American Agri By JOYCE BUPP York Co. Reporter | GREEN BAY, Wis - Agri-Women pleads for unity in agriculture,” says Joan Adams, newly elected coordinator of the national coalition of farm and ranch women’s organizations and individuals. Members of the organization and its af filiates met in Green Bay for PUBLIC SALE OF CATTLE & MACHINERY The undersigned, having sold their farm, will sell Vz mile South of Orrstown, along Township Route 604, between Nyesville & Orrstown,on SATURDAY, NOV. 26,1977 AT 10:00 A.M. Two 5,000 Ford tractors, both in good running con dition, 1 equipped with turbo & oversized tires; J.D.A. tractor in good condition, N.H. flail manure spreader, used just 3 years; N.H. self unloading wagon, 1 Grove self unloading wagon, J.D. 4 row 1240 com planter, complete with fertilizer & insecticide boxes; Case 300 forage harvester with 2 row com head & grass pickup, 300 Case harvester, Hustler 56” fan PTO blower, 6 sections of 9” pipe for same, Case 650 self propelled windrower, Lely wheel side rake, International 641 big roll baler, 40’ tandem axle trailer for large bales, 3 pt. hookup big bale mover, 16’ bale conveyor, Little Giant 28’ elevator complete with motor, 20’4” Auger elevator, MM uniharvester combine with ps & pickup, real, Athens 7’ chisel plow, 2 bottom 3 pt. plow, cultimulsher, MF flail chopper, tractor cab to fit most tractors, Patz stable cleaner used for feeder, large steel water trough, AC 12’ transport disc harrow, 4 rolls of com crib wire, 60’ per roll, 4’ high; feed cart, wheelbarrow, pony cart, 35 gal. Ce-Pe-CO #lO oil, kettle furnace, cow trainers, 12’ feed rack with roof, electric fly killer, table saw, Case harvester. Case elevator, NH blower for parts. 32 Head of cattle, 8 head freshened past 2 months, 3 fresh sale day, some due by first of year, rest of herd in various stages of lactation (1) 18 month old heifer. Some could have been registered; all animals tested within- 30 days. . (2) 12’x50’ silos of com & sorghum silage, does not need to be moved until February of 1978. Also, unloaders may be used to unload same. Small amount of small items, so plan to comearly. Articles too numerous to mention. TERMS; Cash. Lunch stand reserved Auct. Kenneth M. Upperman PUBLIC SALE MISC. LUMBER, HARDWARE and MILLWORK Tuesday, November 22,1977 9:00 A.M. Located at Keath Planning Mill E, Front St., Lititz Pa. Consisting of the following items, Window & door frames, sash, trim, mouldings, shutters, blinds, An derson window units, Curtis window units, sash pulleys, window balances. Shelving racks, flush solid core and fire rated doors. Various window units, Veneering strips, drawer slides, closet poles, hinges, misc. hardware. Cabinet handles, door and drawer pulls, marble slabs, misc. doors, porch posts, pew samples, flooring, 60 sheets McLamine comp, ply wood. Also misc. items not mentioned. Sale By KEATH PLANING MILL CO. Debtor in Possession Geisenberger, Zimmerman Pfannebecker & Atlee 212*72 E. King St. Lane. Pa. Council for debtor in Possession Box 383 / Lititz R.D.6 Pa. 17543 Elmer Murry 626-5244 or 626-2636 Richard Murry 626-1175 Ken Miller 665-2073 Professional Auctioneers Appraisers, and Advisors Since 1953 their annual convention November 9 to 11 at the Port Plaza Inn. “We deplore the farm economic crisis, as well as the resulting impact to the national economy. We urge A.A.W. members to obtain complete information about the American Agriculture movement, which is not affiliated with American Agri-Women. Each in- LESTER E. & MARTHA A. REINEMAN Women meet, choose co-ordinator dividual member is urged to participate in the movement to whatever extent their personal opinion dictates,” stressed the new head of the organization. Mrs. Adams’ statement was released the final day of the convention, after some media stories linked the farm women’s involvement with the stricke movement being headed up by American Agriculture. American Agri-Women issued a challenge to all farm organizations, com modity groups, and cooperatives to unite with