Com/forage announced at LEBANON - The Nor thern Lebanon Young Fanners met Monday with president Paul Maulfair presiding. At the meeting, com and forage contests were held with the following results: Ray Sattazahn was the winner in the com yield ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL FOR POULTRY & LIVESTOCK BUILDINGS . w **J *1 fIHBK i. ... ~.... i*v ll n-i> I- vfi ‘i~‘\~i.-^-i v ■j-'fiTT \l*4~>ss<x )**rt<Nvk —«*w.swjv>..<, '* • ■'...M<WlSL<M%ft«l£ll*l>Hf 11 Hl* 't%T Four basic components makeup of this system...the fan, the ini inlet power pack, and thi Coordinated, these f» components can providi better conversion and p< by removing stresses dui oxygen, excess humidit; gases and temperature Whether you are updating an existing facility or building a new one, before you decide on an air system for your operation, call your local Chore-Time representative. RD4 EPHRATA, PA 17522 PHONE (FARMERSVILLE) sat. 7:30-3:00 BUS. 717-354-4271 contest with 207.3 bushels per acre; Richard Van lieu took a first in the com quality contest; first place alfalfa went to Gary Lentz; the timothy hay top award went to Wes Harding; mixed hay to Donald Weidman; clover hay to Wes Harding; <<t > AIR INLETS Equip, Agri • SALES contest results Leb. YF meeting com silage to Ray Sat tazahn; high moisture com to Wilmer Weaver; and haylage to Bob Shuey. Other winners in the com yield contest were: 2. Lewis Wemer, 3. Jeffrey Werner, 4. Gary Lentz, 5. Chris Seaman, 6. Vince Wagner, 7. INLET POWER PACK offers complete Inc. • INSTALLATION Galen Bollinger; 8. Calvin Miller, 9. Lamar Bollinger, 10. Wilmer Weaver. In the com quality contest, gfecond through 10th place winners were: 2. Oscar Van Lieu, 3. Tom Shuey, 4. Ken Mull, 5. Calvin Miller, 6. Paul Maulfair; 7. Bob Shuey, \< r^\ ! i £jtA *4m • SERVICE AIR SYSTEM CONTROL city, -stem of and lental Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977 8. Wilmer Weaver, 9. Wes Harding, and 10. Chris Seaman. Second through 10th place winners in the alfalfa hay contest were: 2. Roy Moyer, 3. Donald Bausher, 4. Ralph Shirk, 5. Ralph Shirk, 6. Harold Swienhart, 7. Daniel Bausher, 8. Ralph Shirk, 9. Paul Maulfair, 10. Dale Maulfair. The complete results from the mixed hay contest were: 2. Ray Sattazahn, 3. Wilmer Weaver, 4. Art Kunkle, 5. Roy Moyer, and 6. Art Kunkle. Second and third placing clover hay winners were David Bausher, second and Jeff Wemer, third. Lawn mowers need work before winter DOVER, Del. - Some good basic maintenance work on lawn mowers now can save time and trouble next spring. Thomas H. Williams, extension agricultural engineer at the University of Delaware, recommends the following overhaul when putting the machines away for the winter. First of all, a person should wash the mower with kerosene or fuel oil to remove any dirt, grease, oil and clippings accumulated this year. Then the gas tank and carburetor should be drained and refilled with alcohol. Each should be soaked long enough to dissolve any gum that may have formed. Next, the air filter is removed and cleaned ac cording to the manufac turer’s instructions. The dirty oil is drained from the crankcase and replaced with fresh oil of the proper weight. A perosn should remove and clean or replace the spark plug and pour a small amount of gasoline in the tank. Next he starts the engine and lets it run until the fuel is used. (One should be sure this is done in a well ventilated place.) Then, the i —~—- — DISTRIBUTORS FOR \S ( S SCHLESSMAN'S V SEED CORN (80,000 Kernel Units) PREMIUM SINGLE CROSSES NFW TOP YIELDER Compare with your top yielder. Order Your Spring Seeds NOW ALFALFAS - CLOVERS OATS TIMOTHY - GRASSES AGRI SOIL CONDITIONER CERTIFIED SEED WHEAT CHEMICALS ORDER NOW FOR BEST PRICES • WEX • LASSO • DYFONATE • FURADAN • ATRAZINE • OTHERS BALER TWINE WHOLESALE £f RETAIL BOYD’S SEED CENTER ' • 306 lona Rd., Lebanon, Pa. 17042 1 Phone 717-272-8943 In corn silage, placings up to 10 included Lewis Werner, second; Tom Shuey, third; Bob Shuey, fourth; Donald Bausher, fifth; Wes Har ding, sixth; Ralph Shirk, seventh; Larry Shuey, eighth; Donald Weidman, ninth; and Wilmer Weaver, 10th. In the haylage contest, Ray Sattazahn placed second; Ed Funck placed third; Wilmer Weaver, fourth; Lewis Werner, fifth; Tom Shuey, sixth; Dale Maulfair, seventh; Paul Maulfair, eighth; and Donald Bausher, ninth. Also discussed at the meeting were plans for the Christmas banquet to be held December 3 at 7 p.m. wheel bearings and moving parts should be lubricated. Finally, with the spark plug wire disconnected, one must check the blade and sharpen or replace it if necessary- If sharpening the blade, a person should take care not to get it out of balance, cautions Williams. The job is finished by lightly coating the blade with oil to prevent rust. For safety’s sake, it is best to replace the bolt that holds the blade on the mower. These bolts become weakened, especially if they’ve been banged with a hammer. While working on the blade, a person can take time for one last step. With the mower resting on a flat surface, the blade is ad justed so that its cutting edge is at least two inches above theis surface. Setting the blade at this height will give a more vigorous lawn, better able to tolerate drought, wear and other stresses. Definition Mangold is a flower, but it’s also what every chorus girl hopes to do 101
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