Record crowd attends Lane. Co. poultry banquet STRASBURG -- With special award was presented attendance at a record to Lancaster Farming breaking level, over 360 newspaper for service to the poultrymen and allied in- poultry industry in the dustrymen attended the county. annual dinner meeting of the Lancaster County Poultry , , , ~ . . Association held on Thur- Elected at that meeting sday evening at Historic were four board of directors Strasburgßestaurant. “ Xe* were Edwin Moshier, Lititz; After a review of com- Tyielvin Shoemaker, and mitteework done over the Leroy Esbenshade, past year, Lancaster County Manheixn. Newly elected Extension agent, Poultry was gt eve N e y 5 Marietta. Queen Beverly Garber spoke on her reign thus far as a representative of the in- ®n Monday evening the dustry. officers for the board of directors will be elected at Durmg the evening, a the group’s meeting. COMPLETE HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL On the farm located just off Old New Windsor Pike on Greenwood Church Road two miles from New Windsor, in Carroll County, Maryland TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 11:00 A.M. 95 HEAD OF HOLSTEINS 54 Cows -16 Bred Heifers - 24 Open Heifers under one 'ear -1 Bull The cows are bred to freshen thr ughout the year to the herd sire who is selling. He is an Elevation son of a Kingpin dtr. who has 27,440 M and 967 F. Many of the heifers are sired by him also. The majority of the cows are AI sired. SEE LARGE AD NEXT WEEK WILLIAM H. NEVIUS 111 Rt. 2, New Windsor, Md A. DOTY REMSBURG Sale Mgr. & Auctioneer Jefferson, Maryland PUBLIC AUCTION REAL ESTATE & HOUSEHOLD SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12,1977 ll:OOA.M. Located along Rt. 322 in Village of Clay. Real Estate to be offered at 1:00 P.M, Two story mason stone house heated by electric heat. First floor has powder room, large kitchen & dining area, living room & family room. Second floor has three bedrooms with large closets also full bath, one car garage to rear of property. This property is well maintained inside & outside, nice shade & shrubs. Lot size 90’ frontage by 187’ deep with a large cistern. GE four burner two yr. old stove; Hotpoint upright freezer; round drop leaf table; breakfast set; two piece living room suit, sofa hide-a-way bed; recliner; fiddle back rocker; oak rocker; oak dresser; oak wash stand; childs rocker; childs table & chairs; early water bench; bent back chairs; full spindle chairs; coverlet like new; 1884 Mennonite hymnal; German ti English New Testament; sponge bowl; Copper Lustre creamer; German serving dishes; carnival dish; English china; wheat iron stove tea pot; flat irons; early salt shakers; coffee grinder; hand bell; five gal. New Brighten Pa. crock; wicker bottle; throw rugs; 10% x 12’ rug; kettles; roasters; coal Heatrola; domestic electric sewing machine; extra long twin single beds, box springs & mattresses; plants; flower stand; garden & hand tools; a few coins including large penny, silver dollar, half dollars to be sold at 12:45. Inspection for Real Estate SATURDAY, NOVEM BER 5, 1977 - 4 P.M. or by appointment. Phone 717-626- 7130. John Gibble - Attorney Wilber H. Hosier - Auctioneer 717-626-5943 Galebach & Hosier - Clerks Food by Ladies of Middlecreek Church of the Brethren HOUSEHOLD Sale By; LIZZIE B. BRUBAKER A f , /• j T,„ * f *■ X v < i#3 IK ' * /i 'h" - ,1 ■ r „t *%■ c Mis The four board members elected to a three-year (from left to right) Steve Ney, Leroy Esbenshade, term of office at the recent annual dinner meeting Melvin Shoemaker, and Edwin Moshier. of the Lancaster County Poultry Association were: Energy savers workshop set for York County YORK - The York County to make their homes more Cooperative Extension energy efficient. They are Service will hold a Home open to the public. Energy Savers Workshop series on November 7 and 28 On November 7th, par from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. in the ticipants in the workship will lecture hall of Penn State leam how to use the “Home York Campus, 1031 Energy Savers’Workbook”. Edgecomb Ave., York. The workbook helps homeowners to consider the The workshops are unique features of their designed to help interested home when considering homeowners determine energy saving ira what measure they can take provements such as storm Christmas ideas offered CARLISLE - Looking for berland County Cooperative Christmas ideas? Bertha Extension Service and will Reppert, author and herb be held in the Extension specialist, will be sharing Building meeting room at gift and decorating ideas on 1100 Claremont Road, November Bat 10 a.m. Mrs. Carlisle. Reppert is owner of the To register, contact the Rosemary House in Extension office by calling Mechanicsburg. 717-249-7220 or writing to the Cooperative Extension The workshop is being Service at 1100 Claremont sponsored by the Cum- Road, Carlisle, Pa. 17013. SHORT NOTICE DAIRY HERD DISPERSAL MUKHI6 EQUIPMENT AND SILAGE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1977 ll:OOA.M. Located 12 miles north of Reading, 3 miles south of Hamburg, just off Shoey Rd., between Shoemakersville and Centerport, turn onto North End Rd.. to first farm in Berks Co., Pa. 48 Holstein cows in various stages of production, showing a lot of dairy quality andmilk with 3.9% test at dairy. Cows will be pregnancy checked. This is a fine group of animals with good foundation breeding. In dividual health charts will be furnished. MILKING EQUIPMENT: Dumping station with dryer, 4 Surge milking units, 3 carring pails, strainer, 10 milk cans, 220 volt milk house heater, app. 125 tons 1977 com silage. Reason for sale - ill health. Terms: Cash or check at Sale. Sale ordered by; OUCH AND EMA DIETRICH Conducted by: Ralph W. Zettlemoyer Auction Co. 215-285-4616 ‘■fi-n ; ,1 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 5,1977—39 windows and doors, in- materials for insulation, sulation, caulking, and caulking, and weather weatherstnpping. Formulas stripping. to determine possible dollar Each participant will savings that may result from receive a free copy of the appropriate energy saving “Home Energy Savers’ improvements, as well as Workbook”, from lowering the ther- mostate in Winter are a Advance registration is significant part of the necessary, to the first program. meeting. To register call the The November 28th York County Extension workshop will be a “how to” Office in the Court House, session on selection of 848-3301, ext. 276. mm f jh fvjk FOR CARS/ T f O§m Jg TRUCKS and I inlO TRACTORS Tractor Overhauls sorg-Warner Ignition Plow Shares, All Makes Gates Hydraulic Hose Wolf’s Head Motor Oils Ac Oil and Fuel Filters Also REMINGTON CHAIN SAWS Ernest B. Clauser FARM MACHINERY SERVICE SUCCESSOR TO BENJ W CLAUSER RT. 2, BOX SS2, WESCOSVILLE LOCATED ON RUPPSVILLE ROAD Phone (215) 395-2542 ANNOUNCING A COMPLETE HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL On the farm located at 1545 Old Westminster Pike, three miles East of Westminster, in Carroll County, Maryland CHAR-NAN FARMS NOVEMBER 18 and 19,1977 273 HEAD SELLING Sale starts at 10:30 each day SELLING FRIDAY, NOV. 18 -169 Cows DHI average: 13,983 3.8 537 Cows selling with records to well over 20,D00M and over 900 F. Many recently fresh or due soon after sale. Some registered - Many by AI bulls. SELLING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19 Lots of ensilage, hay and straw followed by 102 heifers and 2 registered bulls. SEE LARGE AD NEXT WEEK CHARLES R. & NANCY POOL Westminster. Md A. DOTY REMSBURG Sale Mgr & Auctioneer Jefferson, Maryland
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