—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 5,1977 22 Ask your Pioneer salesman for information on the best hybrids for your corn growing open The limitation of warranty and remedy attached to each bag of Pioneer brand seed is part of the terms and conditions of the sale thereof. Pioneer is a brand name; numbers identify varieties trademark of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., Des Moines, lowa, U.S.A. PIONEER HI-BRED INTERNATIONAL, INC., EASTERN DIVISION, TIPTON, INDIANA 46072 4 I -V», " f J V - 1 -v >- / j/V ■>***’r-** i i v V *’* ~~l V> I <4 ~ . ? ‘-' ■" 'W 1 PROVEN YIELDS AND STANOABILITY. Outstanding medium maturity hy brid which continues to gam in popularity. Tough to beat when conditions are good, yet handles stress. Outstanding seedling vigor and stalk strength. Same proven re liability for its twin 3517. CASH GRAIN WINNER Exciting high yielder with high-quality gram. Healthy with excellent standabiiity. have very good tolerance diseases. FULL-SEASON STANDOUT. This excellent hybrid continues its record yielding performance fronr research into farmers’ fields. Looks as good as it yields. Excellent lea disease tolerance. PIONEER. BRAND SEED CORN * I V THE IDEAL HYBRID. Planted on more acres a< Cornbelt than any other hj sponds to higher plantn Fast dry-down. Outyields t later maturity. i L-* >
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