—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977 118 Top colored breed bulls Cherry Noble Bruce Forest Pompey Parson Hi-Land Bounty Model Quicksilver Phils Favorite Juan Quicksilvers Golden Lad Triumph Shelias Judge Satucket Fadas Orator Har-Bet Coralads Eagle Stardust Star-Trek Maple Lawn Roxy Lotus Pixys Eagle Magic Gramhil Leader Sophia Samson High Lawn Oracle Stardust Heritage Trinitys Milkboy Sultan Generators Dairyman Pixy Tristram Xanthic Term Lotus BCB Lad Milk King Pixys Baronet Joe Dorchester Signal Pmn Adonis Salute Triumph Supreme Lad Prides Tristram Star Milestone Beacons Romeo Doris Secret Favorite Paint horse show winners named HARRISBURG Exhibitors from Indiana trotted off with the three grand championships in Paint Horse competition as Paint Horse classes were judged for the third year at the Keystone International Livestock Exposition in Harrisburg. “Sir Barton Breeze,” a three-year-old stallion owned by Carl A. Ross of Shelbyville, Indiana, was tabbed grand champion stallion of the Paint Horse Show. Another entry from Shelbyville, “Sweetie Reed,” a three-year-old filly exhibited by Tom and Cindy Nelson, was named the grand champion mare. “Two D King,” a four (Continued from Page 112) 09 9,867 5.15 40 9,971 4 ,3 01 10,751 4 99 11 13,280 5 06 11 12,159 4.97 29 11,382 5.10 07 11,774 4 76 29 10,570 4.65 14 10,701 4.76 29 10,962 4.61 29 10,039 5.31 29 12,432 4.48 07 12,075 4.60 29 10,774 4.94 07 10,837 4.80 03 9,809 5.11 07 10,456 4.52 01 11,468 4.75 08 10,506 4.36, 40 11,007 5.03 01 11,628 4.64 40 9,471 4.24 11 11,357 5.01 14 12,090 4.82 21 10,972 4.62 29 11,490 4.60 27 11,454 4.74 year-old gelding, was named champion gelding. “King” was exhibited by Rebecca S. Walter of Kendallville, In diana. Reserve grand champion gelding honors went to a two-vear-old gelding named “Buzz Off,” exhibited by Joann S. Bronson, Pottstown, Mon tgomery County, Pa. Another Indiana entry, “Taura Leaf,” a three-year old exhibited by W. Lit tlejohn and L. Saurez, of Cedar Lake, was named reserve grand champion stallion. The reserve grand champion mare title went to “Snip’s Miss Kitty,” a three year-old filly exhibited by Carol Corogin of Lorain, 01 A reversible money belt, brown and black, keeps money hidden, but readily accessible Star Sei ret 'J i igger Pixv s’Kc> stone B \V Jeweler. Lotus Kcnada Noble Victoiy Priceless Revival Masters Casanova Fair Weather Juggler Mills Banker Minn Duke Darius Wildwood D’s Red King 2D Lil> dale Lucj *s Promise 10th U of Minn Dexter Duke U of Minn Majesty Marlin Volga-s Bold Venture U of Minn Advent D"Pilot U of Minn Dara’s Advent Caleb Wenger’s Liquidation Sale Along Route 272. 3 mile south of “The Buck” and 15 mile south of Lancaster. 1205 Pamline cattle oil sprayer, (electric) 725 Pamline power washer, 5-354 Broyhill gas water heaters, 3 LB White gas heated steam cleaner, #776 3/8 Rockwell heavy duty drill, app. 500 ft. 1 in. black pipe 20 ft. app. 1,000 ft. 5/8 rod stock, app. 1,000 ft. 3 k rod stock 20 ft., 16 pcs. P-2 in. machine tubing, 1 lot 2% x 2% x 3/16 angle, 4,000 lb. 3/8 x % rebar rebar. 