sion power steering power front disc brakes AM FM radio Pewter gray metallic with red vn yl interior red vinyl roof and side molding DR7B x 14 white sidewall radial tires *5253 Stock No 5166 BRAND NEW DODGE MONACO Z DOOR HARDTOP. Spanish gold metallic com plimented with cloth 4 vinyl interior having a crushed velour effect Manual transmission electronic igm tion power front disc brakes power steering F7B x 15 tires The last one at this price *3687.68 Stock No 0407 (NAND NEW 1977 DODGE D-150, 131 Sweptline pickup 318 V 8 engine automatic transmission power steering power front disc brakes 6100 lb GVW package (burns any type gas) Silver cloud with blue vinyl seats *4371.02 Stock No 0025 BRAND NEW 1977 DODGE D-200. 131 wheelbase Sweptline pickup 318 V 8 4 speed manual transmission heavy duty clutch power steering power front disc brakes 7500 lb GVW package Russet sunfire metallic with beige cloth 4 vinyl seat trim 8 75x15 5E 10 ply tires $ 4611 LOWRY Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977 AUTOMOBILES Stock No 3503 BRAND NEW 2978 DODGE RAM CHARGER 106 wheelbase four wheel drive automatic power steering power front disc brakes 318 2 barrel engine Special Edition package (as shown above) trailer assist package dual low mount chrome mirrors deluxe wheel covers AM radio rear step bumper Black complimented with wedgewood gray metallic and red plaid cloth bucket seats and rear bench seat *7467 Stock No 0037 BRAND NEW 197 S DODGE D 150, 131' wheelbase Sweptline pickup 318 2 barrel engine automatic power steering power disc brakes 61001 b GVW package (burns any type gas) Black straight shade with cloth & vinyl saddle lan interior *4865 Stock No 5037 BRAND NEW 1977 DODGE ROYAL MONACO 4 door sedan Automatic transmission-standard V 8 engine power steering power front disc brakes AM radio electronic ignition Mojave beige with beige cloth 4 vinyl interior GR7B x 15 white sidewall steel belted radial tires *4399.89 Stock No 0451 BRAND NEW 1977 DODGE D-150, 131 wheelbase Sweptline pickup 318 automatic power steering power disc brakes 6100 lb GVW package (burns any type gas) black sunfire metallic with black vinyl interior ‘4431.62 Stock No 2015 BRAND NEW 1977 DODGE DIPLOMAT. 2 door coupe 318 V 8 automatic transmission power steering power disc brakes deluxe wiper 4 washer package AM radio Mint green metallic with cloth 4 vinyl color keyed bench seats FR7Bxls white sidewall radial tires *4662.98 Stock No 5135 BRAND NEW 1977 DODGE MONACO. 9 passenger station wagon 36Q V 8 (2 barrel) automatic transmission power steering power front disc brakes AM radio vinyl body side molding Wedgewood blue with blue vinyl bench seats *4566.44 detroit onnection AUTOMO ILES j m _ i a ' WILLIAMSPORT S'-MAINST EXIT '5 ETROIT... CTION... ION” YOU SUCH A LOW PRICES! Stock No 0011 MAND NEW 197 t DODGE W-150, 149 wheelbase Sweptline Club Cab 318 2 barrel V 8 engine automatic power steering power front disc brakes dual low mount chrome mir rors flip down auxiliary rear seats in cab 6100 lb GVW package medium blue metallic with blue vinyl bench seats *6104 Stock No 4001 BRAND NEW 1978 DODGE CHARGER SPECIAL EDITION 2 door hardtop Pewter gray metallic with red vinyl bucket seats complimented with a color keyed Landau vinyl roof and vinyl body side molding Automatic 360V82barrelengme power steer mg power front disc brakes AM FM radio deluxe wheel covers GR7B steel belted radial tires *5695 Stock No 2034 BRAND NEW 1977 DODGE DIPLOMAT 4 door sedan with the new 318 lean burn engine automatic transmis sion power steering power front disc brakes AM FM radio air condi tiomng tinted glass all windows with an exciting charcoal gray suntire metallic complimented with a red cloth & vinyl body side molding and full red vinyl roof FR7Bxls white sidewall radial tires *5346.76 Stock No 7058 BRAND NEW 1977 DODGE COLT STA TION WAGON. Automatic transmis sion power front disc brakes 4 cylinder 2000 cc engine electric rear window defroster AM radio Silver metallic with blue vinyl interior White sidewall steel belted radial tires THE LAST 77 COLT *4799.97 Stock No 2045 1977 DODGE DIPLOMAT. 2 door coupe New 318 lean burn engine automatic transmission power steering power disc brakes light package air conditioning tinted glass AM radio left remote control mirror Eggshell white with white landau vinyl roof and color Keyed cloth t vinyl interior FR7Bxls white sidewall radial tires *5239.23 73 E •220^
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers