White (Continued from Page 94) Parliamentary Procedure -1. - Kennard Dale FFA, 2. - r Red Lion FFA, 3. - Dover ► FFA. Dairy Contest -1. - Glenn Growl - Red Lion, 2. - Patty Greek - Red Lion, 3. - Barb Snyder - Red Lion, 4. - James Knight - Kennard Dale, 5. - Cathy Arnold - Red lion. Horticulture Contest - 1. - Tom Gotwalt - White Rose, 2. - Tem Keener - White Rose, 3. - Jim Bowers - Red Lion. Floriculture Contest - 1. - Linda Working - White Rose, 2. - Nancy Grove - White Rose, 3. - Mary Lease - White Rose, 4. - Donna Buck - White Rose, 5. - Kathy Schell -White Rose, Forestry Contest - 1. - Bruce Hrebik - Kennard Dale, 2. - Jim Bowers - Red Lion, 3. - Keith Baker - SPECIAL FRIDAY EVENING SALE NOVEMBER 25,1977 7:30 P.M. COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL OF 96 HEAD MILK COWS To be held at the New Holland Sales Stables. Cows are on DHIA test. 1977 herd average 14,206 M, 3.9% test, 506 F, individual records up to 23,000 M. 40 cows have been fresh since August 1,1977.20 cows due to freshen before January 1. 1978. All cows bred to AI Curtis sires. Service Sires are Paclamar Astronaut, Junell Ivanboe Chief Charlie, Romandale Jasper, and Dodge View Gem. This is a young herd of cows with a lot of size and good quality udders. 30 day TB and blood tested for out -of state shipment. Pregnancy checked by vet. In dividual records will be announced night of sale. , 4< , / .Owner JOHN F. CASSEL Manheim, PA Sale Managed by: New Holland Sales Stables PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE PERSONAL PROPERTY &TOOLS SATURDAY, NOV. 26,1977 10:00 A.M. Located at 266 Ridge Ave., Ephrata HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Sofa, chairs, lamps, dresser, book case, bed, snow ski’s picture, dinner bell, avon bottles, umbrella’s, canes, mirrors, and more. TOOLS Pulleys, plane, orace, saws, pipe wrenches, grin ders, dolley, hinges, elect boxes, motors, flares, sprayer, shovels, temper, hedge trimmer, boat, step ladders, trowels, floats, hawks, locks, elect planer, 4 ft. levels, hard hats, bicycle pumps, paint brushes, hydraulic jacks, 4-way wrench, vise grips, battery tester, railroad spikes, caulking guns, paints. TRACTOR’S W.C. Allis Chalmers, 9 N Ford. 1964 Int. flatbed. CARS 1957 Chevy, 4 door hardtop, white 1968 Cutlass, V.W. parts. MISCELLANEOUS 1 horse sleigh, wagon wheels, haymes, cradle, single trees, school desks, baby coach, express wagon, iron kettle, 2 horse box wagon and more. PROPERTY TO BE SOLD AT 12 O’clock Comer lot, % acre, large lawn, 2 story with 6 rooms, 1 bath. New roof, new water system, new heating system, well and spetic system. Concrete basement. 10% Down, Settlement in 30 days. For Information or inspection, call auctioneer Terms By LUKE LANDIS Auctioneer C.L. Butter Zimmerman Box 290 R.D. 6 Sinking Spring (215) 777-9820 Rose Degree Dover, 4. - Dolores Schrum - Red Lion, 5. - Dave Orwig - Kennard Dale. Dairy Foods Contest -1. - Polly McGinnity - Kennard, Dale, 2. - Barb Snyder - Red Lion, 3, - Dave Orwig - Kennard Dale, 4. - Dolores Schrum - Red Lion, 5. - Tina Taylor-Red Lion. Ag. Mechanics -1. - Dallas Smith - Dover, 2. - Ray Smeltzer - Eastern, 3. - Ronald Storms - Dover, 4. - Tom Arnold - Red Lion, 5. - Leory Bowles - Red Lion. Small Engines - 1. - Marshall Barkins - Kennard Dale, 2. - Darrell Schrade - Dover, -3. - Brent Smith - Kennard Dale, 4. - Todd