Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 19, 1977, Image 39
Grassland travelers recall highs of K.C. trip By DIETER KRIEG at the Golden Anniversary of NEW HOLLAND the FFA with 12 students “Everyone who attended the from the eastern Lancaster Kansas City Convention at County area. Leaving its 50th year had a great time Garden Spot High School at 6 and I’m proud to have been a a.m. on Nov. 5, the group part of the celebration,” spent nine days away from says Maxine Messner in a the usual activities at home review of the recent trip. and in school. The Grassland FFA What did they think of Chapter, of which Maxine is their trip toiCansas City? To a member, was represented (Continued on Page 34) NEW HOLLAND SALESSTABLES WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23,1977 12:30 P.M. Sharp Two complete herd dispersals, one herd of 100 head of Holsteins from Eastern shore of Maryland, 65 cows in all stages of production. Will be checked by the Vet for pregnancy. 20 springers & 15 cows strictly fresh. Several Thanksgiving Turkeys will be given with this herd. H.D. Mate is consigning a load of fresh & springing cows, several Registered. Kelly Bowser will have one load of springing & fresh cows and a complete herd of 32 head from Butler Co. Norman Kolb will have a load of New York springers & fresh cows, a few Registered with records. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. Abe Diffenbach, Mgr. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD GOODS Moving from my farm home where I have resided for the past 55 years, I will sell on the premises along Rt. #194, between Keymar & Taneytown, Carroll County, Maryland on: SAT., NOVEMBER 26,1977 At 10 A. M. the following; Wal.Vict. dbl. dr. wardrobe, oak roll top desk w/“C” roll, 3 pc. oak bedroom suite, oak mirrored buffet, sq. oak ext. table, kitchen safe, 2 pc. kitchen cabinet, soft wood wash stand, dry sink, oak ice box, M.T. parlor stand, BUTLERS DESK, early wal. cradle, oak larkins desk & book case comb.; spinet desk, brass bed, needs repairs; REGINA MUSIC BOX w/5 tin disc’s, plays perfect; Ige. Viet, hall rack w/marble shelf & mirror, round oak pedestal table, 5 pc. late Viet, parlor suite, VOUGH UPRIGHT PIANO, good; B&C piano stool, 2 door oak wardrobe, Ige. old kitchen cupboard, wal. swivel chair, oak dresser & wash stands, open wash stand, 2 rope beds, Jenny Lind spool bed, clothes tree, flour chest, WURLITZER ELEC. ORGAN, 4 I.C. chairs, 6 leather seat oak din. room chairs, wicker Vic torian baby buggy, wicker rocker & chairs, oak curved glass china closet, B&C oak stand, 7 pc. dm. room suite, ca. 1940; Kalmazoo cook stove, modern comer cupboard, Hobart elec, store size coffee grinder w/orig. red paint, copper apple butter kettle, morris chair, maple tea cart, sleigh bed, orig. cherry boy & girl, late Viet. love seat, oak slant front desk, crosley tall case comb, radio & clock, ca. 1925; D.H. sewing machine, set of 6 solid bottom oak kitchen chairs, 7 pc. maple dinette set, softwood wash stand, D.L. table, mounted deer head, regulator wall clock, banjo clock, oak shelf clock, heatrola, sm. oil heater, KELVINATOR FROST FREE REFG., Hot Point range, I.N.H. chest type freezer, victrola round top trunk, odd chairs & rockers, oak wall phone, iron baby crib, orig. red satin glass bulls eye G.W.W. lamp, G.W.W. lamp w/painted globes, lamp w/art glass shade, sev. glass oil lamps, hanging lamp w/china shade & prisms, I.S. china, canival glass, depression glass, 7 pc. flowered toilet set, S.T. creamer, pressed glass, choc, set, copper Justre pitcher, cherry seeder, old chip beef slicef, adv. tins & store boxes, com dryer, C.I. cook pot, Ige. tin dough pan, tin bread maker, milk cans, crocks & jugs, blacksmith forge, C.C. saw, garden seeder, fodder chopper, com sheller, barshear plow, old feed chest, sm. tools, pictures & frames, many unlisted items for full day sale. TERMS: Cash on day of sale. Not responsible for any accidents on premises. Sale in tent. Bring your own folding chair. Sorry, no inspection until day of sale. Mrs. Alice M. Reisnider Austin Bohn, Auctioneer Ph: 775-7607 Jacob Aftvater, Clerk (LUNCH RIGHTS RESERVED) Bob Lauffer, left, and Bob Woods, right, both vo ag teachers at Garden Spot High School, ac companied a dozen FFA’ers from their chapter to the 50th Anniversary Convention of the National FFA. The students are, from left to right, front row: Maxine Messner, Eileen Messner, Clifford D. FARM SALE Rte. 226 at Bradford, N.Y., 15 mi. from Bath or Corning, off Rte. 17 Expressway. TOES., NOV. 19th 51 good Holstelns (35 cows, mainly due in next 60 days, bal. Mrs.). An exceptionally outstanding line of new and nearly-new equipment!! JD items: 4 tractors (4230 D, 3020, 620, & 320), 3500 chopper (2-row com & p.u.), new 336 baler, 800 s.p. windrower, 4-row fiberglass planter w/liquid fert., 17 drill, 20’ trans. drag, 5-b. plow, 700 grinder-mixer, 4 s.u. wagons (125 w/roof & 115, two 214’s -1 w/roof). NI 327 new 2-row picker. MH Super 92 s.p. 14’ combine, Badger 200 bu. spreader, gravity box, 4 flat bed wagons, and much more!! Excellent C6OO Ford short-nose hoist truck w/14’ body. Bulk tank, dump station, 2,000 bales Ist & 2nd cutting hay, 700 bales straw, SOT. ear com, 200 T. silage, etc. Small items sell first, so come early!! For •full list or info, contact Rumsey Sales, Bath, N.Y. (607-776-3478). Owned by Mr. & Mr*. Richard Machuga • Flats repaired or replaced promptly • Tube valves replaced l • I ires liquid-filled' • Tire sales & service for every truck tractor and auto on your farm 1 PHILIP LEBZELTER & SON CO. (Independent Goodyear Dealer) 1062 Manheim Pike, Lancaster, PA 17604 MACHUGA at 10 A.M. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977—3! Martin, Linda Martin, Duane Weber, Brian Hess and Cliff R. Martin. Back row, left to right: J.M. Fink, Pennsylvania regional program coordinator, Tim Sheaffer, Craig Sheaffer, Brian Wise, Ken Wanner. Also at Kansas City, but not present for the picture was Clifford Hurst. FARM EQUIPMENT USED EQUIPMENT • Ford 602 2-Row Mtd. Picker • Oliver 1650 • Case 950 Windrower • JD 18 Picker • Int. 1456 4-Wh. Drive Tractor • Case 1740 Uniloader • NH PTO 77 Baler • Case V-12 Shredder • MF 414 Plow • Easy-Flo Cutditioner •NI Unisystem - 705 Tractor w/727 picker •NI Unisystem - 702 Tractor, 710 Combine & 760 Harvester • 320 Hesston Wind rower, Self Propelled • Case 5-Bot. Plow, Semi- Mtd. ■ 6 Bottom MF Plow • MF 5-Bot Plow, Semi- Mtd. • JD 40 Tractor with Cult. • DC Case Tractor • Case 1537 Uniloader • Case 32 ft. 6 in. Auger • MF Flail Chopper • Wood Bros., 1 Row Picker • MF 1150 •JD 227 Mtd. Corn Picker • Colby 2 beater Forage Box w. Running Gear • N.l. Loader • Oliver Loader • Case 555 Wmdrower • Ford 4-Row Corn Planter • John Deere 2-Row Planter • John Deere MT • HesstonStakhand3o • 990 David Brown • Selectomatic 990 David Brown • JD4-Bot. Trailer Plow HARVESTERS • IH 55 Harvester • Case 300 Harvester + 8 Used Spreaders -JL. to Pick From 1 Dunham - Lehr CHISEL PLOWS SPECIAL PRICE mi ZIMMERMAN’S FARM SERVICE Bethel, Pa Phone 717-933-4114 USED EQUIPMENT J.D. A Tractor J.D. 2020 Diesel J.D.4020 Diesel J.D. 4020, Powershift and Roll Guard J.D. 2630 Diesel A.C. B Tractor w cultivators Farmall Super C w loaderfc Equip. Fox Chopper w-3-row head M.F. 410 Diesel Com bine w-Grain Head J.D. 14T, 24T & 224 T Balers N.H. 275 Baler w/kicker Hesston 56 Round Baler Hesston 10’ Mower Con ditioner J.D. 1640 Disk 12’6” J.D. AW Disk 11’ J.D. 15’ Roller Harrow J.D. F 145 4-16” Semi mtd. Plow WENGER IMPLEMENT, INC. The Buck, PA 717-2844141 USED EQUIPMENT FarmallCw-cult. FarmallMD FarmallH JDA JDB MH44 MH 44 w-loader Ontario Grain Drills JD Grain Drills AC WD 45 Tractor MF6S MF 510 Combine MH 33 Tractor MF3SD MF Cornheads MF4IO Combine MF Snowblowers NEW EQUIPMENT MF 230 Tractor MF 265 Tractor MF 1085 Tractor NI Cornpickers MF 245 Tractor Wagons with Flats N. H. FLICKER & SONS, INC. Box 68 Max* tawny, Pa. 19538 215-683-7252