üblic Sales Register 26 1130 AM ie, Herd Dispersal of Isteins, Hay, Straw, & .ocated in Lykens iuphm County, Pa , 6 of Millersburg, 4 mi Berrysville, just North 25 from Harrisburg 322 West to Rt 147 , Rt 25 East, at Animal Hospital turn >rms by Paul 4 Mary jrry Auctioneer ersheim 26 - Public Sale of- Dell Motel and Shor- Greenhouses, Anti other Personal Pro- Located along ;ville Rd , 1 block from at Adamstown, Lan i, Pa Terms by Mr & toy Landis H H Leid, ir 26 - Valuable Real Sale of res of the William A II Estate Located ap ! miles East of Nor- Md , just South of the line in Harford Co, jth sides of Channell , both sides of Butter approx Vz mile East of Rd Watch for signs ’er Robert L Sechnst 26 - 10 A M Public of the Estate of Samuel Located RD 1, Talbot , Honey Brook, Pa 2 miles Northeast of Brook) Roy L Martin, ?er JV 26 - 10 A M Public Cattle and Machinery Ix k mile South of Orr ilongTowmship Rt 604, n Nyesville and Dn iester E & Martha A in, Owners Kenneth irman, Auctioneer N 26-10 30AM Auc le of Household Goods, js, and Personal mgs Located on Eden lox 265, RD 3, Quar- Pa Owner Mrs Inez Z i George Gibley, Auc- 10V 26 - 10 A M Public ' Valuable Antiques and lold Goods. Located . 194, between Keymar jytown, Carroll Co., Md. I Mrs Alice M Reismder. Bohn, Auctioneer & WED NOV. 29 & 30- Auction of Vehicles, ’nance Equipment, REAL ESTATE AND FAIR STOCK AT PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10,1977 Located along old Rt 11, 2 mi. east of Dan ville, just across road from Frosty Valley Golf Course. 7 room ranch type dwelling, includes 3 bedrooms, full bath, living room w/stone fireplace, hard wood floors, modem kitchen w/built in stainless steel elec, range & hood, also a finished room in basement. Large closets, dec. heat & water from drilled well. 1 car garage and breezeway w/doors that can be used as garage. Ex cellent state of repair, built new in 1963, on lot approx. 150 xl6O ft. TERMS: 10% down at time of knockoff, other terms tune of sale. INSPECTION: Invited on following dates and time °nly: November 26 and December 3,1:00 to 4:00 P.M. and entire day of sale. 1 certificate of Bloomsburg Fair Stock. TERMS: Cash or good check. Also selling household goods & antiques at 10:00 A.M. SALE IN TENT Owner, CLARENCE E. DERR Esther Derr Sandel, P.O.A. Ph. 717-784-0299 tong Bros., Aucts. R.D. #2 Port Royal, Pa. 17082 Ph. 717-527-4784 Classic Cars, Tools, Machines, Chattels, and Personal Collec tion Located at Aeroflex Air field, just off Rt 206, Andover, Sussex Co , NJ Don Castner, Auctioneer TUES NOV 29 - 10 A M Machuga Farm Sale Located on Rt 226 at Bradford, NY, 15 miles from Bath or Corning, off Rt 17 Expressway Owners Mr & Mrs Richard Machuga Rumsey Sales. DECEMBER SAT DEC 3-1030 AM Going Out Of Business Two Day Public Sale of Valuable Lawn, Garden, Shop and Office Equipment. Located along Rt 897 between Terre Hill and Fivepointville, East Earl Twp., Lancaster Co, Pa Sale for Gehman Bros, Earl H Gehman, Owner Auctioneers Nevm Z Martin, Lewis B Groff. SAT. DEC 3 - 9 30 A M Public Sale of Real Estate, Antiques and Farm Machinery Located on the premises at Rt 6, Lebanon, Bethel Twp, Lebanon County Take Rt 343 North from Lebanon to Shirk's Shooting Supplies and take Freeport Rd East to Union Rd and turn North and continue across the Swatara Creek to farm on left Conditions by Emerson Wenger. Harry H Bachman, Auctioneer SAT DEC 3 - 3 PM Public Auction of 170 Acre Farm, Caroline Co, Md Located 3 miles NE of Goldsboro, Md, from Rt 313, take 312 to Bridgetown, turn left