T •<. /• ♦\ 1 ' x \„V S Members of the Cloister FFA Chapter, Ephrata, man, Sheryl Bollinger, John Weiler, Curtis Martin, who are going to go to Kansas City, Mo. next week Tony Eberly, and Don Good. Front row, left to for the Golden Anniversary Convention of FFA, right: Andy Oietrick, Bob Fox, Kevin Smoker, Larry are, top row, left to right: Ron Good, Barry Her- Burkholder, Allen Ackley, and Will Good. NORTHC High Density Work VINYL DROPPING SHIELDS eliminate the headaches of dropping boards and dropping board scrapers. Manure slides off the dropping shields and into the pit. Owners of present Northco Slant-Back Systems are impressed with the way all components of the system work together to increase the efficiency of the total system. THOMAS FARM SYSTEMS, INC. UrV IFS A TOTAL SYSTEM JIM THOMAS PHONE: (717) 656-2677 «s» * uses plastic coated contact surfaces to move eggs from the cage to processing equipment, gently and efficiently. 57 W. Main St. Leola, PA 17540 f SYSTEMS namsvKumD ' « ■•taL v' =v v V %\ x %x \ !*■* V •» * > ' * \ <• \ V X „M 0 ' A NORTHCO EGG GATHERING NORTHCO mcnmeamm. I > A 4^ / f * 2 V 7* ‘V’ j" For more information complete this coupon and return to. Mam St "I I THOMAS FARM SYSTEMS, INC. Leola. M 17540 \ j Name_ I Address | City I Phone. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 5,1977 13 Cloister FFA’ers will go to Kansas City EPHRATA - Thirteen members of the Cloister Chapter of the Future Farmers of America will represent the chapter at the National FFA Convention to be held at Kansas City, Mo November 8 through 12. Six members will be travelling to Kansas City by van as chapter delegates. The delegates were selected by chapter activities, far ming programs, and school academic achievements. They include Allen Ackley, son of Mr. and Mrs Charles Ackley; Robert Fox, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fox; Kevin Smoker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smoker; Larry Burkholder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Burkholder; Willard Good, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Good; and Andy Dittnck, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Dittnck. The six delegates and advisor Carl Graybill will be leaving Ephrata High School at 6:00 A.M. Nov. 5. Their first stop will be at Dayton, Ohio, at the Air Force Museum. On Sunday after church they will visit the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. They will also visit the Mark Twain Cave, r ’V »* 1 3gT fj|l~ THE RELIABLE FEEDER FEED MIXING ACTION Northco’s exclusive core auger mixes feed along the entire feed line to help prevent feed separation There are no hang-up spots where feed can become stale. Uneaten feed is carried back to the hopper and mixed with fresh feed LESS WEAR The core auger floats on a cushion of feed There's virtually no metal-to metal contact which means less wear LESS WASTE A specially designed “feed-saver” trough maintains a feed level that is easily ac cessible to the birds from billing feed out of the trough. VERSATILE Northco’s Cage Feeder can be adapted to fit nearly any cage or cage arrange ment even vertical or wall-row operations State St. Louis Arch, plus several large farms. They will return Nov. 13. Seven members of the chapter will be leaving by plane to Kansas City as National Judging Contest winners. They include Sheryl Bollinger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bollinger; John Weiler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eh Weiler; and Curtis Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Martin, for dairy cattle judging. Donald Good, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Good; and Tony Eberly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Eberly, will go for meats judging and identification. Barry Herman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herman, and Ronald Good, son of Mr. and Mrs Issac Good, go for dairy products judging and identification These seven members will leave Harrisburg In ternational Airport November 8 and will return November 12. Lewis Ayers will be their advisor. The Chapter will be receiving the Gold Emblem Award for Chapter Ac tivities. This award goes to only three chapters in Pennsylvania. t ♦ M. »*»**» ?***» ** v i iliil* >* f m.: iv ' VM&Jii I ' $ .jfc '•* '• Wwssw*sag P 11/5 31 V
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