Wallen - Kennard Dale, 5. - Tom Black - Dover. Salesmanship Contest -1. - David Warner - Red Lion, 2. - Dolores Schmm - Red Lion, 3. - Lori Wolford - Red Lion, 4. - Chris Miller - Eastern, 5. - Sherry Holtzinger - Red Lion. Interview Contest - 1. Mark Mummert - Dover, 2. - Patty Greek - Red Lion, 3. - Brenda Walter - Red Lion, 4. -.Dolores Schrum - Red Lion, 5. - Lon Wolford - Red Lion. Agronomy Contest - 1. - Robert Dehoff - Red Lion, 2. - Barb Snyder - Red Lion, 3. - Bill Yale - Kennard Dale, 4. - Dave Wineholt - Red Lion, 5. - Lori Wolford - Red Lion. Land Judging - 1. - Dan Young - Red Lion, 2. - Robert Dehoff - Red Lion,3. - Albert Fake - Red Lion, 4. - Sue Herbst - Red Lion, 5. - Nelson Breneman - Dover. Public Speaking - 1. - Dolores Schrum, 2. - Barb Snyder, 3. - Lori Wolford, 4. - Barb Kilgore, 5. - Cathy Arnold - All from Red Lion. Public Speaking Con servation -1. - Tobert Dehoff • Red Lion, 2. - Scott Joines - Kennard Dale, 3. - Terri ■tenner - York Vo. Tech, 4. - 3ruce Hrebik - Kennard Dale, 5. - Jan Bixler - York /o.Tech. PUBLIC SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS Along road from Truce to Rawlinsville, 12 miles south of Lancaster off Route 272. FRIDAY, DEC. 9,1977 House No. 1 fronting on Rawlmsville Avenue 153.2 feet, more or less, with an area of 99 perches, having built thereon concrete block house 6 rooms & bath on Ist floor, 1 large room & 2 storage areas on 2nd floor, with full basement. Hot air auto, oil heatfurnace 1 yr. old, with 1,000 gal. oil tank, double insulation covered w/aluminum siding. Well water & good draining field. Also 2 car garage w/smatl shop. Large lawn w/nice shade & shrubbery. House No. 2 fronting on Rawlinsville Avenue 192.51 feet, more or less, with an area of 32,456 square feet or 0.745 of an acre, on which is built thereon concrete block house 4 rooms & bath on main floor & 2 rooms upstairs & full basement. Auto, hot air oil heat w/spring water & good draining field. Also 2 car concrete block garage. Large lawn. Frigidaire refrigerator (nice) Umco app. 20 cu. ft. upright freezer, elec, fan, Shenonadah wood & coal heater thermo, controlled (new) elec, heater, 2 bedroom suites minus 1 bed, 2 sofas & matching chairs, 12 x 15 rug, wood frame mirror, bed linens, 5 new braided rugs, sideboard, library table, platform rocker, occassional tables & rockers, corner bookshelves, rag carpet, treadle sewing machine, pictures, bathroom scales, magazine rack, bookcase, footstool, light kitchen ware, aluminum roaster, gal. buckets & tubs, quart jars & crocks, 2 benches. Doll cradles (2 swinging) foot stools, vases, bowls, childs cabinets, etc. hand made by Mr. Herr, utility cabinet & step stool, porch glider S chairs. ANTIQUES Roll top desk, jelly cupboard, dry sink, 2 oil lamps, blanket chest, lantern, clothe tree, shaker boxes, wood box, wicker clothe basket, 3 baskets, 2 benches, Indian arrow heads, shoe lathe, coverlet. 