on Bridgetown Rd and right on Dayßd to farm Harry Rudmck & Sons, Auctioneers. SAT. DEC 3 - Tractor and Machinery Consignment Sale. Located at the Visscher Farm, Nichols, NY. Take Nichols Exit off Rt. 17 (Southern Tier Ex pressway), follow arrows Howard Visscher and Ed Goodrich, Jr, Auctioneers. SAT. DEC 3-IPM Special Horse Sale at the Danville Livestock Market, located Old Rt. 11, Danville, Pa Owner Bob Biel. WED DEC 7 - Public Sale of Farm Machinery & Personal Property. North Cornwall Twp., Lebanon Co., Pa Owner l:OOP.M. REAL ESTATE FAIR STOCK Edwin Ressler Auctioneer Earl Buffenmeyer FRI DEC 9 - Public Sale of 95 Acre Dairy Farm Located app IVz mile South of New Holland along S Kmzer Ave Terms by George Weaver Elton & Alvin Horning, Auctioneers FRI DEC 9 - 12 Noon Public Sale of 2 Houses, Household Goods & Tools Located along road from Truce to Rawlmsville, 12 miles South of Lancaster off Rt 272 Terms by Elizabeth H Peifer, Ex ecutrix of the Estate of John H Herr, Jr, deceased Auc tioneers J Everett Kreider & Carl Diller SAT DEC 10-930 AM Caleb Wenger's Liquidation Sale Located along Rt 272, 3 mi South of The Buck and 15 mi South of Lancaster Terms by Caleb M Wenger Auctioneers Carl Diller & Everett Kreider SAT DEC 10 - 930 AM Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate, Farm Machinery and Personal Property Located at RD 1, Wnghtsville, Pa app % of a mile from Craley on the road from Craley to New Bndgeville Owners Mr & Mrs Ralph Olphm Jacob A Gilbert, Auctioneer SAT DEC 10 - 10 A M Public Sale of 2 Properties and Farm Machinery Located just West of Jet. Rt 10 & Rt 340, Salisbury Twp, Lane Co Terms by M Simon Zook Elton & Alvin Horning, Auctioneers THURS DEC 15 - Public Sale of 160 head Registered and Grade Holstems North Lebanon Twp , Lebanon Co , Pa Owner Showerdale Farms Auctioneer Earl Buffenmeyer FRI. DEC. 16 - 8 P M. Cow Sale at the Black & White Holstein Farm, Lancaster, Pa. across from the Comet Drive-in Theater or V* mile West of breeding unit Charles C Myers, Owner. SAT. DEC. 17 - 9:30 A.M. Con signment Sale by David H. Good located Vz mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave in Leola, Lancaster Co, Pa Watch for sale sign F. Snyder, R. Martin, C Wolgemuth, J Fry, and L. Horst, Auctioneers. SAT DEC. 17 -1 P.M Special Horse Sale at the Danville Livestock Market, located Old Rt. 11, Danville, Pa Owner Bob Biel MON. DEC 19-930 AM Con signment Sale of Farm Equip ment by Wengers, Inc , South Race St, Myerstown, Pa just off Route 501 and 422 in Myerstown JANUARY SAT. JAN. 7 - Public Sale of Farm Implements & Household Goods Located 2 mi North of sss SAVE sss PUBLIC AUCTION EVERY WEDNESDAY, 6:00 PM Full line of furniture, antiques and misc. & collectibles. BARR’S AUCTION & EXCHANGE Rt 322 just east of newßl 222 Ephrata, Pa 717 733 9694 717 733 9695 New Furniture Outlet Open 9-8 Daily Orthopedic box springs and mattresses, bedroom and living room suites. 20, 30 & 40 per cent cash discounts. “Estate Specialists” village of Bowmansville in Lan caster Co Sale by Robert E Fisher Auctioneers Leßoy S & PaulW Horst TUES JAN 24 - 130 P M Public Sale of 90 Acre Farm m Lancaster Co Located 3 miles East of Intercourse, along Rt 340 Terms by H S Lapp Steve Petersheim, Auctioneer SAT JAN 28 -12 Noon Sharp Consignment Horse Sale at the Keister’s Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc, Rt 522, 3 miles East of Middleburg, 5 miles West of Selmsgrove, Pa Don and Walt Keister, owners Larry Long, Auctioneer FBRiMW SAT FEB 4 - 11 A M Harlan M Martin - Hackman