LIVESTOCK & SUPPLIES - For Sale - Service age Hols tein bulls. Dams classified VG with records to over 24,D00M & I.OOOF. John Stump, Bemville, Pa. Ph: 215-488-1965. For Sale - Yorkshire boars from Registered stock, far rowed May to June, worm ed and vaccinated. 717-933-5358. For Sale - Registered Angus bull 50c. a lb. Also cows, heifers and Chianina Angus cross cows and heifers. Phone 717-872-2436. YORKSHIRE SERVICE BOARS LEON L ARNOLD Rte. 7, Box 705 Lebanon, PA 17042 Ph: 717-273-5880 FEEDER CATTLE Will buy on order, truck to your farm or assemble for your trucker. OENZIL HEISHMAN Rt. 1, Box 2328 Strasburg, VA Ph.(703)465-5785 CUSTOM-MADE COW STALLS Galvanized pipe Pipe fittings Water bowls • Stall cocks Neck chains* Number tags EMANUEL B. LAPP R#l, 80X258A NEW HOLLAND, PA Along Amishtown Rd “Performance Tested Bulls” Now on hand: Year Angus Bulls 2 year old v> blood Chianma, will Sire Vi blood calves. - blood Chianina Calves. - a ,l TWIN OAK FARMS Quarryviilc, Pa. 17566 Phone 717-786-2146 or 786-2201 APPLE POMACE, inexpensive livestock feed for dairy or beef. Replaces silage and hay. $6.00 per ton loaded on your truck Also good for mushroom mulch Smiles west of Gettysburg STANLEY WOLF Orrtanna, Penna. 717-642-8677 FOR SALE 35 draft horses & mules. One pair of Sorrel geldings weighing 2000 lbs. ea. Some bred mares. PAULS. WALIERMYER Jonestown, Pa. 17038 717-B*s-2234 LIVESTOCK & SUPPLIES For Sale CHUNINA World’s Largest Ca - Cows with calves at sid - Bred and Open Heifers. TWIN OAK FARMS Quarryville, PA 717-/86-2146 717-786-2201 9H107 Arlmda JET STREAM twin VG(B7| PQ 10/77 USDA 10/77 RIP 17% Rpt 79% 70 Dtrs 46 Herds’Avg 16 682 M 35% 592 F Pr»d Diff (’7<)+l37lM 13%+30F+$110 9H129 Kmgstead RISE twin VG(B6)PQ 10/77 USDA 10/77 RIP 0% Rpt 84% 93Dtrs 64 Herds Avg 16 504 M 3 4% 561 F Pred Diff (’74)+1431N1 21%+20F+5102 9H164 Fair Hill Trust BUSTER EX(9O) USDA 10/77 RIP 68% Rpt 72% 60 Dtrs , 51 Herds Avg IB’SSeM 3 7% 630 F Pred. Dlff. (’74) +IOO9M —.11% +2OF +s7B 98056 White Cloud Doreen's DELegate VG(B7) USDA 10/77 RIP 26% Rpt 98% 1380 Dtrs , 363 Herds Avg 13,691 M 3 9% 533 F Prad. DIM. (’74) +1134M —.04% +4OF +*lol At Sire Power our programs are designed with your herd's Profitability in mind Our goal is to increase your net income, by offering high predicted difference sires, at the lowest prices possible The twelve sires featured above average +1202 P D milk, they have high repeatabilities, and are AI proven, the results of Sire Power’s Young Sire Program, that utilizes random sampling in its design At Sire Power we feel that a cow that lasts, is also as important as a cow that milks We stress sound type, the dams of Sire Power sires are classified Very Good or Excellent, with special emphasis on snugly attached udders, and sound feet and legs You can expect sound type from Sire Power Sire Power semen is available from the Sire Power member cooperatives NEBA MdABC-andW Va ABC We offer both professional technician and direct herd service We are as near as your phone call 717 836 3168 LIVESTOCK & SUPPLIES - Also Beefalo. LIVESTOCK & SUPPLIES Registered Holste in service age bulls from dams with records to 24,(D00M Popular Al Sires. EDGEFIELD FARMS Rt. 2 Quarryville, PA 717-78&-3591 9H143 Hillhaven Standout JOB VG(BS) GM USDA 10/77 RIP 14% Rpt 82% 91 Dtrs 66 Herds Avg 17 165 M 38% 647 F Pred Diff (’74) + 1445 M 02% +SOF +SI37 k: ~' <}£>. -J - •* * r 9H497 Rosemere Fury IVAN EX(92) PO 10/77 USDA 10/77 RIP 11 % Rpt 76% 48 Dtrs 38 Herds Avg 16 244 M 3 7% 597 F Pred. Dlff (’74) +IIO3M —.07% +29F +s94 9H113 Leebar BRONSON VG PQ 10/77 USDA 10/77 RIP 0% Rpt 84% 84 Dtrs ,68 Herds Avg 16 203 M 36% 585 F Pred. Oiff. (’74) +935M —.15% +IIF +s64 9J042 FINALIST of Marlu VG(BS) USDA 10/77 RIP 0% Rpt 47% 20 Dtrs 11 Herds Avg 9.992 M 47% 465 F Pr«d. Dili. (’74) +IOI9M —.22% +33F +s9B LIVESTOCK & SUPPLIES DUROC BRED GILTS T DUE SOON V DUROC SERVICE AGE ; bulls ;; , Large groups ' raised together EXCELLENT BLOODLINES RICK PFAUTZ * Member Cooperatives Northeastern Breeders Associatn Md Artificial Breeding Coop , Im. W Va Artificial Breeders Coop Inc A «* 5 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977 R D #1 Stevens, Pa 717-733-6694 from 9H174 Eng Amer Ivanhoe JERRY GP(B4) USDA 10'77 RIP 90% Rpt 54°0 29 Dtrs 25 Herds Avg 1 7 267 M 34% 585 F Pred Diff (’74) +l2l9M 16% +I9F +sB9 9H166 Nunesdale Sir ASTROLITE GP(B4) USDA 10/77 RIP 49% Rpt 75% 69 Dtrs 55 Herds Avg 17 207 M 34% 585 F Pred Diff (’74)+1395M 21%+18F+597 9H121 F G P Elevate Ivan AL VG(88) PQ 10/77 USDA 10/77 RIP 3% Rpt 83% 88 Dtrs 64 Herds Avg 15 15 960 M 37% 585 F Pred Di«. (’74) +1034M —.09% +24F +SB4 9J043 Generators Orator of OGSTON VG(BS) USDA 10/77 RIP 17 % Rpt 83% 135 Dtrs 41 Herds Avg 11.223 M 45% 508 F Pr««J. DiH. (’74) +1267M- .4*% + 18F +sBi R. D. #2, Tunkhannock, Pa. 18657 ' Phone: 717-836-3127 livestock & Supplies KEEP SEMEN RECORDS! New! Book fits all tanks. Records semen transactions, storage locations. Money-Back Guarantee. Order Today! Send $9.50 to: Semen Register, Box 102 A, Mclntyre, PA 15701. -m 69
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