—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 5,1977 60 Three Lancaster County men topped the field of feed management con sultants in an eight-state, company-wide contest sponsored by Young's, Inc., manufacturer of mineral-vitamin premixes and supplements for livestock. They are, left to right, Ray Brechbiil, Lititz, Cassel Mummau, Mount Joy, and Earl Umble, Lancaster. Russell F. Brown, president, presented the awards at a meeting last week in Gettysburg. Awards were based on sales, service, self improvement and business acumen. Child nutrition report released WASHINGTON D.C. - Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Carol Tucker Foreman, who is chair person of the National Ad visory Council on Child Nutrition, last week an nounced publication of the Council’s annual report to the President and to the Congress. The council recommended that increased emphasis be given to nutrition and nutrition education through the funding of an existing section of the National School Lunch Act which authorizes grants to states for nutritional training, education, surveys and studies. The council also recommended funding of a section of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 which provides for experimental or demonstration projects to teach school children the nutritional value of foods and the relationship of nutrition to health. Congress recently agreed to fund this section of the Child Nutrition Act for the first time, following a request from USDA Secretary Bob Bergland. WOOS HEAT Rt. 212, Pleasant Valley Quakertown, Pa. 18951 It also recommended that apportionn »nt of state administer ;ve expense funds be twsed on the needs of the states for ad ministering effective and efficient child nutrition programs, taking into consideration an equitable federal/state sharing of such costs, and not solely on provisions of child nutrition legislation concerned with services to needy children. As a part of its discussion of food waste, the council expressed opposition to the Dairy club meeting held DOVER - The Central A nominating committee Dany 4-H Club held a cow was appointed by Tommy judging practice at their Welsh, president, consisting meeting held recently at the of Kathy Rauhauser, Roy home of Kathy Rauhauser, Thompson, and Joey 3161 Admire Road, Dover. Welsh. Jed Beshore, New Cum- Christine Wolf, Roy berland Rl, gave reasons on Thompson, Mike Welsh, and the placings of the cows. Debbie Wolf will be assisting A report on the club tour to m sending out the November Atlantic Breeders Co-op at County 4-H reporter Lancaster was given by Roy newsletter. Thompson. Mrs. Charles Mrs. Jane Thompson, Rauhauser gave a slide leader of the club, thanked presentation of members everyone who went to the showing their animals at 4-H shows and congratulated Dairy Roundup. them on their placings. UPLAND I • Alt Stainless Steel Chimneys In Stock 'j • Send 25* For Catalog sf mandated free milk provisions of the Special Milk Program in schools which have either the School Lunch or School Breakfast Program. Individual members of the council stressed that this action was taken because of the adequate nutrition currently available to needy children under the mandated free meal provisions of the School Lunch or School Brakfast Program, and not because of administrative infeasibility. STOVE 100 Percent Cast Iron Fits Small Space Holds Overnight Fire Heats 1 or 2 Rooms Vents Easily Into Your Fireplace Made in USA Comes Assembled Phone 215-346-7894 Dealerships Available LCFA elects new officers LANCASTER - An organizational meeting of the Lancaster County Farmers Association was ENDWTTHCAR the Soil that Cares forYo WHY SHOULD YOU CONSIDER AGRI-SOIL CONDITIONER - Farm Observations Show: I % f 1. Crumbly, More Porous Soil I V J 2. Elimination of Wet Spots in Gumbo-like Soil | 3. Increased Effectiveness of Tile | H 4. Reduction in Amount of Water Runoff | '% 5. Easier Tillage of Soil | | 6. More Uniformity in Growth and Maturiety I }7. Higher Yield Potential J LEARN ALL ABOUT OUR PRODUCTS AT OUR FARM MEETINGS: MON. NOV. 7 - 7:30 P.M. IDES. NOV. 8 - 7:30 P.M. Amish Land Motel Treadway Inn, 222 Eden Road Morgantown, Pa. Lancaster, Pa. CALL YOUR LOCAL AGRI-INTERNATIONAL DEALER GLENN HURST RDI, East Earl, Pa. 215-445-6865 MILFORD RD #2 Elverson, Pa. AGRI-INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTOR held on Tuesday evening at which an election of officers was held. Earl Newcomer, Washington Boro Rl, was re- IL CONDI TlONc EVERYONE IS INVITED. AARON RIEHL P.O. Box 223, Brownstown, Pa. 717-656-9302 elected president; Wagner, vice presi Mary Martin, New Hoi secretary; and Nj Stoltzfus, Gap Rl, treas WHITE HORSE GRAIN CO. RO2 Cochranville, Pa. 215-869-8201 RD#l Oxford, Pa. 215-869-8201 MAST 215-286-9118 R( in
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