—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19.1977 116 Miller and Rex top Schuylkill Co. DHM SCHUYLKILL HAVEN - University and J. Allan The herd of Miller and Rex, Shoener, county agent. Andreas Rl, had the highest The production is given as butterfat average in the average production per Schuylkill County for the cow per day. The top five month of October, according herds are listed as follows to information released by for the month of October: the Pennsylvania State Miller and Rex, Inc., SHARON **ag" BUILDINGS 40’ x 90’ x 10’ FOB Factory f 899 26 ga. Enameled Sheeting MORE USABLE SPACE FOR LESS COST SHARON -ac> BUILDINGS =s3s=^-.^ • Economically Designed W I ' I [il • Soundly Engineered I I ■' ||| • Quickly Erected I ■ 3 iB • Quality Materials I "I ■'''M fF 1 • Straight Sidewalls I V' CALL COLLECT TO * JACK McMULLEN 717-761-1863 OR WRITE SHARON METAL BUILDINGS 1500 STATE ST., CAMP HILL. PENNA. 17011 PUBLIC SALE REAL ESTATE ANTIQUES FARM MACHINERY Saturday, December 3,1977 9:30 A.M. Located on the premises at route 6, Lebanon, Bethel Twp., Lebanon County. Take route 343 north from Lebanon to Shirk's Shooting Sup plies and take Freeport Road east to Union Road and turn north and continue across the Freeport Road east to Union Road and turn north and continue across the Swatara Creek to farm oh left, or take Freeport Road west from Mt. Zion and then north on Union Road. Real Estate being a tract of land appx. 65 acres m size with frontage on both sides of Union Road with real nice improvements as follows: Large frame 4 stable bank barn with attached concrete block milkhouse, 9’ x 42’ tile silo with small silo room. East side of bam has rear extension for storage. Large double com shed with concrete floors and second floor storage area. 4 car garage with concrete floors and second floor storage area. Various other small farm type buildings including chicken houses. Large 5 bedroom home that features a modern kitchen with Quaker Maid cabinets which is adjoined by a dining room and large double living room, both having wall to wall carpet. Sideroom off kitchen can be used for den or storage area. Home has full bath on second floor Home is heated by a oil hot water system with baseboard and radiators. To rear of property is old limestone spring house. There is a large attic, full basement, enclosed upstairs porch, partial storm windows and many other features which make this an outstanding opportunity to purchase a small country farm which is in a very good state of repairs and in farming order. For inspection call 865-6340. Terms to be 10% down day of sale and the balance in 60 days or upon settlement. Other conditions by At torney Louis Meyer. Real Estate to be offered at 1:00 P.M. Large 2 day country antique and farm machinery ad to appear later Auctioneer Harry H Bachman Condition by EMERSON WENGER Andreas Rl, 34.8 cows, 51.5 lbs. of milk, 1.94 lbs. but terfat; Heisler Brothers, Tamaqua Rl, 73.9 cows, 44.8 lbs. of milk, 1.70 lbs. but terfat; William R. Daubert, Pme Grove R 2, 72.1 cows, 37.2 lbs. of milk, 1.59 lbs. butterfat; Carl J. Snyder, Pitman Rl, 66.9 cows, 42.5 lbs. of milk, 1.59 lbs. but terfat; and Wilbert Moyer, Schuylkill Haven Rl, 36.2 FOR SALE AT PRIVATE TREATT HAMPSHIRE BOARS AND GILTS, CROSSBRED GILTS READY FOR SERVICE. Scanogram Test Figures on Boars adjusted adjusted adjusted days/220 BF Loin Eye 34-1 146 .72 61 34-2 165 .86 5.1 34-5 158 .83 5.7 36-1 138 .92 5.8 36-3 170 .97 6.2 36- 155 .99 5.2 37- 166 1.08 4.9 38- 147 1.07 5.3 38-5 161 1.03 5.3 42-1 137 1.06 5.1 42- 166 1.06 5.0 43- 163 1.01 6.3 Interested persons please contact Franklin Feeser, Box 372, Taneytown, Md. 21787.301- 848-6280. MD Validated Brucellosis Free Herd #46. All test work done by David Greene, Carroll Co. extension agent and Dr. William Kunkle, Dept, of Animal Science, University of MD. FARMERSVIUE AUCTION TKSMY,MnHai22,I9TT 5:00 P.M. in Farmersville, 3 mi. east of Brownstown, Lane. Co. Pa. Selling Antiques and Collectibles for THE LYDIA STOLTZFUS ESTATE TALMAGE Large Ornate Hall Chest, 7’7” 2 pc. corner cupboard painted white with arch door and butterfly shelves; nice oak oval china closet; spinning wheel rocker; 2 pc. Victorian hvingroom suite; Victorian needlepoint chair; cane seat rocker and matching chair; cypress chair; side tables and chairs; Duncan phyfe wall table; B’xlO’ hooked rug; walnut bow front bedroom suite with twin beds complete; 7 pc. inlaid bedroom suite (beautiful); wrought iron lawn set; large square oak extension table with claw feet; 3 shelf clocks 3 Quilts, 2 Amish, 1 beautiful applique with very fine quilting; child’s wicker rocker; cradle (as is); 6 bottle castor set; dove tailed blanket chest; old trunk to put on back of cars; pr. wicker chairs; canes; baskets; wicker porch set; walnut drop leaf table; wood medicine cabinet; King’s men musical wall clock; flower pots brass bucket; tin spice box; hall rack with deer feet; spool shelf; iron kettles; kerosene lamps; comb case; slaw cutter; jardiniere; pie safe; pr. jack in-the-pulpit vases; Buddy L steam shovel chalk figures; 5 pc tomato