—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 5,1977 34 Balmer wins top 4-H dairy award (Continued from Page 1) by Miss Grace Miller, Lancaster, a retired librarian who spoke on happiness. Miss Twila Brubaker, Lancaster Co. Dairy Princess, also spoke to the group, saying she was proud that Lancaster Co. is first in the state m milk production and reminding the dairy 4-H’ers that they are the future of the dairy industry. County roundup, district show, and judging team awards were presented to the 4-H’ers. They were: County Roundup Junior Showman; Jeffrey Shenk, Lititz R 2, grand champion junior showman; Anita Brommer, Conestoga R 2, Ayrshire; Mary Witmer, Willow Street Rl, Guernsey; Jeffrey Shenk, Holstein, and Matthew Arrowsmith, Peach Bottom Rl, Jersey. Senior Showman; Lowell Brubaker, Manheim R 2, grand champion senior showman; Karen Schmuck, r neb Bottom R 2, Ayrshire; rry Boyd, Ephrata R 5, brown Swiss; Connie Balmer, 572 Millway Road, Lititz, Guernsey; Joyce Denhnger, Gordonville, Holstein, and Ellen Sch muck, Peach Bottom R 2, Jersey. Junior Champions: Kristina Esbenshade, Quarryville R 2, Ayrshire; PATENTED PROTECTION - HANDLES ACCIDENTAL OFF-LOADING WITH NO BOX TWISTING - STRENGTH TO SPARE! FEATURING . .. HIGH POLISHED HARD CHROMED CYLINDERS DOUBLE ACTING NDERS FITTINGS AND HOSE RECOMMENDED FOR SINGLE AXLE TRUCKS WITH 14 TO 18 FT. TRUCK BODIES. Judy Witmer, Willow Street R 2, Brown Swiss; Jay A. Garber, Willow Street R 2, Guernsey; Douglas Her shberger, Quarryville R 4, Holstein, and Patrick Bukowski, Mount Joy Rl, Jersey (grand champion). Grand Champions: Karen Schmuck, Ayrshire; Kerry Boyd, Brown Swiss; Connie Balmer, Guernsey; Sandra Frey, Willow Street, Holstein, and Matthew Arrowsmith, Jersey (senior champion). District Show Patrick Bukowski, Jersey junior champion; Karen Schmuck, Ayrshire grand champion. Blue merit project winners were: Ayrshire - Anita Brom mer; Kristina Kay Esbenshade; Kevin Eshleman, Elizabethtown R 3, and Karen Schmuck. Brown Swiss - Kerry Boyd; Judy Witmer; Lois Wanner, Narvon R 2. Jersey - Patrick Bukowski; Michael Bukowski, and Ellen Sch muck, Peach Bottom R 2. Guernsey - Carol Balmer; Connie Balmer; Gerald Garber; Joe Rohrer, 1107 Lame Valley Road; Charles Weaver, 560 Millway Road, Lititz; and Clarence M. Weaver Jr., 560 Millway Road, Lititz. Holstein - Linda and Nancy Akers, Quarryville URE We offer SALES, SERVICE, AND Installation for Harsh Truck Hoists Rl; Rhonda Balmer, Lampeter; Sheryl Bollinger, Lititz R 4; Phil Crouse, Stevens Rl; Joyce Denhnger, Gordonville; Martha Gregory, Lititz Rl; Larry Groff, Kinzer Rl; Debbie and Doug Her shberger, Quarryvdle R 4; Larry and Stephen Hershey, Manheim R 6; Jeff Hess, Strasburg Rl; Susan Hess, Quarry ville R 2; Randy Houser, 1520 Lampeter Road; R. Steven Kauffman; Arlen H. Keener, Elizabethtown Rl; Dennis Kulp, Manheim Rl; Buddy Shenk, Lititz R 2; Jeff Shenk, Lititz R 2; Steve M. Spayd, Quarryville Rl; Alice Kay Stauffer, Ephrata Rl: Jane, Joyce and Leonard Stoltzfus, Gapß2. Judging Team: Cheryl Bollinger, Kerry Boyd, Doug Hershberger, and Dennis Kulp. Auto Service Tips When replacing oil pan, tim ing cover or valve covers, first tap gasket flanges with ham mer against a piece of bar stock This eliminates dimples caused by previous tightening of bolts and improves gasket seal. f Jlk ' Jk f Top award winners in the project scores included; left to right, in back, Carol Baimer, R. Steven Kauffman, and Kerry Boyd, and in front, Kristina Kay Esben shade and Patrick Bukowski. feed with ease Handle grinding and mixing chores in a hurry withaGehl Mix-All® Hydraulic and mechanical drives available for easy loading And big 21" mill grinds feed efficiently Unloading auger with optional extension lets you unload just about anywhere See us today and learn more about the Mix-All GEHL FARM EQUIPMENT ZOOK'S FARM STORE Honey Brook, PA NISSLEY FARM SERVICE Washington Boro, PA 717-285-4844 S. JOHNSON HURFF Pole Tavern Monroeville, NJ 609-358-2565 or 609-769-2565 STOUFFER BROS. INC. Chambersburg, PA 717-263-8424 ARNETT’S GARAGE Rt. 9 Box 125 Hagerstown, MD 301-733-0515 NEVIN N. MYER & SONS, INC. Chester Springs, PA 215-827-7414 UMBERGER’S MILL Rt. 4 Lebanon, PA (Fontana) 717-867-5161 A. L HERR & BRO. Quarryville, PA 717-786-3521 BINKLEY & HURST BROS. 133 Rothsville Station Road Lititz, PA 717-626-4705 PEOPLE'S SALES & SERVICE Oakland Mills, PA 717-463-2735 N. G. HERSHEY & SON Manheim, PA 717-665-2271 A6WAY, INC. Chapman Equip. Center Chapman, PA 215-398-2553 CHAS. J. McCOMSEY &SONS Hickory Hill, PA 215-932-2615 WERTZ GARAGE Lineboro, MO 301-374-2672 LEBANON VALLEY IMPLEMENT GO., INC. Richland, PA 717-866-7518 CLAIR J. MYERS Lake Road R 1 Thomasville, PA 717-259-0453 WILLIAM DAUGHERTY R.D. #2 Felton. PA 717-244-9787 ERNEST SHOVER FARM EQUIPMENT 19 W. South St. Carlisle, PA 717-249-2239
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