Know Where the Activities Will Be? Read the Farm Women Calendar. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS TWO DAY PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE LAWN, GARDEN SHOP & OFFICE EQUIPMENT SAT., DEC. 3,1977 10:30 A.M. Located along route 897, between Terre Hill and Fivepointville, East Earl Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. NEW LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT NEW Snapper 8 H.P. Electric start 28 in. riding mower with Bag-N-Wagon; 2 - snapper riding mowers, 30 in. and 26 in.; several 21 in. Snapper self-propelled and pushmowers; several 36 in. side discharge mowers; 2- Wheel Horse tractors B-80; 1 Wheel Horse tractor B-60; 1 - Eleo-track wheel horse riding mowers, 32 in.; 1 - AMF 10 HP 42 in. Riding Mower; 2- AMF 5 HP 26 in riding mower; 1 - AMF push mower; 1- Yard-Man 5 HP 25 in. riding mower; 2 AMF CAaretaker lawn mowers, one self-propelled; several Toro mowers with grass bags, some self-propelled, (various sizes); several Lawn Boy mowers, some self-propelled; Lawn Boy power rake; lawn mower display rack; Yard-Man 30 in. lawn sweeper; Yard-Man snow blower; 3 HP Machissic sprayer (22 gal.); several electric weed eaters; several used riding and push mowers (various sizes); lawn seed; lawn weed killer; lots of V belts; lawn mower battery. Tillers: 2 - New Snapper Garden Tillers; 2 - Mighty Mac Tillers; 2 - used Merry Tillers and Merry at tachments; several New Reddy Portable heaters; motor oil by the case. Several New Bnggs-Stratton engines. Chain saws: Large selection of New Remington and Pioneer chain saws; several used chain saws; chain saw oil; several used car tires. OFFICE EQUIPMENT Esper 716 PT Eetcontic Cash Register (4 month old); Fairchild . 70-07 Projector, (suitcase model); Microfiche Reader Model 100 A; 4 - Microfiche Holders; Microfiche Cards for Kohler, Briggs- Stratton, Luson, Pioneer Chain Saws, Lawn Boy mowers, Wheel Horse equip., AMF and Toro; also various makes of Lawn Equipment repair manuals; plus more things not listed. SAT. DEC.IO, 10:30A.M. SHOP & OFFICE EQUIPMENT New Snap-on value refacer; Snap-on seat grinder; Snap-on open end wrench set, 7/16 to 11/8); 5 HP air compressor with tank; auto, blade grinder; left and right blade grinder; Craftsman floor model electric drill press and bits; Watco Hyd. bumper jack, (3000 lbs.); 8 ton hyd. press; Trucut Armature lathe and undercutter; Armature tester; Merc-Tronic coil and condenser tester; Parker 5 HP floor sweeper; L-A Pressure washer; licensed trailer, 2000 lb. cap.; Graymill parts washer; 2 - chain saw grinders, 1 floor model; % in. air wrench; 3 - 3/8 air wrenches; % in. tap and die set; Avez Rivet gun and rivets; Tripod pipe vise table; pipe cutter, Reamer, threader; air sprayer cleaner; Ms in. electric drill; chain breaker; 2 - floor trolleys; 2 - swivels vises; sump pump; 4 - car stands ,'battery charger. Liquid tire pump and motor; rebuilt electric motors; 2 - oil drum pumps; wheel puller; value tool; cor domatic cord light; nuts and bolts cabinets; lots metal shelves; metal work benches; 2 - tool boxes; metal cabinet; socket sets; Impact screw driver; lots of adjustable wrenches; pipe wrenches; Delco cabinet on wheels; lots air hose; lots of parts bins; oil cans; files; chisels; creeper; 2 - Mechanic stools; display table; plus many more useful shop tools. 5 KW generator with 15 HP Wisconsin engine. OFFICE EQUIPMENT 3M 257 Copier; Copymate 400 Copier; Lathem Time clock and card rack; 1-4 drawer filing cabinet; 5 in. double card file; 2 - hand calculators; office desk and chair; large table type filing cabinet; stakettes desk trays; 2 - sale counters 6 ft. and 14 ft.; alphabetical bill file; Ashley Wood stove; 6 in. heat transferer; 3 - electric clocks; postage scale. Shop will be open weekdays 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. for inspection of articles. Sale will be held Indoors! Sale for GEHMAN BROS. Earl H. Gehman, owner 215-445-6272 Auctioneers Nevin Z. Martin Lewis B. Groff Clerks Martin’s NOTE: If you are looking for New and Used Lawn, Garden, Shop, Office Equipment attend this sale and buy at auction prices. Come early and enjoy the day with ns. Lunch served by Fivepointvlile Fire Co. Not responsible For Accidents Grange Master lists stresses on ag GREENSBORO, N.C. - “Agriculture, our nation’s greatest industry, is going through severe stress,” said John W. Scott, master of the National Grange, as he addressed delegates at tending the 111th annual session of the National Grange which opened here Monday. The natiomal farm leader said farm programs must be devised to aid those farmers who are in real need. He believes the whole concept of basing price supports on cost of production should be re evaluated. He said the in clusion of charges for land in the cost of production and then using cost of production to determine target prices ANOTHER OUTSTANDING ANTIQUE AUCTION OF VALUABLE ANTIQUES /&SS& FBI. NOV. 25,1977 STARTING AT 3:00 P.M. Furniture at Approx. 