Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 12, 1977, Image 9
Livestock market and auction news CATTLE 7120. Compared with 6658 head last week, and 5557 head a year ago. Compared with last week’s market, slaughter steers grading Good & Choice steady 50 cents lower. Standard & Low Good 50 cents to $1 higher. Slaughter Heifers steady to 50 cents lower. -Slaughter cows steady to 25 cents higher. Slaughter bullocks steady to $1 lower. Slaughter bulls unevenly steady. STEERS: High Choice" & Prime 42.50- 45.25, Choice 40.00-44.75, Good 35.50-41.00, Standard 32.00- few Utility 25.50- 32.00. HEIFERS: Few Choice 35.00-41.50, Good 32.00- Standard 26.00- 33.00, few Utility 23.00-28.00. COWS: Utility & Commerc ial 23.25-27.25, Cutters 22.00- 25.00, Canner & Low Cutter 19.00- Shells down to 15.00. .BULLOCKS: Few Choice 37.00-41.50, Good 34.00- few Standard * , ** 'js Good sanitation, insect control, treatment of infec tion and disease, worming and rodent control all have to be carried on continuously for healthy birds and healthy profits. Simply stated, good pullets peak high; poor, ones do not. The move from the pullet house to the layer house can be in some cases a severe stress and depress that potential. A few chickens saved or lost certainly influences the potential return of the house. Since feed intake is a poor guide for pre-peak layers we must seek a substitute and the best substitute is in house temperature. Feed intake and performance fortification levels- The Purina Laying Chow Bio-Rating gives the relative fortifica tion of amino acid, vitamins and minerals. Bio Layena 100 is the base product. For example, Bio Layena 114 contains 7% more CONCI kssMus Pa. Auction Summary 29.00- BULLS: Yield Grade No. 1 1050-2000 lbs. 30.00- yield grade No. 2 900-1500 lbs. 27.00-32.00. FEEDER CATTLE: Good& Choice 300-750 lbs. feeder steers 28.00-38.00; Good & Choice 300-700 lbs. feeder heifers 22.00-31.00; few Good & Choice 300-600 lbs. feeder bulls 25.00-33.00. CALVES 4823. Compared with 4300 head last week, and 4026 head a year ago. Vealers $3 to $7 higher. VEALERS: Few Prime 70.00- Choice 55.00- 72.00, Good 50.00-60.00, Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. 43.00- 90-110 lbs. 36.00- 46.00, Standard 70-90 lbs. 34.00- Utility 55-100 lbs. 25.00- Farm calves active. Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. -42.00-57.00; holstein heifers 90-125 lbs. 39.00-60.00. HOGS 7133. Compared with 6513 head last week, and 5257 head a year ago. Barrows & gilts 50 cents to f USION: PURINA CHDWS $1.50 lower. BARROWS & GILTS: US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. 41.00-44 00, No. 1-3 195- 250 lbs. 39.50-42.50, No. 2-3 190-260 lbs 37.00-40.50, few No. 2-4 260-300 lbs. 36.00- 39.00, few No. 1-3 130-190 lbs. 35.00- SOWS: US No. 1- 3 300-600 lbs. 33.5040.00, few No. 2-3 350-700 lbs. 30.00- 34.00. Boars 22.00-29.00. FEEDER PIGS 2032. Compared with 2358 head last week, and 1032 head a year ago. Feeder pigs steady to $2 lower per head. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 12.00- per head. No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 16.00-32.00, few Utility 15-45 lbs. 5.00-17.00 per head. GRADED FEEDER PIGS 4083. Compared with 2652 head last week. Feeder pigs were $6 to $l9 lower cwt. ALL PRICES CWT. US No. 1-2 20-30 lbs. 55.00-67.00,3040 lbs. 57.00-81.00 40-50 lbs. 60.00- 50-75 lbs. 45.00- 65.00, 75-90 lbs. 45.00-58.00; No, 2-3 20-30 lbs. 50.00-61.00, 3040 lbs. 56.00-78.00, 40-50 lbs. 52.00-73.00, 50-75 lbs. 45.00- Utility 30-50 lbs. 35.00- STAYING COMPETITIVE WILL BE THE ANSWER. REPEAT STAY COMPETITIVE. ALL INDICATIONS ARE THAT THINGS WILL BE TIGHT THE NEXT 24 MONTHS. WITH EGG PRICES HOVERING AROUND THE BREAK EVEN POINT FOR PRODUCERS. Nutritional programs and management practices