—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977 44 /V» •. rap •lie* Add a soft, touch to outfits with this granny jacket Crochet squares of worsted weight synthetic, join into topper with turnback collar Ideal all season Pattern 7083 directions for Women’s Sizes 32 46 included High curve in front descends to a lower, reverse curve ir back - the effect is SEAMED TO-SLIM flattery. Choose col lar or simple V neck Printed Pattern 9140. Misses Sizes 8, 10. 12, 14, 16, 18 20 Size 12 (bust 341 takes 2' _ yards 60-mch fabric Going back to school isn't all studying, it's the fun of being flir tatious in this tno She'll love the laced vest over full-sleeved blouse skirt Printed Pattern 9128 Girls’ Sizes 6 8 10, 12, 14 Size 10 vest h yd 54 inch skirt IV*, blouse 1 1/8 yds 45-inch $1.25 for each pattern Add 35c tor each pattern for first-class airmail handling Send to Quick ’n’ Easy Patterns 170 232 W 18 St New York NY 10011 FASHIONS TO SEW (f/W) $ 75 1978 NEEOLECRAFT CATALOG DESIGNER COLLECTION «33 BOOK OF 16 JIFFY RUGS 12 PRIZE AFGHANS *l2 CROCHETING A WARDROBE IQQ CROCHET WITH SQUARES 100 NIFTY FIFTY QUILT BOOK 100 STITCH'N PATCH QUILTS 125 STUFF'N PUFF QUILTS 125 SEW ♦ KNIT I 25 PILLOW SHOW OFFS ISO EASY GIFTS N' ORNAMENTS 1 50 Add 25* each booh lor postage, handling Know Where the Activities Will Be? Read the Farm Women Calendar. *. * »* pi \,d V/ 9128 6-i as 'l4O (-20 The paper; says write. So here I sit. Pen in my hand, Mind in a fit 1 I tickle my ear; I wrinkle my head; I look all around; I long for my bed! Know Where the Activities Will Be? Read the Farm Women Calendar. LANCASTER, PA. - 3019 HEMPLAND RD. PHONE 397-6241 NEXT TO 84 LUMBER CO. We have sales 365 days a year-our sales days are everyday-we don’t need special occasions for sales days like-president’s birthday-anv.-etc.-our means of pur chasing are as follows We liquidate for 100’s of manufacturers-special ordered merchandise-by dealers for customers-due to time period customer’s cancel-we purchase trailer loads at a time-we handle store refusais-double shipments-bank ruptcy’s mag. displays-manufacturer’s close outs-stock furniture show displays-quality merchandise-all guar anteed - have our own service people 144 - Prof, cue sticks w/unique cany case - Reg. $39.95 Our Price $12.50 144 - 50 pc. Flatware sets - Reg, $89.95 Our Price $12.00 72 - Hair dryers -1,000 watt - $9.00 Purchased from bankrupt manufacturer - 2 trailer loads of Early American sofa & chair - Herculon & Nylon - Reg. $889.95 Our Price $329.95 (Don’t miss this one....way under wholesale) 7 - 3 pc. Early American living room suites...Herculon - Reg. $969.95 Our Price $329.95 Just purchased from dealer cancellation.... 150 - Wall Buggers - Reg. $289.95 Our Price $129.95 141 - Rockers - all sizes.... Wholesale & Under 3-5 Drawer Wood Chest.... Reg. $109.95 Our Price $59.95 116-Gun Cabinets 6,8,10,12 gun....Aronnd Wholesale 90 -Hope Chest 300-Lamps 125 • Hall Tables.... Reg. $89.95 Our Price $lO.OO 24 - Bean Bag Chairs...Ass’t. colors 50-Timers....Keg. $19.95 Our Price $5.00 20 - Fishing Kits... .Reg. $89.95 Our Price $32.00 72 • 74 pc. Stainless Flatware Sets.... Reg. $189.95 Our Price $32.50 121 - Pool Sticks.... Reg. $9.95 Our Price $3.50 19 - Sets China, ser. for 8.... Reg. $89.95 Our Price $35.00 18 - Love Seats...Hide-a-bed....Reg. $389.95 