Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 19, 1977, Image 59
Pennsylvanians place in feeder cattle show HARRISBURG - Although grand champions of the is>77 Feeder Steer show at the Keystone International Livestock Exposition went to West Virginians, Penn sylvanians placed high, in many instances, in their respective classes. In the Angus breed, Shrives Angus Farm of Seven Valleys, took a first place berth; Erdenheim Farm, Lafayette Hill, second; Walter S. Laird, third and fourth; Sidney Riggs, Friedens, fifth; and Runnymede Farm, Coatesville, sixth. In the Herefored breed, Nature’s Acres Farms, Inc., from Northumberland, took 9 . »* * ? • • BEFORE YOU BUY - Contact us and get full details on the way <. Therma«Stor will save you money 500,600,800 & 1,000 Gallon In Stock, Ready For Immediate Delivery 1250 Gal. Mueller Hi-Perform 600 Gal. Milkeeper, like new, 300 Gal. Girton 18 can Can Cooler 700 Gal. Mueller Save $lO5O off new price 800 Gal. Girton 28 Milk Cans 600 Gal. Girton 500 Gal. Jamesway 300 Gal. Mojonnier New Egg Cooling Cooling 600 Gal. Jamesway 400 Gal. Mojonnier Vacuum 625 Gal. Steinhorst Coil (Sell at Cost) 500 Gal. Mojonnier 400 Gal. Jamesway Several Used 3 H.P. Belt 400 Gal. 3OO Gal. Jamesway Driven Compressors SHENK'S FARM SERVICE SOIE. Woods Drive Lititz, Pa. 17543 Bulk Tanks & Therma • Stor After 5 P.M. Call Titus Burkholder 717-859 1620 Our Service Trucks Are Radio Dispatched 24 HR. SERVICE OFFERED the third place pen of five feeder steers. Robert C. Burkins, Holtood, had a second place entry in the pen of five feeder steers under the crossbred and purebred steer division. Sixth in that class was PCS Farms, Osceqla, Pa.; seventh, Green Gate Farms, Lewistown; eighth Warrington Green Farms, Wellsville, Pa.; ninth, Willigm and Eugene Sweigard, Halifax; and tenth, Runnymede Farm, Coatesville. In Angus Feeder Heifers, Erdenheim Farm.; Lafayette Hill, placed first in pen of five feeder heifers. In ARE YOU CONFUSED ABOUT HEATING WATER BY COOLING MILK? Therma»Stor with its outstanding features gives you two temperatures of hot water A temperature for washing pipeline and milking equipment at 165°. A temperature for preparing cows and feeding calves, etc. at 110°. Thermo*Stor con be installed in nonelectric systems also NEW BULK MILK TANKS Crossbred and Purebred Heifers and Other Beef Breed competition, Blue Eye Valley Farm, Corry, Pa. took a first in pen of five feeder heifers; Runnymede; Farm, Coatesville, took a second in that class; and Maynard L. Long, Carlisle, took a third. The champion pen of feeder heifers went to Runnymede Farm, Coat sville. FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale - John Deere No. 148 loader, like new. Allen, Dundee, NY 607-292-3180. For Sale - AC D-19 diesel, turbo charges, A-l condition, good rubber. Ph: 215-869-2508. Want to Buy - Trailer loads of hay. Call after 7 PM. Don Johnston, 301-972-2167. THERMA*STOR THE ENERGY SAVER. •Completely Eliminates Fan-Cooled Con densers • Has Stainless-Steel Heat- Exchanger And Storage Sections For Maximum Corrosion Protection FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale - JD 4010 diesel, narrow front, no 3 pt. hitch but very nice, $4800.2010 gas tractor with No. 35 JD hyd. bucket loader, will sell together or separate. $3600 together. Call 717-437-2566 after 7 PM. For Sale -1968 CO 1600 Inter national Load Star truck, 21,000, PS, 2 spd., engine like new. Ph: 717-898-8158. Wanted - WFE for JD 3020, willing to pay up to $5OO on a rolo-matic 717-272-6342. For Sale - 1 trailer tire 8x14x5 12 ply, like new, 1 F 7815 4 ply polyester and fiberglass, like new, 1 15” rim, like new to fit 1968-72 Ford car, 1 set of tire chains, 15” wheel, like new, snow mobile trailer, like new $125. 