during housing through 36 weeks of age can have considerable effect on peak and subsequent performance. It is our challenge to start with a quality pullet and do nothing that harms its “performance potential". But too we must be concerned about not feeding excesses of nutrients that are costly and hurt income potential. SHEEP 665. Compared with 758 head last week, and 637 head a year ago. Wooled slaughter Lambs mostly steady. Choice 60-115 lbs wooled slaughter lambs 47.00- Good 60-100 lbs. 42.00- Slaughter ewes 6.00- Valley Livestock Valley Stockyards Athens, Pa. Monday, November 11.1977 Reported receipts of 460 calves, 215 cows, 57 hogs, 52 heifers, 10 sheep, 31 bulls, 25 lambs, and 21 steers. Cattle market steady and calf market strong. Veals 50.00-69.50; bobs, 90 to 110 lbs. 40.0046.00; bobs, 80 lbs. and down 25.00-36.00; grassers and feeders 24.00- 37.00; lambs 35.00-54.00; sheep 8.00-20.00; hogs, 200 to 250 lbs. 38.00-39.50; sows 32.00- boars 22.00-24.00; pigs 10.00-27.00; heifers 26.00- steers, good 32.00- steers, common 26.00- bulls 27.00-33.50; fortification than Bio Layena 107 and 14% more than Bio Layena 100. Each of the above feed intake ranges represent approximately 7% less feed consumption than the previous range. Thus a drop of 7% in feed intake (approximately IVz pounds/100 hens/day) is compensated for by an increase of 7% in ration fortification. In this way daily intake of ammo acids, vitamins and minerals remain constant. The correct level of fortification is exactly matched to the hen’s feed intakes. If during stress conditions a more highly fortified ration is desired, just choose the amount of extra fortification by checking the Bio-Rating of each Purina Laying Chow. Always use local judgement on whether tochange the ration, since feed intakes will vary due to wastage, strain, etc. Failure to reach the highest level of production and to maintain high levels many times is due to disease. Therefore it is essential that prior to this time the flocks should have received sufficient vaccination properly administered to provide full and complete resistance. If you feel that we may be of service, please call 1-442- 4183 or write us, so that we may have a better un derstanding of your needs. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 12,1977 cows, good 25.00-27.75; cows, medium 22.00-23.50; cows, poor or small 16.00-21.00; small horses 50.00-75.00; ponies 15.00-30 00; goats 12.00-30.00. Lancaster Feeder Cattle Lancaster, Pa. Friday, November 4,1977 Feeder Cattle 1156 Today Last Friday 1736 TREND: Compared to last Friday feeder steers steady to 50 lower, with decline mainly on weights over 600 lbs. FEEDER STEERS: Three lots Choice and Prime 455-530 lbs. 40.0040.35; lot Choice 425 lbs. 39.00, Choice 580-930 lbs. 36.25-38.85, lot Choice fleshy 560 lbs. 35.50; mixed Good and Choice 600- 875 lbs. 34.75-36.75; Good 675- 900 lbs. 33.35-35.00; few lots Standard and Good Holsteins 740-975 lbs. 30.25-30.75, lot 620 lbs. 28.50. FEEDER HEIFERS: Lot Choice 360 lbs. 27.00. JOHN J. HESS 11, INC. So. Vintage Rd. Paradise, Pa. 17562 Oklahoma Feeder Cattle November 10,1977 Cattle and Calves 6500 CATTLE AUCTION: Moderately active, early sales feeder cattle and calves generally steady: majority receipts Mixed Good and Choice 300-650 lb. feeder steers and heifers; fairly large attendance buyers. FEEDER STEERS: Early sales Choice 300-400 lb. 43.75- 48.75; 400-500 lb. 43.75-46.50; 500-600 lb 40.00-43.95 ; 600-700 lb. 38.25-38.80; 700-800 lb 38.00-39.20; few 800-850 lb 37.75-38.95; Mixed Good and Choice 400-500 lb 39.25-42.25; 500-800 lb. 37.00-38.50. FEEDER HEIFERS: Choice 375-500 lb 33.50-37.00; 500-735 lb 33.75-35.00; Mixed Good and Choice 300-500 lb 31.50-33.75; 500-675 lb 32.00- 33.75; Good 300-715 lb 28.75- 31.75. 9