Our Price $179.95 15 - Doubles... Reg. $489.95 Our Price $229.95 10 - Sets Early American, sofa, love seat, chair... Reg. $789.95 Our Price $499.95 6 - 2 pc. Living Room... Reg, $589.95 Our Price $289.95 CLOSED THANKSGIVING DAY MANY MORE ITEMS TO CHOOSE FR0M.....1F YOU DON’T SEE IT....ASK FOR 1T..... FULL WARRANTY FINANCING THRU BANK....ACCEPTANCE CORP LAYA WAY GO BARGAIN HUNTING AT UNCLAIMED FREIGHT & LIQUIDATION SALES, My mind is a blank; My heart’s over there; I read what I wrote; It’s too much to dare. The paper says write. So writing S do, This poem is my column, Written for you! Weaver scores high with com EAST EARL - Raymond was planted on May 7in 36 Weaver, East Earl, has inch rows at 27,000 plar' >pei placed high in the local acre. The yield was adju/tec Project: 200 corn growing to 15.5 per cent moisture, program with a com yield of Project: 200 is sponsored 173.2 bushel per acre. annually by the producers o Weaver used Funk’s G- Funk’s G-Hybrids and is the 4520 in his high yielding plot, largest corn growing He used Atrazine and Lasso program of its kind in the for weed control. The crop nation. CUSTOM HOME BUILDING BUNG - REMODELING - PANELING - REPAIRS -CEILING TILE -KITCHENS - ALUMINUM SIDING - RECREATION ROOMS - ROOFING - BATHROOMS - ADDITIONS - FORMICA KEYSTONE BUILDING & REMODELING ELAM L. STOLTZFUS 31 SOUTH RONKS ROAD RONKS. PA 17572 Call 717-687-6340 or 687-6267 HOURS' MON.-FRI. 10 A.M.-9 P.M. SAT. 10 A.M.-5 P.M. 100’s of other items....some of the items....T.V.’s, stereo’s, ref., desks wholesale some under 700 - Brand Name Recliners, full warranty, made up for exclusive stores, due to some of these going out of bus iness & period of time in manufacturing of these re cliners they cancel, we purchased at great savings most will be sold at wholesale prices a) - AM/FM and Record Player..,reproduction with tifr hom....Reg. $179.95 Our Price $69.95 i 3 - 3 pc. Living Room.... Reg. $789.95 Our Price $369.95 All types sewing machines, cab & portables 18 - Bunk Bed Sets, incl. bedding.... Reg. $309.95 Our Price $149.95 55 - Complete Bed Room Sets 65 - Tennis Rackets, alum.... Reg. $39.95 Our Price $15.00 Liquidating for a large company....various size end tables comer tables.... Reg. $lOO.OO - 450.00 Our Price $lO.OO - 40.00 40 pc. Flatware Sets.... Reg. $59.95 Our Price $12.00 10-VAC’s Wholesale Electric tools, drills, cir. caws, chain saws.... Wholesale & Under 30-Extension Cord... Reg. $10.95 Our Price $5.00 C-Clamps for repairs - 8 clamps per set Reg. $39.95 Our Price $9.00 5 pc. Adj. Wrench Set.... Reg. $49.95 Our Price $21.00 4 pc. Water Pump Plier Set, 16,12,10, 8.... Reg. $39.95 Our Price $16.00 168 • Brand Name Facial Beauty Dispenser... Reg. $26.97 Our Price $6.00 125 - Sets Singles, Doubles, Queen & King Size Box Spring & Mattress 250-312 coil set... Reg., firm, extra firm.... 40 - 50% Off Retail 31-5 Band Radio AC/DC...portable....dealer cost $69.95 Retail $89.95 Our Price $45.00 2,000 - Christmas Candles.... Reg. $3.50 Our Price $1.50 24 - Adding Machines....Delux....Reg. $189.95 Our Price $98.95 80 - Cassette Players AC/DC....AU Around Wholesale.... Tools of all kinds, tool boxes, jumper cables, open end & box end wrench 5et5....50-70% 0ff..... INC. YORK - 4585 W. MARKET ST. PHONE 792-3502 D
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers