Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 19, 1977, Image 53

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The AgStar Total Confinement Systems- 4
Will expand your hog business
for LESS DOLLARS - Let us show you.
iin s /ifr fiow .
. poll# «ir fn at roof ,
ilne;circul* te# it over
itttepll, indent .-Note -
ifoft'ol roof «y«|en» ■
■*“ied»jlhirt could:
Bank Financing &
Leasing Available
Sew Castle
on Display
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\il»lion *yst«tn .
- dry and " ’ *
ir for animal "
Did you say you love to
travel by air? Well, that
makes two of us. But the
next time I’m asked to fly to
a far-off meeting via the
Wright brothers
magnificient invention, you
may see me make a mad
dash to the nearest bus
station. Why? Read on.
On a recent early Monday
morning, three farm wives
depart Harrisburg Airport at
8:15 a.m. en route to Green
Bay, Wis., to attend the
American Agri-Women
national convention. First
mistake; having to fly on a
foggy day. Three hours
later, finally touch down at
Chicago’s O’Hare Airport,
after being “stacked up” in
the traffic pattern for an
extra hour because of poor
ground visability. Rush to
catch connecting flight to
Green Bay; sorry, flight
cancelled. Stand in ticket
line for another hour to
reschedule flight. Pass time
eating lunch. By stroke of
-iSgiaii ~-.»t
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f«KI» - - t , j \ -&
economical, plug-up-and-go total far
environment qualifies for tax investment
\ V iv
15 '
R.D. 3 Sprecher Road Willow St. Pa, Lancaster Co. 717-464-3321
sheer luck, get called as
stand-bys on early afternoon
flight. Important meetings
to attend, so eagerly wait for
take-off. Wait. And wait, and
wait. Disembark after 40
minutes; plane not moving
an inch because Green Bay
still fogged in. Retrace
quarter-mile walk to ticket
offices. Wait in line hour and
a half. Tiny chance of after
dinner flight leaving. Pass
more time eating-tMs time
at airlines expense. Evening
flight finally leaves the
ground with passengers
warned they’ll probably end
up in Milwaukee for the
night. Miraculously, fog lifts
just enough for plane to set
down at Green Bay. Ah ha,
here at last. Wait long, long
time for hotel limousine to
arrive, finally discovered
masquerading as a plain old
car. Near 11:00 p.fn., three
exhausted farm wives
collapse on a sixth floor hotel
room, mulling over the
marvels of travel by air.
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Look at a few of the
features we build
into our structures.
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977
Four days later, on a
beautifully crystal clear
night, same trio checks out
of hotel, eager to return to
York County. Perfect flight
south over Wisconsin, with
Chicago spectacularly lit
like a sparkling jewel in the
black night.
Too good to last. Con
necting flight home to
Harrisburg delayed hour
and a half due to technical
difficulties. Pass time
eating again. Jet finally
arrives and whisks Penn
sylvanians home for
weekend. By midnight we
should be home in our beds.
But wait: the car left all
Answers for Thanksgiving Riddle
1. Turkey 4. Thanksgiving
2. Pumpkin 5. Venison
3. Com
Three PFU meetings set
countywide Farmers Union
meetings are scheduled for
the week of November 20 in
The question of property
taxes, low farm prices, and
the issue of farmland con
demnation will be among
problems discussed by
week in the parking lot is
dead. (No, it was not my
car.) Lights left on all week.
Call road service. Wait two
hours. Where is road ser
vice? Airport good
Samaritan finally starts car
with persistent use of
jumper cables. Walk
through door at home in wee
hours of morning to find
father, daughter, and cat
sound asleep in living room
waiting. Beautiful!
And now I know why my
beloved country-folk singer,
John Denver, takes guitar in
hand to sing: “I’m leavin’
on a jet don’t know when I’ll
be back again ”
6. Mayflower
farmers at the policy
meeting of Snyder and Union
County Farmers Union
members on November 21.
Then, on November 22,
both York County and Perry
County Farmers Union
members will meet
separately to discuss
problems facing farmers
Adequate supplies and fair
prices for energy resources
needed by farmers will be a
major agenda item at the
York County Farmers Union
meeting. To be discussed by
Perry County Farmers
Union members is the cost
and supply of energy
resources for agriculture as
well as the present economic
crisis facing farmers today.
The Snyder and Union
County meeting is scheduled
to be held at the ASCS
building on Route 104 at the
North end of Middleburg at 8
p.m. Refreshments will be
served. Election of county
officers for the coming year
and of delegates to the state
convention will also be held
at this meeting.
Perry County’s meeting is
set for the New Bloomfield
Courthouse at 8 p.m. Far
mers Union members from
both Perry and Juniata
County are invited to attend.
In urging all members
from these two counties to
attend the meeting, Truman
Holman, county president
said, “Farmers themselves
can best describe their in
dividual problems and we
hope to get unput from the
entire family-mothers,
fathers, sons, and daughters
-about how to improve and
strengthen the future of the
American farm situation. ”
The York County meeting
is scheduled to begin
promptly at 7:30 p.m. at the
4-H center in Bair. Elections
of county officers for the
coming year and of
delegates to the state con
vention will also be held at