8:00 P.M. Located at Gap Auction House in Gap, Pa. From Lancaster follow Rt. 30 East ap proximately 15 miles to Rt. 41. Take 41 South past Town Clock and watch for signs. ANTIQUE FURNITURE Oak pcs. including hall rack, Ig. post office box unit, round extension table with pedestal, dresser with mirror, wall telephone, wash stands with towel bars, 3 square extension tables, square china closet with bow glass door & sectional bookcase; Empire including 3 arm chairs, chest of drawers and mirror; oval drop leaf table; Mahogany bookcase with 3 glass doors; 7 ft. glass showcase; 2 - 9 ft. glass showcases; 3 ft. coun tertop showcase; 2 spinning wheels; shaving mirror; Solid cherry drop leaf table; countertop desk with brass pulls; grained pastry cupboard; pine table with drawer; 6 drawer Willimantic spool cabinet; chest type ice box; jelly cupboard; 2 com operated Penny Arcade card machines; 12 pane 7 ft. corner cupboard; wicker layette; easel; cottage dresser; clothes trees; Hoosier-type kitchen cabinet w/Tiffany type glass doors; sleigh; pie safe; butcher’s block; tinsmith’s block; Columbian parlor stove; C. 1700’s baby cradle signed John Larkan; baby buggy; copper lined dry sink with drawer; sideboard; saddler’s benches; dough trays; arrow back plank bottom high chair; Ig. primitive wooden mortar; dec. stand; wooden barrel; 6 matching cane chairs; blanket chest; dated hanging oil lamp; Victorian settee and 2 chairs. MISCELLANEOUS ANTIQUES Salesman’s sample piano & stool; brass National cash register; com cutter; 1865 RR jack; forge; com sheller; pump trough; Enterprise grain & coffee mills; milk cans; curd shredders; chick incubators; vacuum cleaner; fruit press; Beatty broad axe; bread peel; meat cleavers; tin wash boilers; apple butter stirrers; fire place tools; wooden pulleys; various adv. tins, crates, posters & signs; violin; Phila. gas lamp globe; foot-warmer; 2 counter platform scales; dec. Conestoga wagon jack; copper apple butter kettle; iron kettle; kerosene drum; bull-horn clipper; shoe lasts; dough mixer; few old tools; ice saws; candy molds; art pottery; Parkesburg lamp; Fulper pottery lamp; brown glaze art pottery lAmp; redware crock; Bennington type peacock pitcher & Sm. bowl; blown glass red vase, egg & blue pitcher; turk’s head mold; bee smoker; candle mold; oil lamp; neck yoke; steam whistle; caboose lantern; min. chair; tanner’s fleshing knife; pewter charger; toy train; First Wyeth plate; stereoptican folding card holder; key wind Lancaster pocket watch (West End); gold watch chain; cloth egg; cancelling machine; 2 lady’s perfumers; Young Jesus hand painted porcelain in Roccoco frame; majolica dishes; Gaudy Welsh cup & saucer; seragummines plates; Czech, tea set; goofus glass; apothecary bottle & items; daisy & button vase; pewter cake decorator; Leed’s platter; asst, depression glass; Limoges tea pot; min. sad iron set; mustache cup; bottle neckers; rooster butter print; 1814 Lancaster Martyr’s Mirror; fraktur; History of Delaware County; reprod. Tiffany-type hanging light shades; bronze Tiffany ink well; antique toys; wat ches. 18” Shirley Temple doll, agate & much more. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: This is a complete close out of a local antique shop which offers many in teresting items for everyone. Auctioneers: Ira Stoltzfus & Son 442-4936 or 442-8254 Jay Leary 354-0423 “List Your Sale Today - With Ira, Dale, or Jaj " Preview Thursday, November 24th 2 P-M. until 5 P.M. and all day Friday. Cash or Credit reference from your bank. Auction will be dosed Nov 28 - Dec 5 No Consignments accepted during thi<; o-opk riuiv result in lann programs becoming so costly the> will be placed in jeopardy He said alter natives must be found to unlock support from any criteria that may influence production. He suggested a return to a certain per centage of parity to deter mine price supports. Scott expressed deep concern over the Depart ment of Interior’s decision to invoke the National Reclamation Act of 1902 which places severe new acreage limitations on farm landholders in 17 Western states including Hawaii. He said the act limits land holdings to 160 acres on farms where federal water if Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977 provided and requires owners to sell-off federally irrigated land in excess of 160 acres within five years and owners must live on the 160 acres or within a 50 mile radius. Scott warned that farmers see this as an agrarian reform movement that will change the market enterprise system and the principle of private property rights. In the field of tran sportation which is vital to the economic growth of rural America, Scott said governmental regulations should be kept to a minimum to encourage competition in the marketplace. He said each system of tran sportation should stand on its own through user charges. He supports government policies which encourage use of energy efficient forms of tran sportation which also produce efficient in terchange between the modes and are not punitive to any form of tran sportation. Scott said he feels the President’s energy proposals place an im balanced emphasis on conservation and lack leadership in stimulating the PUBLIC AUCTION 170 ACRE FARM Caroline Co., Md. “The Old Doc Taylor Farm” SATURDAY, DEC. 3,1977 AT 3:00 P.M. Location: 3 miles N.E. of Goldsboro, Md. from Route 313, take Route 312 to Bridgetown, turn left on Bridgetown Road and right on Day Road to farm. (Sign on property). 170 ACRES, approx. 140 acres tillable, balance wooded...lmproved by a restored 2 bedroom house with Wz baths, modem kitchen, laundry facilities, electric heat, large fireplace in living room, glass enclosed porch, rustic interior... Plus a large bam and silo. TERMS: 10% day of sale in cash or certified check, balance at settlement.-Buyers option for mortgage from sellers of 75%, 20 year at 8% (Sale subject to confirmation). Inspection by appointment with James H. Lynch, Realtor, of Ridgely, Md. (301) 634-2152 Auctioneers Harry Rudnick & Sons, Inc of Galena, MD. (301) 648-5100 PUBLIC SALE OF FARM MACHINERY, 10x25’ SILO, PRODUCE 25 BEEF CATTLE, Etc. THURS., NOV. 24,1977 1:30 P.M. Located on the Bridgevievv Farm, 5 miles south of Forksviile, along the Hillsgrove- Forksville PA Rt. 87 Highway (Sullivan Co.). MH “pony” WFE tractor with 2 way live hyd.; Myers 25” high 6’ Angle blade; 2 way 12” plows; 1 row cultivator to be offered as a unit, nice. Harvest Handler 16’ belt grain elevator, new, 3 pt. hitch, 7’ Angle blade; B’x3o’ tandem wheel house trailer frame; farm trailer; 8’ cattle rack; MTD 18” snow blower, like new; Springfield 20” front end tiller; air compresseor; 16 and 38’ ladders; 24” fireplace wood; 200 pcs. dry pine and hemlock lumber (2x6 - 2xB - 2x10” 8’ to 16’ long); 1000 bales first and second cutting alfalfa and timothy mixed hay; 500 bales oats, straw; 25 cattle, 10 bred cows (8 Hereford and Black white face) 2 Holsteins; 7 Herefords and Black White face heifers, 4 bred; 7 Hereford steers, 6 mo. to 2 yrs old; service age Hereford bull Health Charts. Owner LAVERNE RINKER Auctioneer: Max Fraley & Son 546-6631 development of new or existing sources of fuel. He strongly recommends that the federal government undertake a major research and development project to determine the feasibility of converting agricultural products to alcohol foi energy. Scott called upon Grange delegates to vigorously oppose any attempts to divert highway funds into other projects. He said figures indicate that a small increase in federal gas taxes at the rate of one cent per gallon in 1979 and 1981 would allow for the completion of all Interstate highways, correct bridge deficiencies on the federal aid system by 1985 and improve primary and secondary roads. He also said there must be increased efforts to improve utilization of railroads. He recommended that through regulation, encouragement should be given to con tainerization, piggybacking and interfacing with other modes. He said work labor rules should be reforr ■ i and that any pa' service which is unpr i > -, and subsidized ti. Amtrak should be aban doned. 117
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