Rd , RD 1, Ephrata, Pa Horning Farm Agency, Inc Elton & Alvin Hor ning, Auct THURS FEB 9 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment Located West end of Long Lane Rd , 2 miles off Rt 625, midway bet ween Terre Hill and Matmsdale, app 1 mile East of Martmdale in Lancaster Co, Pa Sale by Ivan M Hurst Leßoy S Horst and Paul W Horst, Auctioneers MON FEB 20 -10 A.M Public Sale of Farm Machinery & Tools Located adjacent to the Borough of Biglerville, Pa on Rt 34 (Gettysburg to Bigter ville Rd). Owners Fred & Betty Baker Auctioneer C. Da'vid Redding WED FEB 22 - Public Auction of Complete Line of Outstan ding Farm Machinery located along Koser Road, RD 3 Lititz, Pa Take Route 501 North of Neffsville, Pa % mile West of the Lancaster Airport Sale by August and Evelyn Suess. Sale conducted by J. Omar Landis Auction Service, J. Omar Lan dis and Jay M Witman, Auc tioneers MARCH SAT. MAR 4 - 9 A.M Annual Bart Twp. Fire Co Sale. Located in Georgetown, Bart, Pa. THURS MARCH 23 - 10.30 A.M. Public Sale of Outstan ding Line of Farm Machinery and Household Goods located 2 miles Northwest of Manheim along Earhart Road Sale by Ar thur D. and Mary Kathryn Wenger, Manheim RD 6, Pa Sale conducted by J Omar Landis Auction Service, J Omar Landis and Jay Witman, Auctioneers SAT. MAR. 25 - 9 A.M Annual Tn-County Quilt Sale at the Farm Show Buildidg, Har risburg, Pa MAY SAT MAY 6, 1978 - Bratton Charolais Ranch Production Sale at the farm, McVeytown, Pa Sale Manager. Buzz Garey, 100 Walnut Lane, Mor nsville, Pa 19067 PIGS Have you ever attended the “State Graded” Feeder Pig Sales at Westminster 9 + Lots of pigs + Easy to get to + Super sanitary +Outstandmg quality +’Quick service FRI., NOV. 25 1:30 PJJ. WESTMINSTER LIVESTOCK AUCTION Fur directions oi info call culler t <3ol' 733- Kl‘>‘ W n(, •' a 108 Haaerslorvi, uu Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977—123 pT Auctioneer's Have a nice weekend- talk to a neighbor COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE Also itemized Appraisals Auctioneer; STEVE PETERSHEIM RD#2, Cochranville, Pa. 19330 Phone: 215-869-2508 PAUL E. SANGER Realestate Auctioneer The Farm Realestate Specialist Licensed, Bonded Registered & Experienced Call 717-272-1025 Lebanon, PA SPECIALIZING In Holstein and general farm sales 808 KAUFFMAN Auctioneer Licensed & Bonded RDI, Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022 Phone 717-367-3550 JAY HOWES Pedigrees Box 81, RDI, Warriors Mark, Pa. Phone 814-692-8980 RANDAL V. A LLOYD H. KLINE g KREIDER 717-733-1006 717-786-3394 Auctioneers & Sales Managers Specializing in: Dany & Farm Machinery Sales, Real Estate - Public or Private Sale, Complete Professional Auction Service with Tent Available > PUBLIC AUCTION •£<%KiCi& j4etetio* Svwiot RDS, MANHEIM, PA. " PHONE (717) 665-5735 PROFESSIONAL • LICENSED AUCTIONEERS i. OMAR LANDIS & J. M. WITMAN “SPECIALISTS” • AUTOMOBILES • ANTIQUES-FURNISHINGS • ESTATES • LIVESTOCK-MACHINERY • REAL ESTATE • MAILING LIST AVAILABLE We are now listing Spring Sales. Directory AUCTIONEERS FRANK & PAUL SNYDER Livestock, Farm Equipment, Household Goods, Antiques No sale too small or too large 717-859-2688 717-733-7052 FOR COMPLETE SERVICE CALL JOHN E. MARTIN RDI, Durlach Road, Ephrata 733-3511 or PAUL E. MARTIN Stevens, RDI, Box 561 733-3305 LICENSED AUCTIONEERS No Sale Too Small or Large Tents Available J. ROBERT WALTON AUCTIONEER Since 1960 LICENSED and BONDED RD2, Holtwood, PA 17532 Ph. (Rawlmsville) 717-284-2129
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