U.S. adopts standards for ice cream NEW YORK, N.Y. - Ef- and label that ice cream with 9 -tive now, ice cream an identifying USDA sym manufacturers can start bol, according to Secretary using a U.S. Department of of Agriculture Bob Agriculture standard of Bergland. composition for ice cream Secretary Bergland also 1 FISHER SPRAY PAINTERS 1 ' (Henry K Fisher Inc ) I SANDBLASTING and I SPRAY PAINTING I INTERIOR and EXTERIOR I Aerial Ladder Equipment I Office & Shop - 667 Hartman Station Rd. I Residence - 2322 Old Philadelphia Pike I Lancaster, Penna E For FREE Estimates Call 717-393-6530 Jj| EG eHov IS >erFon 1$ ieller-Mi r ' .. .Why settle for less! i —yiffs?iirifiarrw~ ll : |H COMING M I , ||: |p SOON ... I S|? RAILROAD CARLOAD OF NEW MUELLER TANKS! ORDER NOW AND SAVE ON FREIGHT FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT RUFUS BRUBAKER REFRIGERATION Free Hot Water HPerFbrm Cooing Mueßer-Matic Washing “We’ve Been In Business Since 1946 & Selling Milk Tanks Since 1955” RDS, MANHEIM, PA. 17545 PH: 717-665-3525 Authorized MUELLER DEALER DEPENDABLE 24 HOUR SERVICE said USDA wants to know if consumers are interested in a grading system that will reflect not only the ingredients used in ice cream but its quality as well. Use of the new com position standard and symbol is voluntary. Manufacturers who want to label their ice cream with the USDA symbol can do so if: the ice cream manufacturing plant is a USDA approved plant; the dairy ingredients used come from a USDA approved plant; the ice cream is produced according to the USDA standard of com position under continuous inspection by USDA dairy inspectors. The symbol will be a rectangular box containing the words, “Meets USDA Ingiedicnt Standard for Ice Cream ” The USDA standard of composition and symbol were mandated by Congress in the Food and Agriculture Act of 1977, so that con sumers could distinguish between ice cream as it has been made traditionally and ice cream containing unlimited amounts of whey and caseinates. Ice cream made according to the USDA standard of composition will be of the traditional recipe Under the USDA standard, ice cream must: contain at least 1.6 pounds of total solids per gallon, and weigh at least 4.5 pounds per gallon; contain at least 20 ... only from MUELLER! ****" • i 1250 Gal. Mojonnier 600 Gal. Mojonnier 600 Gal. Esco 400 Gal. Girton Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 5,1977 per cent total milk solids, constituted of at least 10 per cent milk fat and at least six per cent milk-sohds-not-fat. Whey, by weight, can be no more than 25 per cent of the milk-solids-not-fat. (Milk-s -olids-not-fat consist mostly of protein) Secretary Bergland ex plained that this is a minimum standard that reflects only the kinds of ingredients that can be used. Ice cream can be produced in a wide range of quality above this minimum, he said. That is why USDA wants to know if consumers want grade standards and a grading system that would indicate quality charac teristics of ice cream. Officials of USDA’s Food Safety and Quality Service noted that—because Stilnliir 1 Still J !| l ] ! l ikl u Congress directed USDA to adopt the new standard of composition by October 29-it is being established without an opportunity for public comment. However, FSQS officials are requesting that anyone who can suggest improved methods of im plementing the new stan dard submit substantiating facts and data. FSQS is requiring con tinuous inspection during the manufacture of ice cream because there is no test which can be made on finished ice cream to determine the source of milk protein. The continuous inspection service is provided for a fee, and plants must meet USDA sanitary requirements. Comments and suggestions on this method and on alternative methods of assuring compliance with the new standard of com position should be sent in duplicate to the Hearing Clerk, Rm. 1077-S, USDA Washington, D.C., 20250 by Jan. 1,1978. Consumers and all other interested parties are asked to send comments to the same address by Jan. 1,1978 on whether or not and why they think U.S. grade standards and a grading system for ice cream would be useful to them. The standard of com position for ice cream and regulations governing use of the USDA symbol were published in the Oct. 28 Federal Register. For copies of the standard and regulations, contact the Poultry and Dairy Quality Division, FSQS, USDA, Washington, D.C., 20250. Making Tea When making tea. allow tea leaves and water to stand undisturbed for three-to-five minutes Don’t judge tea strength by the color, rely on the timing FIBERGLASS FENCE POSTS BUILD A BETTER FENCE FOR LESS LABOR AND MONEY • Won’t Rust or Rot, Use Year After Year INSI REQI ATT -EMPOK. RY ELECTRIC FENCING RALGRO® IMPLANTS when using the rai/^gun PELLET IMJECTOP !Sr* I n ".I ZIMMERMAN ANIMAL HEALTH SUPPLY RD4,Lltitz, PA 17543 Home Store Phone 717-733-4466 Closed All Day Wednesdays. 23
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