Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 05, 1977, Image 17
American Farmer Degree caps FFA for Bollinger Even through there are a lot of ups and downs to farming, Donald Bollinger, Myerstown R 3, can’t think of any place he’d rather be--even at feeding time. ■ ■ AUTOMATIC THERMO-GONTROL WOOD STOVES COMES IN FIVE MODELS: 500, 400, 300, 200, and 100. All models can be adapted for use with existing heating systems. • Constructed of heavy V* & 3/ie thick hot rolled steel • Guaranteed for one year • Wood burned more efficiently because of air tight gasketed door You can fill this stove morning and night & forget it and it will keep your home comfortably warm. Also can be used instead of a bucket a day to make hot water. “I have a 400 in my shop and am very pleased.” LOWER VALLEY STOVE SHOP CHRISTIANA, PA. Along Lower Valley Rd. South of the railroad, 4 mi. southwest of Christiana, 2 miles Northeast of Nine Points. Look for sign LOWER VALLEY STOVE SHOP or call John Coleman 717-786-1740 Closed Tues. & Thurs thru Nov , ls% * • Large door permits loading large logs with outsplitting • Burns large or small logs as one log. • Flat top makes a nice stove to cook • Works with furnace or boiler By JOANNE SPAHR MYERSTOWN - Donald Bollinger, Myerstown R 3, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bollinger, has been a top notch member of the Future Farmers of America since he first became involved in the organization. To recognize his efforts, on November 11, the national FFA organization will honor him as one of its 801 American Farmers from across the United States At 22 years of age, Bollinger is in partnership with his father on their 113 acre home farm where they finish out 70 head of beef, 30 hogs, and raise about 12 or 13 head of crossbred sheep. They also finish out 150 ducks and 125 capons which they market at their home during the Christmas and Thanksgiving holidays. Along with their 113 acres at home, they also rent 20 acres on the half. Their crops include 60 acres of com, 15 acres of barley, 12 acres of wheat, and the rest hay and pasture. As was mentioned, Bollinger has a long list of accomplishments in FFA, as did his two brothers before him. His parents are Honorary Keystone Far mers because all three sons received the Keystone Farmer Degree for their years in FFA. And, while he was last in the succession of sons to earn the Keystone degree, he is the first to become an American Farmer. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 5,1977—17 Bollinger does not take all the credit for this, himself, however. “I feel that if it wouldn’t be for my dad I wouldn’t be as far as I am,” he says. “You learn a lot from the one above you and I respect my father as a good farmer.” While Donald says he has been able to add input from FFA into their farming operation, he noted im mediately that his father keeps up with his reading from which he “learns a lot” about new practices. To list a few of Don’s FFA accomplishments he was president, vice president, and chaplam of the Eastern Lebanon County FFA chapter as well as the county chaplam. In 1972 he won an award for hvestock judging, m ’73 the Star Chapter Farmer honor, and m 1974 the Lebanon County Star Farmer title. He also won an award for placement in agriculture production for his com crop in 1972. Presently, he is the treasurer for the FFA Alum ni. For Don, farming is the best life he can imagine for himself. “There are a lot of ups and downs with farming, but I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” he says. Adding to his statement he remarks, “And, I don’t think I would want to bring up children anywhere else, either.” This concern may Chester Co. 4-H’ers WEST CHESTER - Joann Wyatt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jones Wyatt of West Grove, and Warren Hilberg, of Phoenixville, who have compiled top 4-H records in club, county, and state 4H events as teen leaders, received the “I Dare You” award for leadership and citizenship, recently. Their awards were presented at the Chester County 4-H Achievement Banquet, held at the Stone Barn Restaurant in Umonville. Named to the ranks of “Who’s Who Among American High School Students” were Bonnie Shaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shaw of Downingtown, and Roger Davidheiser Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Davidheiser of Pottstown. The “Who’s Who” award recognizes youth who have demon strated leadership in the fields of academics, athletics, extra curricular activities, or community services. County winners in the National Awards Program, sponsored by leading cor porations in the United States to honor 4-H members who have excelled in par ticular areas of 4-H were; Alison Scheib and Janet Latshaw; agriculture and gardening; and Roberta Ekdahl, dog care and training. An outstanding club award was presented to the Highlanders Sewing Club of Gum Tree. Mrs. Roger affect Don more than other young farmers since he was recently married in March. For the Bollingers, the best workable philosophy of farming they can employ for themselves is ’’doing with what we have.” “We try not to have a big overhead. We’d rather do with only what we need,” explains Don. “I’d sooner be debt free than living on credit.” But, ha admits that their faim isn’t quite big enough for two, yet too large for one man, so he supplements his income on a part tune basis by driving school bus for the ELCO school district and working at a butcher shop in Reistville. Eventually, Bollinger wants to farm on his own and says tins situation “looks promising” for the future. He believes that farming has a good future because “if there were no farmers, nobody could eat.” “Oh, some people look down on you,” Bollinger admits, “but. I’d sooner look out for them than have them look out for me.” As for the American Farmer degree, Don finds it “quite an honor” to be recognized as a candidate. “Ever since my sophomore year,” he says. “I’ve looked forward to bemg able to attain it some day. But, really, a lot more people could do it,” he adds. honored DeForest, leader of the club, was present to accept the award. Jena Wyatt of West Grove received a $lOO scholarship, sponsored by the Longwood Foundation, for her work in horticulture. The scholarship will be used to help her attend the National Junior Horticulture Convention in Winston- Salem, North Carolina. Honored for their years of service as adult leaders were: Naomi Hoopes, West Grove; Mary Jean Salzer, Pottstown; Mrs. Floyd Thompson, Kennett Square - - 15 years. Lester High, Pottstown; Mrs. Chester Warren, Chester Springs - 10 years. Mary Berta, Ex ton; Mr. and Mrs. Warn Menhennett, Cochranville; June Nafziger, Phoenixville; Mrs. Charles Warren, Chester Springs; Mrs. Earl Welsh, Honeybrook, and Patti, Yarnall, Oxford - five years. The 4-H Achievement banquet was planned and sponsored by the Chester County Cooperative Ex tension Service. For more information on Chester County 4-H Clubs call the Cooperative Extension office in West Chester at 696-3500. Editor s Quote Book Men are not against you, they’re merely for themselves. Gene Fowler