717-464-2809 mornings. •Makes 50 Gallons Of Hot Water At Up To 190 Degrees Every Time You Milk •Makes A Gallon Of 110 Degrees Water For Every Gallon Of Milk Cooled Phone 717-626-1151 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977 CLASSIFIED ADS LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 12c per word 168 minimum charge Use This Handy Chart To Figure Your Cost IH Issue 13) Issues 1 68 4 03 1 80 4 32 1 92 4 61 2 04 4 90 216 518 2 28 5 47 2 40 5 76 Words 14 or Less trade KEYED ADS (Ads with answer coming to a Box Number c/o Lancaster Farming) 50 cents additional Ads running 3 or more con secutive times with no change billed at 20 percent discount Deadline Thursday morning at 9 of each week's publication Lancaster Farming P 0 Box 266 Lititz PA 17543 Phone Lancaster 717 394 3047 or Lititz 717 626 1164 FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale - 2 Behlen heavy gauge com cribs, 17’6” diameters, 1750 bu. capacity each, with center air duct. 215-987-6423. For Sale - 1000 gal. mower tank, 1 yr. old, complete $5OOO or best offer; DeLaval pipeline for 50 cow bam, complete with 6 milkers $2500.301-8484)604. For Sale - New Idea 4-row stalk shredder. Earl Rabenold, Kutztown, PA Ph. 215-683-3603. For Sale IH 234 picker sheller $lOOO.OO or best offer - Case 800 Combine 301-922-5180. For Sale - 4-row wide row com head for MF 510 com bine (before quick-tack), good condition, $2200. Frank Weaver. 215-445-6724. Wanted to Buy - Saw Mill, low priced. Also crawler tractor. Write J.R. Thomp son, RDI, Box 174, Hun tingdon, PA 16652. For Sale - #lO International Continuous-flow grain dryer, PTO, $2OOO. One I.H. three section spike tooth harrow $125,215-297-5155. Wanted - WFE for JD 3020, willing to pay up to $5OO on a rolo-matic trade. 717-272-6342. 37 FORD INDUSTRIAL POWER UNITS Reduction gear & clutch for Wisconsin and Ford Industrial SALES & SERVICE MILLER'S REPAIR 1 Mile North of Bird-in-Hand 8 miles East of Lancaster RDI, Bird-m-Hand, PA Phone 717-656-9013 FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale - JD 40 combine, com & grain heads, very good condition, ready to work, $2900. Ph: 717-933-8210 or 933-8763. For Sale - Friek sawmill blower, 3 saws, CAT D3lB power unit in good condition, 2 HDS AC hi Efts, one good, one for parts, 1977 Champion motor home, 27 ft. must sell. 717-249-2692 or 249-6498. Wanted - John Deere tractor model A or larger, hand start, any condition. Write Amos H. Peachey, R 2, Box 377, Mifflintown, Pa. 17059. For Sale - Two Patz silo unloaders, 24 ft. and 30 ft.; 1971 Int. 1800 series truck with a Midwest grain box. Ph: 814-745-2156 after 6 PM. For Sale - John Deere model B. 215-837-6356. Wanted - Cultivator for JD 60.215-857-5929. For Sale - (1) 28-12” Oliver Plow (on steel) $325.00; (1) 28-14” Oliver Plow (on ruh ber) $250.00; (1) 10-A New Idea Spreader completely overhauled and painted $650.00; (1) #9 T cut McDeer ing T.R.G. Mower (on rub ber) $250.00; John Deere #999 Com Planters $225.00 and up; Wiard 106 Plows $90.00. Write to: GIDEON S. STOLTZFUS Littlestown, Pa. 17340 RDI Box 463 For Sale -1974 Oliver diesel, 4 wheel drive, 1365 with loader, 2 buckets, 55 h.p., 1104 hrs. Asking $7600. 717-998-8181. For Sale - AC combine #66 with PTO & bin, like new; truck camper top for 8 ft. truck; gas & coal stove; two horse wagon on steel wheels. Ph; 717-362-9842. John Deere 630,3 pt. PS, 620 PS, 2010 gas PS, LA with at tachments; Oliver 1850 diesel, 660; M.F. 35 special Loader Backhoe with 3 pt. and PTO, 150 gas, 35,30 and 20; Fannall 560 diesel, H, (4) Cubs with attachments; Ford 8000,6000 Commander, 5000 (new), 5200, 5000, 4000, 3600, 3000 w/snow plow, 841, BN, 9N, 651 and Loader, 901 w/2-row mounted corn picker, 960 w/2-row mounted com picker; New Idea #lO Picker. KELLERS FARM MACHINERY, INC. 116 Richlandtown Pike Quakertown, Pa. 18951 215-536-4046 WISCONSIN V/465D VH4D AENL 59