— Lancaster Farming, Saturday. November 5,1977 26 Penn State senior to receive top FFA degree By JOYCE BUPP Staff Correspondent RED LION - “FFA means father farms alone’,” quipped Bruce William Miller Miller has been selected a 1977 recipient of the American Farmer degree, the highest award to be presented by the Future Farmers of America. This honor will be bestowed to all recipients on November 10 in Kansas City, Mo The Red Lion R 1 young man credits his parents, Mr and Mrs. Dale Miller, with making it possible for him to attain this national honor. “They often did the far ming without us boys while we took part in FFA ac tivities,” explained Miller. An older brother, Alan, won the top degree a few years ago; and a younger brother, Dale, is currently the FFA regional state vice president. A 1974 graduate of Red Lion Area High School, Miller has acquired "an impressive string of awards, beginning during his first year in FFA. He was named the star chapter greenhand, star chapter farmer, star White Rose farmer and received his Keystone Farmer degree in 1975. In addition to holding chapter offices, Miller also served for one year as president of the York County FFA organization. putt Ufa Umvt ft « 4ft** sfAa= mmm I I |g( INC.J R.D. 4 MYERSTOWN, PA 17067 CALL COLLECT 717-866-5708 IRN LESS WOOD BU AND PRODUCE MORE HEAT 'sl .^2>' ;1 <& <B' • Constructed with '/«” plate • Totally welded into an efficient heat producing unit. • Superior door seal completely eliminates fire hazard from sparks • Will not smoke when properly installed. • Superior locking screens on all fireplace models. • Ash fender. • Right or left hand door design on stoves only. • Outlets available on back, top or either side of stove • Outlets available on top or back of fireplace. • Unique venting system prevents excessive heat from escaping up chimney • Extra heavy fire brick lining • BaffeJed interior gives higher efficiency. Your dealer for high efficiency wood/coal stoves Fireplace stoves with glass doors Insulated stainless chimney pipe in stock Heat exchanges for stoves to furnaces LUKE G. SENSENIG R.D. 1, Gienwood Dr. Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Phone: 717-733-0703 IV* mi. N.E. of Green Dragon Bruce William Miller Projects carried through Miller’s high school FFA years include steers, swine, broilers and tobacco, as well as assisting his parents on the 100-acre home farm. He competed in York Fair exhibits, with entries in steer, swine, corn and vegetable classes. Now a senior in food science and ag education at Penn State, Miller is receiving the FFA national degree in agri-business fields. The past four Sum mers, food industries have provided him with em ployment where he could acquire a broader knowledge of his food science college major. “I made popsicles the i . Summers I worked at Green’s Dairy in York,” noted Miller And then, this past Summer at Bi lar’s Ice Cream in Philadelphia, I worked in the ice cream mixing department.” T sampled a lot at both places,” he added with a chuckle ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL FOR POULTRY & LIVESTOCK BUILDINGS B’our basic components makeup of this system...the fan, the mi inlet power pack, and thi Coordinated, these ff components can provid( better conversion and pi by removing stresses du« oxygen, excess humidit; gases and temperature Whether you are updating an existing facility or building a new one, before you decide on an air system for your operation, call your local Chore-Time representative. RM ™S„ P *V S22 MonSSsrSO PHONE (FARMERSVIUE) Sat. 7:30-3:00 BUS. 717-3544271 Still actively involved in Future Farmer work, Miller is vice-president of the collegian FFA, treasurer of the food science club, serves as a student gover nment - representative and has won a spot on the forensics team As the final venture of his , -eJsca AIR INLETS lassie Equip, Agri • SALES college education. Miller will student teach during the Spring of 1978 in the vo-ag department at Solanco High School. The American Farmer winner has high pnase for the background he has acquired through par ticipating in FFA programs. INLET POWER PACK ' i offers complete Inc. • INSTALLATION “Working with the Ful Farmers has helped develop a sense of res] sibility,” he beliei Leadership qualities improved and you lean work with other people.” “I’m glad I’ve had chance to be a part of it, concluded. =vT"«) l»£ (?', AIR SYSTEM . CONTRO • SERVICE city, stem of and lental
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