40 ft. steel beams & others, Ms x 15 ft. steel tubing, 4 in x 20 ft. steel tubing & others, miscellaneous size gates, Correll frames, 150 V« x 4 x 20 ft. flat steel, 22 conveyor or feeder supports, 8 manure pit opening reinforcements, 5/16 x 2 in. self threading fasteners, 5/16 x 2% and V* x 4 in. 2 lots roof flashing, 100 ft. heavy duty power cable, Co 2 fire extinguishers, MKIO - Lutron Speedial mastic sure seal, bolts pamt, nails & other hardware. Above items all new. 3 ton Hyster motor loader, 5 ton Krankar hoist, SA 200-F 163 Lincoln arc welder serial #599892 ’portable (engine drive), Kohler elec, plant 15KW, Miller 200 amp. welder generator, Kalamazoo model 1220 power band saw, J. Johnson power band saw, (Serial #19076), Welles #B6 dry power saw, portable Lincoln welder 225 DC arc engine drive, engine driven Lincoln 225 - weld and power water cooled engine, V-h hp. Worthington pump also 1 hp. 5 H.P. 110 volt generator 2500 watt, Idea arc 250 Lincoln welder. 20 in Buffalo drill press w/motor. TO-35 M.F. Tractor with industrial loader, oxygen and cetalyne tanks w/carts, another set less cart, Pureox cutting torch w/gauges, GM Vz ton elec, hoist, 1 ton Wright Way elec, hoist, 2 - 2 ton trolley, 1 ton trolley, Manley floor jack, shop portable vacuum cleaner, metal Delta banding machine, 1 H.P. tool line grinder 10 in. antique 14 in. blacksmith forming anvil, Cowstall forming jug, portable wash tank, #42, metal shears, 42 in. metal brake, lots of used 3 & 5 H.P. motors, 30 in. positioning welding table, 4 rubber tired heavy duty shop carts, misc. parts bins 6 ft x 6 ft, 6 roller top stands, lots of steel & wood trestles, misc. stock of plastic skylites & trim strip, lots of 16 ft. 2 x 8 tongue & grooved yellow pine, lots of 2 x 8 -16,18, & 20 ft. fir, lots of 2 x 10 x 20 fir, lots of 1 x 4 z 16 pine, Vz ton wright trolley, Vz ton chain hoist, lots of green aluminum roofing 16 ft z 32 in. Schatz punching and shear mac. model 246 type LC complete with 5 H.P. motor serial #6297. Badger liquid spreader 3250 gal (tandem) Calumet liquid spreader 3250 gal. (tan dem), 2 - 4 wheel wagon gear, 4 wheel utility truck, 30 ft. heavy duty roller conveyor (8 ft. sections), misc. auger flighting, scaffolding steel, 3 set 16 ft. shelter frames, Starrett and White transit, 18 ft. silo unloader Van Dale w/motor power cord & con trols (4 yrs.), 24 ft. Jamesway Volumatic unloader (4 yrs.) 16 ft. Jamesway Volumatic unloader, 20 ft. Silomatic unloader, 18 ft. Jamesway unloader not complete, Starline conveyor, Broyhill cattle oiler, stall gate, motar mixing tub & wheel barrow, lots of galvanized sheeting, 3 lots of misc. galvanized ribbon 16 gauge 7 in. wide. 24 stall calf barn 12 x 24 (portable), 1971 Pontiac Grandville very good Condition 70,000 mile 1970 Olds Station wagon 1970 Chevrolet C-30 utility body 1969 Ford 350 utility body & elec winch 16 ft. Larson fiberglass boat w/trailer & motor 776 - 3/8 Rockwell drill heavy duty, Vz in. bux Rockwell magnetic drill, 3-Vi in. skill drills, Vt in. Black & Decker drill, Vi in. skill drill, 3/8 in. H.D. Black & Decker, % in. skill H.D. Riversdale, 2 • 7Vi skill saws, 7Vi in. Black & Decker saw, Vt in. Black & Decker H.D., 7 screw jacks, #192 Homlite 5 H.P. pump w/suction hose gas engine, % in. drive socket set, C clamps & square clamps, Ridged pipe threader set, 16,18,20,24 in. pipe wrenches. 