Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 05, 1977, Image 58
58 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 5,1977 LIFE on the farm if you've ever seen Linda square dancing, you know it comes as natural to her as walking does to the rest of us But she stepped on my anyway That can only mean one thing - I was clumsy enough to get my big shoe in her way The truth is, I’m the world’s worst Home on the Range t (Continued from Page 57) 4 tablespoons butter or margarine 3 tablespoons oil, divided 1 cup chopped onions 1 clove garlic, minced 1 can (1 lb. 12 oz.) tomatoes, broken up 1 can (6 oz.) tomato paste 1 tablespoon oregano leaves, crumbled 2 teaspoons sugar 1-Vz teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon basil leaves, crumbled v 4 teaspoon ground black pepper 1-M> pounds ground lean beef 1 pound spaghetti, cooked and drained Rinse, pat dry, and slice fresh mushrooms or dram canned mushrooms. In a large skillet melt butter. Add mushrooms; saute for five minutes; set aside. In a large saucepan heat two tablespoons of the oil. Add onions and garlic; saute for two minutes. Add tomatoes, tomato paste, oregano, sugar, salt, basil and black pepper. Bring to the boiling point. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally Add sauteed mushrooms to saucepan. In same skillet as used for mushrooms heat remaining one tablespoon oil. Add ground beef; cook and stir until browned; stir into mushroom sauce. Heat until hot. Serve over thoroughly drained hot spaghetti Yields six to eight portions American Mushroom Institute SJV \3~j Old Guard jfflfflftaal] 0 ids odd 1 © dog© S®oDQp©m^ "I r/i ini r,f f arf'u r s s nu ( '' Ask about our new FARMOWNER’S policy It is aesignedto give you the very broadest coverage at the most reasonable cost We believe it is the finest policy you can buy See our agent in your area MELVIN E. PAINTER RD 1, Emerson Pa JACOB H. RUHL, Inc. 18 S Mam St Manheitn, Pa , B. TITUS RUTT Agency 81 E Main St Mount Joy, Pa WAGNER Insurance Agency 107 W Mam St, Hummelstown Pa dancer On top of that, slowest learner But I do enjoy going to a square dance, especially when it’s being held on a barn floor Although I’ve only ever been to a couple of square dances, it’s become so enjoyable that the only “fancy footwork activity” which 1 like better is soccer foot Linda sure looked surprised when I’m Recipe Theme Calendar „„ “Left-over Turkey Recipes” &0 Deadline November 12 DECEMBER " „ “Christmas Candy Favorites” t> Deadline November 19 - ~ ‘ ‘Holiday Puddings” 10 Deadline November 26 „ “Christmas Stuffings” 1 • Deadline December 3 “Gelatin Whip-ups” Deadline December 10 “Party Appetizers” ol Deadline December 17 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ $ 59 TILLER PRICE INCREASE COMING BUT NOW AND SAVE! ♦ NORMAN H. ZIMMERMAN ♦ t Myerstown R.D. 2 Phone (717) 866-4695 f I Vz mile west Myerstown - West Main St. 7 a Shop Hours: 7 7 Mon. & Fri. - 8 to 8 Sat. -8 to 12 7 7 Wed. & Thurs. 8 to 5 Tues. Closed 7 *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ she realized she had stepped on my foot In fact, her reaction is the only reason I remember it Good grief, after having been stepped on oodles of times by 1500- pound Holstems, what’s so bad about being stepped on by a 115- pound dark haired young lady 7 1 sure wasn’t about to complain 1 Square dancing is fun The last time we went square dancing it was raining It was cold and almost miserable outside, considering it was only the middle of October But that made the barn feel so much warmer and the hot chocolate so much more delicious We were all gathered as friends and we were going to have a good time No one could deny that we did We hopped around in tune to the music and tried to follow the instructions of the callers “Head couples chain across ” “Shuffle forward, shuffle back, shuffle across the railroad track ” the “Boys out, flip the pretty side in ” “All join hands, circle left and circle back the same old track ” While the ram beat on the roof above and the wind found holes and cracks in the structure, the dark, gloomy, wet night was distant in our minds. We were warmed fun and ROY-BILT Roto Tiller 4 H.P. Pony Tillers Available ▲ ART \ activity. And what better place for it than a solid old barn floor with a string of lightbulbs stretched between the heavy timbers and the scent of Summer’s crops pleasing our noses Hot chocolate and cookies kept us from running out of energy Taking care of all the preparations and arrangements for a square dance is quite a job We’re fortunate to have farm families who care enough to keep square dancing an important tradition of rural America Life on the farm is better because of it « ' SAVE 'A OF THE COST OF SPRAY PAINTING BARNS • By having it done right l • Like you want it done • With latest equipment •ißiushed properly with the real 6” paint brush. •By one who is self- employed • Using the original proven '' barn paint • Check with my recent work near your place. PHARESS. HURST RD 1, Box 420 Narvon, Pa 17555 215 445-6186 si s -• ' ' - Ns > s