Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 19, 1977, Image 49

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    Farm Women Societies
Berks Co,
Society 9
Berks County Farm
Women Society 9 met
recently at the home of Mrs.
Gloria Rhoads,
Douglassville R 2.
Mrs. Sara Graefe of the
Reading Garden Club
presented a program on
arranging cut flowers and
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$ RD4, EPHRATA, PA. 17522
other natural materials
Using a variety of common
plant materials and an
assortment of containers,
she demonstrated how
decorative arrangements
can be made for any season
or event.
The society is planning a
cake sale in the winter
The next meeting, a
Christmas Party will be held
on December 16 at the
Gilbertsville Fire Company.
n Your
Time to count your blessings
... lift your voice in praise ... sing
a song unto the Lord... for all the
good and satisfying aspects of your
life. Give thanks!
Lancaster Co,
Society 1
On November 12, the
Lancaster County Farm
Women Society 12 met at the
home of Anna Sangrey, with
Martha Jane Brubaker
serving as co-hostess.
During the business
meeting, the society voted to
give $25 to the Warwick
Community Chest.
• • • • •
in Church
(717)354-4271 If
Progi am for the day was a
movie called “Cookies,
Baking, and Sweet
American Heritage”.
It was announced that
Mrs. Barbara Moore was
given special honor at the
county convention for having
attended every convention
since the society was started
60 years ago. Society 1 was
also recognized for" having
the highest percentage of
members present at the
The state convention of the
farm women will be in
Harrisburg January 9 and
10. Mary Alice Fyock will be
a delegate to the convention.
The next meeting of the
Lancaster farming, Saturday, November 19,1977
society will be December 4, a
sixtieth anniversary special
celebration. The church
service at Founders Hall,
Hershey, Pa., followed by a
brunch at Hotel Hershey.
Lancaster Co,
Society 2
The Lancaster County
Farm Women Society 2 held
their November 12 meeting
at the home of Edna Loose,
Penryn. Co-hostess was
Anna Ahank.
Ladies at the “Come as
you are” meeting came in
early morning and
housefrau fashions including
night-gowns, pajamas, night
caps, aprons, and bedroom
Fruit baskets and grocery
boxes were packed for
friends of the Society.
Ladies of Society 2 will
visit the County Home on
December 15.
Lancaster Co.
Society 6
Lancaster County Farm
Women Society 6 met at the
home of Mrs. Bill Thome on
November 12, with 20
members present.
During the business
meeting, it was decided to
give $l5 to LARC.
Guest speaker for the
meeting was Rev. Fred
Holler, pastor of the Milton
Grove United Methodist
Church. His topic for the day
was Thanksgiving thoughts.
Next meeting will be held
December 3 at the Rheems
Fire Hall, beginning at 6
Lancaster Co,
Society 10
Three candidates for
membership were accepted
to the Lancaster County
Farm Women Society 10 at
their recent meeting held at
the Refton Fire Hall.
Speaker for the evening
was Mrs. Ida Risser, who
spoke on old fashioned foods,
dealing with the topics of
cooking and preserving
many Dutch foods.
Delegates to the state
convention at Harrisburg
were chosen. Represen
tatives include: Mrs. Jacob
Evans and Mrs. Morris
Miller, with Mrs. Charles
Shank serving as alternate.
The December meeting
will be held at the home of
Mrs. Charles Stauffer, Lime
Spring Farm, Rohrerstown.
Lancaster Co,
Society 19
A covered dish luncheon
was recently enjoyed by
Lancaster County Farm
Women Society 19, their
guests from Society 7, and
the county officers of the
group at the Farm and Home
Center, Lancaster.
For the program, Mary
Lauver spoke on “The
Parable of the Sour Dough”.
Samples of bread and rolls
were shared. Those who
were interested were
provided with a starter of the
sour dough, directions for
feeding it, and recipes for
using the dough
Lancaster Co,
Society 22
Members of Lancaster
County Farm Women
Society 22 held their
November meeting at the
home of Mrs. Henry Hess, 15
Batt Avenue, Willow Street
with Mrs. William Weller
serving as co-hostess.
Martin K. Brown spoke to
the group with a talk entitled
“Peter Piper Picked a Peck
of Pickled Peppers.”
The group discussed plans
to make centerpieces for the
state convention to be held in
January, and also made
arrangements to prepare
Christmas gilts for the
Lancaster Association for
Retarded Citizens.
A Christmas party will be
held on December 13 at 7:30
p.m. at the home of Mrs.
Cloyd Wenger, 1804 Pioneer
Road, Lancaster. Mrs. Cora
Frymyer will be co-hostess.
Members are asked to bring
two cookies for each
member and the recipe for a
cookie exchange.
York Co.
Society 26
A luncheon meeting was
held by the York County
Farm Women Society 26 at
the home of Mrs. Calvin
Wilt, Y ork Haven Rl.
Mary E. Hake gave a
report on the family
Christmas banquet to be
held December 6 beginning
at 6:30 p.m., at the
Lewisberry Fire Hall. The
society approved a $2O
donation to each of six fire
The program for the day
was Ms. Marcie Seckman,
assistant home economist
from the York County Ex
tension Service, who gave
the society a brief ex
planation of the metric
The next meeting will be
held December 13, 12:30
p.m. at the home of Mrs.
Ralph Kohler, Etters, R 2.
There will be a gift exchange
at the meeting.
Lebanon Co,
Society 5
Lebanon County Farm
Women Society 5 held their
November meeting at the
home of Mrs. Minerva Lentz.
Twenty-one members and
two guests attended the
It was announced at the
meeting that Lebanon
County will host the Pa. 1978
Spring Rally in Hershey. The
state convention of farm
women will be held January
9 to 10. Banquet tickets are
Guest speaker for the
evening was Mrs. Frank
Cxncel who spoke on
everyday sayings and their
The family Christmas
party will be held at the
Kimmerling’s Grange, first
floor. Members are to bring
a hot and cold dish and a
secret pal’s gift.