Court orders violations to stop NEW YORK, N.Y. Jerome C. Davis, former operator of Jerry’s Meats, y'-Dysart, Pa., has been or v. Jered to refrain from violating bonding requirements of the Packers and Stockyards Act, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said. Davis formerly purchased livestock as a packer in south-central Pennsylvania, northern Maryland, Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky. He is not in business as a meat packer at this time. Since May, Davis had been enjoined by the U.S, District Court, Pittsburgh, from purchasing livestock while he did not have the required bond, unless payment was made in full for the livestock at the time of purchase. The most recent order against Davis was issued in RICHRRDTOfI MORE USES THAN EVER- ■if* > • Saves time, labor, forage boxes and trucks • 12 ft. & 14 ft. sizes FOR YOUR CLOSEST DEALER Suncook Valley Equipment Company, Inc. P.O. Box 220 Suncook, NH 03275 (603)485-5355 Dealer Inquiry Invited default when he failed to answer charges in an ad ministrative complaint filed by USDA’s Packers and Stockyards Administration. The cease and desist or der, like a permanent in junction, was issued to in sure future compliance with theP&SAct. Packers are required under the P&S Act to maintain a reasonable bond as a measure of financial protection for the sellers of livestock. Thomas Thiede, Forest City, Pa., has been ordered to cease and desist from operating as a livestock dealer without maintaining a bond as required under die Packers and Stockyards Act, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said. Thiede purchases livestock in northeastern Easily Converts For Use As A Forage Wagon Grain Box Ear Corn Box Beet Wagon Chaff Saver , mJC* V "* CONTACT Pennsylvania and southern New York State. He has now filed the required bond. Thiede consented to issuance of the order and waived oral hearing. He neither admitted nor denied the charges in an ad ministrative complaint filed under the P&S Act. Schlegel wins VIRGINVILLE - James Schlegel, of Virgmville Grange, won the best of show at the Pa. Grange Con vention held recently. He and his accompanist, Esther Stitzel, and their families, are representing Pa. at the National Grange Con vention. It was announced at the Virginville Grange meeting that the National Grange will be held in Lancaster, Pa. in 1979. The awards banquet for the grange will be held on November 26 at the Grange. F ■4 i: leight Planning to Dig NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 717-354-4246 -FREE ESTIMATES l/lIDHTfI tackles farm needs ■mil DU IH with nci*cf ficicncy > ■ New from Kubota Compact, - quiet running water-cooled diesel 17HP Versatile 10 speeds Ideal for small farms gardens commercial land scaping and lawn care With ag tires Many other models and implements available 1} KUBOTA 85 years of customer satisfaction SCS begins erosion study ' LANCASTER - The Soil Conservation Service (SCS) is in the process of an erosion inventory and sediment yield study in Lancaster County. This is part of a national erosion study that is being carried out throughout the country, reports-Warren M. Archibald, district conservationist. SCS technicians in Lan caster County are visiting random 100-acre plots that have been selected to in sure uniformity of the sampling throughout the USA. They will record land use data from these plots. They will also check three randomly selected points within each plot and record different types of in formation, such as the type of cover, slope, kind of soil, and conservation practices. According to Warren M. Archibald, all this in formation will be com puterized at Ames, lowa. It will help SCS to determine Water-cooled 4-cycle 3-cylinder Ag tires Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977 the amount of sheet and rill erosion in rural and urban areas both in Pennsylvania and in the nation. Next Winter and Spring, SCS technicians will com plete the study. They will examine the 100-acre plots and determine tons of soil eroded each year from gullies and streambanks. They will also measure the DOVER, Del. - Though Delaware com and soybean farmers may still be smarting from losses on this year’s crops, most of them are already planning for next year. According to University of Delaware Extension economist Carl German, fanners can gain insights into making im portant plantings and L24SFP Jtrjy Double Bottom ) Moldboard I Plow 12 and 14 general all-purpose bottoms available for L senes tractor Single bottom moldboard plows available . SEE US FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION KELLER BROS. TRACTOR CO. T-^d'oTprings Corn,soybean guide published German collected in formation for the circular from various Delaware farm operations on the basis of their 1977 crops. He included purchased input costs, such as seed, fertilizer, fuel, etc., as well as so-called fixed farm costs like machinery depreciation, land, taxes and insurance. This data was further broken down by the size of the operation, the yield per acre, and the value of land associated with the cost of production. : L2BSFP • The lugged 30HP 4- J cylinder compact with : ag tires Front Loader Easy to install and operate For part time or professional use Available for both B and L Series Tractors Call (717) 949-6501 amount of soil eroded from roadbanks and construction sites within the plots. This information will also be computerized at Ames, lowa. It will give SCS enough information to estimate the total amount of yearly erosion and sediment in Pennsylvania and throughout the United States, concluded Archibald. marketing decisions for next year by determining this year’s production costs and break-even prices. For this reason, he has compiled a circular to help Delaware farmers plan their production strategy for next year. Entitled “Representative Break- Even Prices for Com and Soybeans at Various Yields, Land Values and Size of Operations,” the circular is intended as a guide to both fanners and agricultural industry personnel. Based on the information included in this publication, Delaware com and soybean farmers should be able to compute their own production costs and break even prices. A worksheet for this purpose is included at the end of the circular. Farmers wishing to receive copies of German’s publication should write to Carl German at the University of Delaware or their local county extension agent’s office in Georgetown, Dover or Newark, Del. 107
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