1964 Chrysler Newport 4 door auto, pushbutton 42,000 mile. 10 In. Craftsman radial arm saw, Rockwell Delta 8 in. table saw, AMT 3 ft. wood lathe, 4 in. joiner, sander V* m. drill, emory wheel & motor, vice, wood chisels, drawing knife, pipe wrench, saws, axes, brace & bits, wood clamps, hack saw, some hardware, digging iron, tool box & wrenches, brooms, forks, rakes, shovels, sythe, step ladder, other articles not mentioned. John Deere 110 lawn & garden tractor w/#37 mower & cultivators, large lawn trailer, 18” Bolens push mower, some cherry & walnut saw mill lumber. Terms by Executrix of the Estate of John H. Herr, Jr., deceased Lunch for New Danville Mennonite school building project Auctioneers J. Everett Kreider Carl Oilier Attorney A.W. Reese Sale order - small tools 12:00. Real Estate 2:00. In spection date of houses Nov. 26. Dee. 31-4 P.M. , t' First-place contest winners who were recognized Monday evening during York County’s FFA meeting, were, left to right, first row; Outgoing president Mark Mummert, Marshall Burkins, Tracy Horsley, and Jeff Wilson. Second Row: Sue Herbst, Dan Young, Dolores Schrum and David Warner. Third row: Dallas Smith, John Ruby, Glenn Crowl, and Robert Dehoff. OF 2 HOUSES AND TOOLS 12:00 Noon ELIZABETH H. PEIFER Lancasterfarming,Saturday, November 19,1977 READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, NOV. 26,1977 10:30 A.M. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ANTIQUES & PERSONAL BELONGINGS OF MRS. INEZ Z. COATES, Eden Dr., Box 265, RD3, Quarryville, PA 19766. Real Estate to be offered at noon HOUSEHOLD GOODS Oak chairs; small dropleaf table; plank seat chair; slant front desk; card table; pine cottage chest; solid wood arm chairs; oak table with spool legs; old antique victrola; mini sette rocker; 3 pc. oak; chest, bureau, wash stand; old Victorian rocker; 6 oak matching chairs; maple hutch; TV; oak chest; pine chest and mirror; old treadle sewing machines; square oak tables; sofas; beds; oval braided rug; refrig.; Magic Chef gas range; wringer washer; wash tubs; old trunks; lanterns; oil lamps; crocks; misc. wicker; old pictures; frames and mirrors; salt and pepper shakers; old dishes and glassware; set of china; few pcs. of old coin silver; small appliances; carnival glass fruit dish; bureau set: perfume bottles, powder jars and lids, stoppers etc.; blankets, quilts and linnens; stools, old milk scoop; old books; childs chair; pen knives; old iron car; dolls; old TV viewer with cards; old charcoal iron; George Washington portrait; old song books; copper boiler; cast iron skillets; iron pig trough; 10 gal. crocks; electric saw; misc. hand and garden tools too numerous to mention; house jacks; milk bottles; block and saw; old coal or wood stove; side saddle; old porch rocker; small 4 wheel running gear for wagon; horse drawn cultivator; sheets of galvanized roofing; spring tooth harrow; scrap iron and lumber, these and hundreds of items too numerous to mention. REAL ESTATE CONSISTS OF; Main house and investment buildings including a small mobile home, cottage, and 2 apartments, garage and spring house (spring water). Located on ap proximately 7 acres of land. Oil heated with estimated yearly taxes of $l5O. Mrs. Inez Coates and Melvin Simmers reserve the right to reject any and all bids on the real estate only. Household and Personal belongings will be auctioned to the highest bidder. If real estate is sold, 15% down (certified funds) at time of sale - settlement 30 days. Owner will hold partial mortgage if necessary. TERMS OF SALE; Cash or check approved by Auctioneer George Gibley Or Sales Representative Donald R. Fenimore Sale Held Rain or Shine For more information contact Donald R. Fenimore \urtinn('er. 302-994-2571. 115 f
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