Pennsylvanians to participate (Continued from Page 1) that support the nation’s fanners. Pennsylvania’s candidates are: Donald L. Bollinger, Myerstown R 2; Glenn L. Bollinger, Lititz R 2; Thomas SPERRY NEW HOLLAND CCII&Q3GIIEO Model 790 Spreader: The Biggest Strong-Box Spreads 8% Tons In Less Than 2 Minutes! Take a big step up in spreaders to the giant Sperry New Holland Model 790 It's a giant for capacity (358 bu per trip) It's a giant for strength with reinforced sides and frame It's a giant in value, promising years of dependable service Ask us about bonded protection l MODEL L-225—ANOTHER MEMBER OF THE SPERRY NEW HOLLAND LOADER LINE. • Exclusive Patented lift linkage gives you 28 inches of forward dump reach 1 Loads right into the center of a tandem axle manure spreader* • Exclusive Operator sits in, not on top of, the unit! • Exclusive Operates beneath six foot overhangs* • Low center of gravity permits quick, smooth turns* • 18-hp air-cooled Wisconsin gasoline engine* • Fully hydrostatic drive* See the L-225 at your Sperry New Holland de< NEW HOLLAND BOXES & LO Priced to Sell - Other Sizes Also Avai ► IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE WHAT YOU READ LET US DEMONSTRATE VWR HOLLAPvD oui. C. E. WILEY & SON INC. 101 S. LIME A. Denhnger, Gap Rl; J. Kenneth Groff, Leola; Kenneth A. Haines, Mt. Morris Rl; Earl E. Hamilton, Sprmgboio R 2; Clay F. Henmnger, Jr., Shippensburg R 4; Ray C. QUARRYVILLE, PA. Jacob, Indiana R 4; Stephen C. Marshall, Roaring Branch Rl; Ray M Martin, New Holland Rl; Bruce William Miller, Red Lion Rl; Lmdy Lou Morrison, McDonald R 4; Terry Lee Murray, Honey Brook R 2; Christina L Orndorff, Waynesburg R 3; Brian L. Proctor, Waterford R 4; David W. Schantz, Alburtis Rl; Richard Sturdevant, Wellsburg R 2; Dehnont Rae Sunderland, McVeytown Rl; Bruce D. Walker, Butler R 4; Randy Laßue Watson, Columbia Cross Roads R 2; Bert Jacob Waybnght, Gettysburg R 2; and Christopher Weller, Beavertown. Features on the American Farmers in Lancaster Farming’s coverage area can be found inside Officially representmg the Pennsylvania FFA Association at this con vention will be Randy Ranck, Quarryville, the immediate past preisdent of the state FFA, and Mike Beattie, Grove City R 2, this year’s president The con vention business will be conducted by the organization’s 122 student delegates who will vote on all issues of business. Several FFA Chapters from Pennsylvania have also been selected FFA Foundation Award winners for 1977. Winning a gold emblem m the National Chapter Awards, signifying superior performance m activities relating to the vocational agriculture and FFA id F PH. (717) 786-2895 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 5,1977 programs are the Ephrata Chapter, Northern Lebanon Chapter and Manheim Central Chapter. Taking silver emblems in this area are Miffhnburg, Garden Spot, Annville-Cleona, Middleburg, and Fort Cherry. The bronze emblem went to four Pennsylvania chapters--Upper Bucks, Lehigh, Northern Potter, and State College. In the Building Our American Communities Award category, which recognizes outstanding effort by the FFA chapters in making their comm”mties better places to live, two Pennsylvania chapters will be honored. Both the Nor thern Lebanon FFA Chapter and the Annville-Cleona Chapter earned bronze emblems for this area of endeavor. Four of the Com- * • . . . # ♦ % >- _ 4 * •* * • * * 6AS FIRED FURNACE Ol Factory Assembled and Wired 60.000 BTU SOAQ9S , HIGH 60V LUJ 105.000 BTU $00175 —/ifisCSf? COW6QV. 1 CsJgSlr 105000 BTU $00760 COUNTER FLO LL! I II [P Large Selection of Gas&Oil Furnaces Available r BASEBOARD HEATERS AVAILABLE IN 2 OENSITteS ■250 Watts pet lin Ft «l®7 Watts f«- Lin Ft 36" 60' *27“ *l9® OPEN 7:30 to "5:30; 6 DAYS A WEEK DELIVERY AVAILABLE CARTER P.E.H. RT. 230 2271 OLD ELIZABETHTOWN. PA PHILADELPHIA PIKE 1 Mile East of Elizabethtown LANCASTER, PA PHONE 17602 (717) 653-8235 3 Miles East on 340 OR PHONE (717) 367-7707 (717) 299-7239 monwealth’s chapters earned National Chapter Safety Awards. These awards are presented for outstanding achievement in the National FFA Chapter Safety Award Program sponsored jointly by the Farm and Industrial Equipment Institute o* Chicago, and Dow Chemical U.S.A. of Midland, Mich, through the National FFA Foundation, Inc. The Nor theran Lebanon FFA chapter received a gold emblem; the Annville- Cleona chapter and the Northern Potter chapters received silver emblems, ana the Mifflin Chapter received a bronze Along with these awards, chapter representatives from the Commonwealth will take part in national contests and visit the con vention for fun and ex perience. *»4 » • Q 6" *35” loIpCWAHHffi* WATER CLOSETS Quiet and efficient Available in 5 colors Blue, White, Golden Harvest & Avocado WHITE Marlin $34.99 Barclay $49.35 Water Saver $5l 95 PLUMBING SUPPLIES COMPLETE PLUMBING SYSTEMS AH Pvc Fittings in Stock 'WV PVC OftAINACg Ptf>e-scneoua4o *"*f O' ■ *lo’ '■ * io‘ lO'. 27 . * '# * •‘I * * ' * *■ • '* . * » • • COLOR $60.30 $63.70 12“
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