them toward achieving a unified voice for all agriculture. “We must reconcile long held philosophical dif ferences regarding agricultural economics in favor of common goals that will better insure the sur vival of the family farm,” urged Mrs. Adams. Over 100 delegates from across the country met during the Green Bay converence to elect new PUBLIC SALE MANY ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS Tuesday evening, NOVEMBER 22,1977 Time: 4:30 SHARP Due to selling home, will have Public Sale in the New Oxvord Fire Hall, North Bolton St., New Oxford, Pa., the following; Nice pine hutch table; fine Jerome & Darrow shelf clock w/Frances Key Home picture; nice bow front 4- drawer dresser, straight end; blanket chest, yellow grain dovetail; mahogany white marble-top dresser w/nice high back bed; walnut brown marble-top dresser & bed to match; 1-drawer wash bowl stand having soft paste wash bowl & pitcher to fit; white marble-top dresser & wall mirror; large mahogany round-top pedestal table; 3 very nice miniature side boards; 4 5-spindle kitchen window chairs; large walnut 6-leg drop-leaf table; fine small unusual walnut writing desk; 1-drawer square-leg side stand; Empire mahogany side board & large wall mirror; Empire sofa; 2 Cathedral chairs; mahogany Duncan Phyfe card table; walnut Empire card table; large oak floor coat & hat rack w/carvings, Lion Head & Claw Foot; Lincoln rocker; 3 mahogany side chairs; 9 cane seat chairs; shelf clock; ladies Victorian chair; walnut wardrobe; walnut 1-drawer bed side talbe; cane seat rocker; 9 plank seat chairs; spool stand w/tire drops; oak flat-top writing desk; Empire stand; barrel chair; walnut wash stand; Empire bureau; 4 reed porch chairs; Cottage high-back bed; curved-top trunk; bed room commode; fine pine dty sink cupboard w/3 drawers across top; pine bed side table; very unusual oil heater; treadle sewing machine; iron floor lamps; parlor chairs; rock maple dresser; nice table model victrola; picture frames; reed fem stand; baskets; costumes; iron lawn stem flower planter; buck saw; wood wheel barrow; te-gal. size china canary color bowl; fine 1-gal. yellow & brown soft paste water pitcher w/pea fowl; fire place bellows; masonic slop jar; dishes; nice knabe upright piano, recently tuned & stool. Maple Ethan Allen reporduction Queen Ann Biscuit foot table w/boards; wringer washer; splint seat porch chairs & settee; Airline 19/ portable TV; day bed; chrome utility table; metal kitchen cabinet; Elec trolux sweeper; bookcase; clothes trees; oil heater; 2 rugs - B’xl7’ & 9’xls’; scattered braded rugs; 3 B’xlO’ fiber rugs; nice 24”x24” York metal safe; upholstered chairs; 90-pc. set of Currier & Ives china dishes; Springfield Stevens 22 Model 87A repeater rifle; bedding; empty fruit jars; dishes; cookware; Hahn Eclipse rotary power driven mower; reel hand mowers; lawn roller; 2 lawn metal wheel barrows; aluminum 10’ extension ladder; 6’ step ladder; garden tools; many items not mentioned due to congestion. Owners WIN. FLAHERTY BLANCH SMITH Auctioneer Clair R. Slaybaugh idaville, Pa., Phone 677-7479 NOTE; No inspection until day of Sale; A real nice lot of Household Items. Joan Adams national officers and adopt a revised set of by-laws. Gail McPherson, New Park Rl, headed up the goals committee and presented to the business session a list of 28 areas of concern adopted by the delegates as direc tives in policy-setting for the A.A.W. Included are ANTIQUES MODERN Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977—119 statements on bureaucratic regulations and intervention in farming, estate planning, land use, nutrition labeling, and legislation. During a closing day panel on the needs of rural women, Mrs. McPherson also presented her award winning “Case for the Professional Farm Wife”. Another York County farm woman, Ethel Gross, Manchester R 2, served on the ways and means com mittee and co-chaired an A.A.W. cookbook com mittee. The newly-published collection of favorite recipes from farm and ranch women across the states went on sale exclusively at the Green Bay convention and will be available through the Penn’s Agri-Women affiliate of the national coalition. Packed into the three-day conference were early morning through late night sessions covering agricultural economics, lobbying, public relations, farm land preservation and estate planning. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FARM MACHINERY & PERSONAL PROPERTY ON SAT., DEC. 10,1977 At 9:30 A.M. Sharp At R.D. #l, Wrightsville, Pa., approx. V* of a mile from Craley on the road from Craley to New Bridgeville. The undersigned will offer at public sale the following. Farm consisting of approx. 54 acres of which there are approx. 40 acres of good fertile fanning land, balance in pasture & woodland, 2 springs on this farm, farm pond, some road frontage on Craley-New Bridgeville Road. Improvements consists of a log & frame house with siding, 3 rooms on first floor, 3 rooms & bath upstairs, comode in basement, coal furnace, also summerhouse, frame bam, storage shed, 3-car garage & other out bldg., good well of water. Here is a farm that could be used in various ways. Will be open for inspection on Sat. Nov. 26 and Sat. Dec. 3,10 A.M. to 3 P.M. Will be offered at 1 P.M. on day of sale. Terms: 10% down, balance in 60 days. Other conditions will be made known at time of sale. Anyone looking for a farm, be sure to inspect this one & attend this public sale. FARM MACHINERY 1953 Ford Jubilee tractor recently overhauled & in good condition, workers, two bottom plow, snow blade, tractor chains is pulley, J. Deere rubber tire wagon, Dearborn double row com planter, J. Deere 25 tooth spring harrow, disc, cultipacker spring harrow combination, Farquahr manure spreader on rubber, J. Deere side delivery rake on steel, old drill, team cuhvators, walking culivator, spike harrow, potato weeder, furrow plow, circle saw, two wheel rubber tire trailer, 260 gal. gas tank, two hole com sheller with motor, platform scales, 4 hole hog feeder, step ladder, 40 ft. ladder, grindstone, pile of 15” wagon tires, plastic pipe, bags, 2 fence chargers, tobacco shears is spears, 6 log chains, 5 motors, 6 iron hog troughs, asst, hand tools, forks, single & double trees, usual small items off wagon. PERSONAL PROPERTY & ANTIQUES 1968 Chev. 4 ton pickup truck 6 cyl. heater -18,000 miles, extra wheels & tires-truck is m good condition, Columbian cook stove, breakfast set, 3 pc. living room suite, dresser, vanity, table radio, porch swing, baby crib, 2 meat grinders, meat bench, ladle, sausage stuffer, 1-2-5-12 gal. crocks, odd chairs, 2 wash stands, coal heatrola, 2 butcher kettles, butter chum on stand, 5 high back kitchen chairs, hanging scales, charcoal grill, small iron wine press, library table, metal utility cabinet, elec, frying pan, mixer & coffee pot, dishes, jars, also approx. 4% ton of stove coal and many other articles to numerous to mention. Not responsible for accidents on day of sale. Refreshments by East Prospect Fire Co. Terms; Cash or Approved Check MR. & MRS. RALPH OLPHIN Auctioneer Jacob A. Gilbert Clerks Kline, Gohn, Gilbert Attorney J. Ross McGinnis Keynote speaker was Dr. Harold Briemeyer, an Extension economist and professor at the University of Missouri. Other special speakers included Dr. Randall Torgerson, ad ministrator of the Farmer Cooperative Service and Dr. Betty Hamlin, an education specialist and Oregon farm wife partner in a 1000 acre vegetable and blueberry operation. The Thursday evening awards banquet featured four farm wife winners of the “Leaven” award. Winners were: Patricia “Corkey” Larson, California farm wife who has been deeply in volved in the farm labor controversies; Sharon Steffens, Michigan farm wife who has served as the first AAW national coor dinator; Nancy Smidle, assistant national AAW coordinator from Wiscon son; and Joan Adams, who organized the Oklahoma farm women and led several successful lobbying trips to Washington, D.C. FARM
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