2 rubber tired hand trucks, 2 & 4 in. rigid pipe cutters, Vz H.P. air compressor, portable air compressor, Vi H.P. 9 in. sander, Oster threader mac. on stand, Howe platform scales, F.E. Reed metal lathe 16 x 24 in. w/motor and tran smission, B6S grinder on stand (good). Model 70 Winchester 308 w/scope, 22 Winchester, 62A rifle w/spot scope, 30-40 Krag rifle, 7MM Spanish Mauzer 1893 (authentic), BMM German Mauzer rifle w/scope mount, 410 Moseburg bolt shot gun. 5 H.P. air conditioner, lots of 1 in. plastic underground tubing 150 lb. pressure, 6 in. spiral pipe, Shell 9 in. sander, 5- 12”x8”xl0’ supply tanks, steel door, elevation basket, parts and tool bins, gas office heater, Black & Decker Vz in. hammer drill, Ramset fastener grin, 3 elec, fan hot water heater units, raise, electronic parts, 12 ft. land level beam for 3 pt. tractor, 7 ft. Myers tractor angle snow plow, battery charger, 3 sledge hammers, concrete floats, rakes, hoes, shovels, picks, ropes and other articles not mentioned. Changeable advertising sign, portable ledger table, Hermes elec, calculator, Smith Corona Typewriter, Burroughs adding machine, Speed-Rite #9OO checkwriter, A.B. Dick #625 copy machine, Speed-O-Rmg punch, 2-2 drawer file, 6 drawer blue print file, 3 - 3 ft. horizontal file drawers, Cole-Roller file table 2 drawers, 2 Art Metal office desk with chairs, typewriter desk, 2 wooden office chairs, Bradley paper cutter 14 in., Roto hte Mark II blue print machine, Tracmaster drafting w/5 ft. table, 48 in. chalk board, #B5O Kodak Carrosell nroiector w/zoom lense, 48”x48”x24” prelector cabinet w/lense, antique library oak dest, counter billing machine, Buffalo counter scales, Howe counter scales, 4 fire extinguishers, 2-3 door lockers. Maple dining room suite, maple arm chair, yellow rocker, blanket chest, mahogny desk, kitchen chairs, i efngerator, auto elec, hy-fry cooker, set of cut glass can dlestick holders w/matching fruit bowl, frosted glass light shades, silver creamer & sugar, pink depression glassware, hand painted Japanese teapot, old high chair, small corner cupboard, childs chair, potted plants, barbeque grill rotissary, Super matic camera, misc. glassware & kitchen utensils, hammock, wet guard for childs bed, assortment of bottles, Christmas lights & decorations. Terms by, CALEB M. WENGER Phone 717-548-2116 Auctioneers J. Everett Kreider Carl Diiler Auctioneers note; We will sell double first 2 hours, household goods & shop tools, Rifles & gun at 1 P.M. 14 11,092 4.83 536 93 668 .16 19 ; 21 10,958 4.86 533 55 705 .21 16 03 9,548 5.18 495 75 368 .14 31 : 11 11,474 4.85 556 34 530 .04 23 i 29 10,244 4.96 508 50 473 .01 25 , 14 10,202 5.08 518 71 354 .14 31 : 40 9,735 4.89 476 93 586 .13 17 J 01 10,874 5.07 551 47 467 .02 22 1 MILKING SHORTHORN 17 11,892 3.80 452 84 1398 .07 59 I 29 14,722 3.55 522 39 1394 .01 50 1! 40 12,198 3.53 430 81 1243 .07 38 1! 21 12,191 3.54 432 46 945 .03 32 I 29 11,229 3.53 396 65 776 .07 22 ( 14 11,049 3.62 400 77 715 .01 25 ( 11 11,494 3.60 414 52 641 .01 25 ( 17 10,157 3.86 392 65 459 .05 22 I SATURDAY DECEMBER 10,1977 9:30 A.M. FOLLOWING ITEMS ALL NEW GUNS OFFICE EQUIPMENT HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 58 5! 56 51
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