set; milk white hen on nest with blue head; nice compotes, carnival glass; Baltimore pear creamer; Lancaster souvenir ruby glass; rooster and turkey on nests; cottage creamer; cherry pattern with gold edge butter dish, sugar, creamer, & spooner signed Northwood: Jots of tumblers; bisque pieces, wheat bread plate; spatter cup & saucer; bone dishes; blue ship tumblers; tin match box; pottery rabbit mold; toys, German vegetable dishes; large peach blown sea shell; agate, epergnes, teapots; baskets; McCoy & Roseville pottery; fish creamer, salt box, wine set (as is), school bell. 32 pcs Depression glass, sail & peppei shakers, 27 pcs fowl with metal feet; 2 mos*- i j-' r plates floor lamps tin ware Many more item- too numerous to mention Wc il on i nini'ii'.iion Call: JOHN j. RUTT 717-354-5095 COME EARLY NO JUNK! cows, 40.8 lbs. of milk, 1.55 lbs. butterfat. Forty-nine cows finished lactation records with 600 lbs. of milkfat in October. The records are based on 305 days or less, 2x actual production. The top cow belonged to Miller and Rex, Inc., whose “Polly!’ produced 22,946 lbs. milk and 989 lbs. butterfat. f I I REAL ESTATE 8 I SALE OF 122 ACRES I { SATURDAY, NOV. 26,1977 I I AT 10:30 A.M. I f THE ESTATE OF | f> WILLIAM A. CHANNELL f % Located approx. 2 miles east of Norrisville, $ Md., just south of the Md.-Pa. line in Harford £ ~ Co., along both sides of Channel! Rd. and both sides of Buttermilk Rd. approx. Vz mile east of f ' Careaßd. (Watch for signs). TRACT 1 ** Farm containing approx. 76 acres more or less, of cropland, pasture & woodland and located along both '' sides of Channell Rd. & along the north side of But- ■& - tennilk Rd., unproved w/a frame house w/6 rooms & bath m fair condition; block dairy barn; block open P machinery shed & other frame outbuildings. Soil is U good Chester loam which is good agricultural land & f, % has good percolation for sewage disposal. Crop land is g; v now under cultivation. U TRACT 2 | ! a Parcel of land containing approx. 46 acres loacted tx "i along the south side of Buttermilk Rd. consisting of % cropland & woodland. k k ■ TRACTSI&2 £} & Will be offered separately & then as a unit. % § Terms 10% down day of sale with balance in 30 days. || f For inspection by appointment please call 717-382-4488 I or 382-4379 Auctioneer Robert L. Sechrist Ph. 382-4379 Attorney Frank Boyle Not responsible for accidents I PUBLIC SALE 1 Of the Estate of ' H||ER £ SAMUEL (DEB) WANNEL | R.D. 1, Talbotville Road, Honey Brook, I Penna. (about 2 miles N - NE of Honey Brook - i follow the auction signs) \ SAT., NOV. 26,1977 5 I Ford Powermaster tractor with new tires; tractor plow; Bush hog type mower with rotary blades; circular saw for tractor hook up; Stone Fork; 7 foot mower; lime spreader; disc: tractor drag; large metal stone dump cart; lever Harrow - 3 section - good & condition. f TOOLS Homelite chain saw - Super XL with extra chains and '' chain saw sharpener; %HP air compressor with paint ! spray attachment; Troy Bilt roto tiller - 6 HP - like new; 4 cyl. gas engine (Briggs & Stratton) generator £5 portable power unit 120 volts KVA 2.5; nearly new VA £ ton floor jack; gas powered sprayer; bench circular I saw; bench grinder; hedge trimmer; tree trimmer; electric drill; vise; Anvil; sausage grinder; 2 chain hoists; garden sprayers; hand seeders; tractor chains; sledge hammers; numerous log chains; cow chains; cross cut saws; wheel borrow; picks; hoes; axes; socket set; C clamps; wedges; pilcn forks; files; chisels; screw drivers; saws; hoes; hammers; hat chets; braces; bits; grease guns; sithe; pipe wren ches; bolt cutters; levels; digging irons; pitch fork; shovels; nuts; bolts; screws; lots of rope; heavy duty extention cords; Stanley hand planes; large furniture clamp; work bench; electric motored fire place blower. 1 Extension ladder; Pig troughs; Warm morning § chunk stove; wash tubs; milk cans; oil drum; 15 bags ? of sweet arrow lime; wooden barrel; step ladders; lumber; 55 gallon drums; wire cable and reel; peach ''i baskets; fence wire; feed bags; pole climbing hooks; canning jars; paint; fishing rods; lots of books. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES 3 Tripods; 2 butchering kettles; Bentwood chair; 1 gallon to 6 gallon crocks and jugs; butcher bench; || metal gun cabinet; what-not-shelf; green upholstered tt chair and stool; 3 shirt boxes; carpet rocker; Pine p Harvest table; flour bin; Lincoln Rocker with cane % seat and back; Governor Winthrop desk; dove tailed blanket chests; Jim Beam bottles; Mechanical banks; t Gone with the Wind lamp; copper dippers; old ben -8 dies; hanging brass lamp fixture; planters peanut jar; Fedders 6,000 BTU air conditioner - like new; small H Spindle-back bench; 8 day Grandfather’s clock made I by Joshua Humphry, Charlestown, Chester Co., Pa.; '4 Glassware; China and pictures. Miscellaneous p household items. I| Not responsible for accidents - Lunch Available i Auctioneer f Roy L. Martin Executrixes Pina Channel! Velma Fleck 10:00 A.M. IMPLEMENTS ' 800 "^ctr MISCELLANEOUS t f?
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