Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 19, 1977, Image 51

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    Thanksgiving fun for small farmers
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Fill in the dots for a Thanksgiving surprise.
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A Thanksgiving Riddle to complete
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Answers on page
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977
1. They settled m America to have the first
3. Vegetable with brown skin, white inside, eaten in
many forms.
4. word meaning near or on, in slang used in “where
5. man’s best friend
6. female form of “he”
7. insects making honey
8. Fall
9. word meaning therefore
10. to view
11. one plus one
12. talking to God
13. food from animals
14. line, as in a of chairs
15. vegetable, small, round, and usually green
16. November 24 this year.
1. pumpkin dessert
2. the first Americans
7. food made from churning milk or cream
13. drink that comes from cows
17. objects that fall from trees this time of year
18. this is the month of—.
19. automobiles
20. where you live
21. to obtain or win something
22. what Santa says
23. opposite of daughter
24. what most people eat for Thanksgiving
25. opposite of no
26. object used to chop wood.
(Answers on page 52.)
Fill in the blanks
. The key to a good Thanksgiving dinner.
A vegetable eaten as a dessert on Thanksgiving day.
Indians called this maize.
November holiday.
Deer meat is called ,
The pilgrims’ ship.