technology WE OFFER YOU THE FOLLOWING: THE AUTOMATED MILKING SYSTEMS Get hot water without using any electricity or fuel with... DARI-KOOL THERM A* STOP LET US SHOW YOU A THERMA’STOR IN ACTION RECIRCULATING GRAIN DRYERS ARE THE ANSWER FOR AN INEXPENSIVE SET-UP 1250 Gal. Mueller Hi-Perform €OO Gal. Milkeeper, like new, 300 Gal. Girton 700 Gat. Mueller Save $lO5O off new price 800 Gal. Girton 600 Gal. Girton 500 Gal. Jamesway 300 Gal. Mojonmer 600 Gal. Jamesway 400 Gal. Mojonmer Vacuum 625 Gal. Stemhorst 500 Gal. Mojonmer 400 Gal. Jamesway Several Used 3 H.P. Belt 300 Gal. Jamesway Driven Compressors SHENK'S FARM SERVICE 501 E. Woods Drive Lititz, Pa. 17543 Bulk Tanks & Therma • Stor After 5 P.M. Call Titus Burkholder 717-859-1620 Our Service Trucks Are Radio Dispatched 24 HR. SERVICE OFFERED TOX-O-WIK jUSED BULK MILK TANKS] ► ONLY 2 LEFT THEY'RE GOING TO jO to 00 Bu. idels tilable Around-the-Barn Pipeline Systems Automated Herringbones Automated Carousels Automated Polygons Crowding Gates Stimulations Stalls Milkers Automatic Detachers Vacuum Pumps Bulk Tanks Pipeline Washers Pre-Coolers Automated Side Opening Stalls Plate Cooler THERMA*STOR THE ENERGY SAVER. •Makes 50 Gallons Of Hot Water At Up To 190 Degrees Every Time You Milk •Makes A Gallon Of 110 Degrees Water For Every Gallon Of Milk Cooled •Completely Eliminates Fan-Cooled Con densers • Has Stainless-Steel Heat- Exchanger And Storage Sections For Maximum Corrosion Protection GET IN ON OUR GRAIN DRYER SPECIAL SALE be em n >j FE AURES 1. Easier to operate 4 Will dry 46% 2. Completely self- moisture down contained 5. Grain cleaner with 3. No augers or holding in the dryer bins needed The GT Dryer is constructed to give you the most efficient grain drying on the market today. We will deliver anywhere. 00 18 can Can Cooler 28 Milk Cans New Egg Cooling Cooling Coil (Sell at Cost) Phone 717-626-1151 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 5,1977 Eastern names McDonald to post SYRACUSE, N.Y.—East ern Milk Producers Cooperative has named Howard McDonald as permanent General Manger of the 7500 dairy farmer member organization, ef fective immediately. Mc- Donald, who has served Eastern in various capacities including that of Assistant General Manager over the past 23 years, has been acting General Manager since June of this year. Arden Tewksbury, President of the cooperative, stated on October 31, that McDonald has demonstrated considerable skill m han dling Eastern’s affairs durmg these troubled times. He said, “Without question, our Board of Directors USDA proposes rights NEW YORK, N.Y. - The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) proposed amending regulations under the Plant Variety Protection Act to give Israeli citizens who develop plants that reproduce by seed the right to apply for U.S. certificates of protection. Stan Rollin, an official with USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service, said the amendment, if approved, would establish in ternational reciprocity rights for citizens of Israel equal to those now granted to nationals from West Ger man, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the Republic of South Africa. Under the amendment, certificates issued to Israeli applicants would be good for 15 years and limited to species that are protectable Sheep decline may end DENVER, Colo. - Solid evidence that the sheep industry is moving back into an era of growth, halting a decline that began in 1942, was reflected in speeces given at the recent Annual Meeting of the American Sheep Producers Council in Denver The meeting was Big Fall Sale BARGAINS IN ALLDEPTS, Register now for 51 Valuable Prizes • Beautiful Hamilton WALLCLOCK • 25 large TURKEYS • 25BreyersICE CREAM Drawing —Nov. 12, at 4 p.m. Winners will be notified. Truckload Sale Attic Insulation for blowing or pouring BLOWER FOR RENT W.LZIMMERMAN & SONS Dept. Store Fine Foods Home Farm Hardware GULF Petroleum Products LP-GAS SERVICE Phone: 768-8291 INTERCOURSE, PA. unanimously supports McDonald and is completely satisfied with his per formance in bringing the cooperative through its most difficult days.” McDonald said, in ac cepting the top managerial position permanently, “I would like to express my appreciation to all of those who have remained loyal to me and to the Association.” He hoped that he would continue to have full support from Eastern’s membership in the future. Eastern Milk Producers markets approximately 3 billion pounds of milk an nually throughout the Northeastern part of the United States and is reported to be the nation’s third largest dairy cooperative. in Israel. Further, cer tificates would not include a specification that the seed of the variety is to be sold by variety name only as a class of certified seed. Mr. Rollin said that a “certified seed only” specification is per mitted under the U.S. law but not under laws of Israel. The proposed amendment appeared m the Federal Register October 28. Anyone interested may submit written views until Nov. 28, m two copies, to the Hearing Clerk, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C., 20250, where they will be open for public review. Copies of the proposal are available from the Plant Variety Protection Office, Livestock, Poultry, Grain and Seed Division, AMS, USDA, Room 205, National Agricultural Library Building, Beltsville, Md., 20705. attended by 95 delegates and directors from throughout the U.S. representing 120,000 sheepmen. ASPC, the lamb and wool promotion arm of the sheep industry, is gearing up for an anticipated gradual growth in sheep numbers over the next few years. Richard D. Biglin, executive director of the Denver-based organization, said there are many encouraging signs including passage of the Wool Act as part of the Farm Bill that the sheep industry is halting the decline, and that the Council is planning for growth in the supplies of lamb and wool for American markets. MEMO HAY, STRAW and EAR CORN SALE EVERY MONDAY AT 11 AM EVERY WEDNESDAY 12 00 NOON NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES. INC Phone 717 354 4341 Lloyd H Kreider Auct 35
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