Up production and profits 16% Test Cow v < VV' ''7' '''Zf.M < xx~4: *£*■* V f*' ¥ »a. Horse feed and dog food? Asi| your Wayne '««s»sgiK | J I mm ** % RiiFF\ H® is i ft §5 »B«5BaS manor ttlmv •: "•■•',■' simiiii mu, m. ’=' ■ mz ratiMii • '” IaAIHI’S MIILIKSIRVICE W.LMUMMERIEt WAIKFEEKIS WfIEHAU Wholesale ■ ;;;■ RDI. Nottmg&OLpA 301-398-4661 High & Pir»str*«S ".. ¥»(s{*»* Hall Road Manheim, PA '' ' y7p66s^*;f'■; '' ,C Hanover,PA 17331 - 717-637-6923 3Ol-329-2171 *, m DUTCHMAN FEED MILLJUfALTirtBp MIH, :■ THE FARM STORE X J BRANDT’S MILL 717-733-3020 ' '.\ <,,, '&&*543. Rtf;- . / franklin & Laur«*s& c '>- 830 Maple St. Forest HB|,»D2JDSO . 301-838-4080 " PottStown, PA19464 > - 215-326-9343 Lebanon, PA 17042 717-272-6781 A«eKO»«K. VA»-«ARFEEDS, INC. , ■>„, ;*P|P^V4'. Wilt WAYNE WAYNE DRY DOG FOOD -.,-l „ 4 Used and recommended by professionals, who love and know dogs best RUFPN REDI Pellets are grain and roughage, protein, minerals and vitamins - all blended together with tasty cane molasses. V>r;sfi- - «4&' > 5 , v - ' -, *■ v " v v - > > Hsj, <>• ' y *>»' ->'^ v •c v -V >'Sri% ■> <- -< ’ f, '» " rsr { < * r -* { * > - t '**■•' > ” '"tfS/r t fi v. > ♦ J^ 4 * •" dealer Wayne 16% give you maximum help put money The complete, pelleted feed for dairy cows gives you: •High energy, to balance the low energy of hay •Low fiber, to balance the high fiber of hay •Mineral mineral Feed Wayne 16% with hay or hay and moderate levels of corn silage or haylage, for top production and profit. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977 Test Cow Pellets can m fortification, deficiencies production, an your pocket! to balance in hay Test Cow Pellets 41
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