30—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 5,1977 Public Sales Register SAT NOV 5 ■ 10 A M Public Sale of Antiques, Household Goods, & Car Located approx 5 miles East of Pa exit 1 off Rt 83 Expwy off Rt 851 East bet ween Tolna & Shrewsbury along Windy Hill Rd in Shrewsbury Twp , York Co , Pa Owner Charles M Bartenslager Auctioneer Robert L Sechnst. SAT NOV 5 - 9.30 A M Public Auction of Antiques and Per sonal Property Located at Liberty Fire Hall, 339 East Mam St, New Holland, Pa Sale by Rick and Rob Barr Ira Stoltzfus and Son and Jay Leary, Auctioneers SAT NOV 5-2 PM Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate, Farm and Vineyard Located approx 3 miles from Brogue, Pa Turn at Post Office, come to Gumston Rd , farm is near the Gumston Church along Gumston Rd, farm is m Chanceford Twp John C Yates, Owner Jacob A Gilbert, Auctioneer SAT NOV 5 - 9 30 A M Public Sale of 30 Acre Farm and Anti ques and Collectibles Located along the road leading from Denver to Fntztown, 1 block North of Rt 897 at Black Horse Hotel, Lancaster Co, Pa Terms by Mahlon H Keith Auctioneer by H H Leid Auc tion Service SAT NOV 5 IPM Public Auction of Valuable Real Estate Located seven miles North of Newville, take Rt 233 rrom Newville to McCrea turn .eft on Rt 997 to second road right Close to Blue Mountains Lower Mifflin Twp , Cumberland Co, Pa John M and Sylvia B Stoltzfus, Owners Abe Diffenbach, Auc tioneer SAT NOV 5 - 10 A M Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Household Items and Anti ques Located 6 miles Southwest of Selmsgrove, turn off Rt 35 at Kantz, go to Ver dilla Church, continue Vz mile or, turn off Rt 11 & 15 South of Port Treverton at Susquehan na Mennonite Church sign, follow road to the Church, keep on road toward Verdilla, watch for auction signs W Leßoy & Mary Alfaretta Longacre, Owners Carl & John Oilier and J Everett Kreider, Auc tioneers SAi NOV 5-7 PM Herdsman Choice Calf Sale Located on the Frederick Fairgrounds, Frederick, Md Jeff Miller Owner Lee E Miller, DVM 301-898-7274 SAT NOV 5-9 AM Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Household Goods, and Anti ques Located on the premises at Rt 3, Hummelstown, Lower Paxton Twp , Dauphin Co Go West on 322 past Hershey to traffic light on top of Hum melstown Hill and bear right and continue to first road right PUBLIC SALE ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1977 On premises on Susquehannock Drive, Drumore Township, the undersigned will sell at public safe m STORY FRAME DWELLING with 8 rooms, bathroom, attic, basement, 4 fireplaces, slate roof and asbestos-shingle siding, attractively located, with view over Fishing Creek and with approx. 27 ACRES OF HILL WOODLAND (in 2 parcles). Material repairs needed, but basic structure sound, and great possibilities for desirable country home. Some merchantable timber. Inspection only on Oct. 29 and Nov. 5, 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. or by appointment with owner’s agent, Raymond L. Smoker, Phone 548-2332. Down payment at sale 10%. Steve Petersheim, Auctioneer and turn North onto Nye's Road and continue app 2 miles, after crossing second steel bridge turn right onto Willoughby Rd and continue to first farm on right Conditions by Woodrow Noll Harry H Bachman, Auctioneer SAT, NOV 5 - 10 A M Public Sale of Real Estate Located at the Court House in Hun tingdon, Pa SAT NOV 5-7 PM 14th An nual Pa Suffolk Ewe Sale at the Pa Farm Show Building, Harrisburg, Pa SAT NOV 5-1 PM, Special Horse Sale at the .Danville Livestock Market, located Old Rt 11, Danville, Pa Owner Bob Biel SAT NOV 5 - 1 P M Special Fall Sale of Feeder Cattle and Calves Sale held at the Aber deen Sales Co Livestock Mkt, via US Rt 40 or 1-95 on MD Rt 22 m Charchville, Harford Co , MD 301-734-6050 SAT NOV 5 - 10 A M Public Sale of Antiques and Household Goods Located m the Al Starr Community Building, village of Willow Street, Pa (behind Keystone TV North Rt 272) Sale by Anne F Huber Howard Shaub and Roy C Probst, Auc tioneers SAT NOV 5 - 11 A M Public Sale of Antiques and Household Furnishings Located West of Rt 272 along Goshen Mill Rd , 2 miles North of Penn Hill, 6 miles South of Buck, Drumore Twp, Lan caster Co , Pa Sale by Clyde & Emalme McSparren Kersey A Bradley, Auctioneer MON NOV 7 - 730 PM Open Feeder Steer Sale at Tn State Livestock Market, Abingdon. Virginia TUES NOV 8 - 1 P M Public Sale of Complete Herd Disper sal Held at the Aberdeen Sates Co, Inc Livestock Auction Mkt, in the dairy barn arena, located 6 miles East of Bel Air, Md, via US Rt 1 or 6 miles West of Aberdeen Md via US Rt 40 or 1-95 on MD Rt 22 in Churchville, Harford Co, Md 301-734-6050 TUES NOV 8 - 1 P M Special Graded Feeder Pig Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc, Lancaster, Pa WED NOV 9 Stock Cows & Bred Heifers at Abingdon Livestock Market, Inc, Ab ingdon, Virginia WED NOV 9 - 7 P M Special Feeder Sales Located at Four States Livestock Sales, Inc, Hagerstown, Md WED, NOV 9 - 1 P M Auction of Restaurant Equipment Located 1 mile North of Milton, Pa on Rt 405 at the LaHacien- At 2 P.M. B. LESTER LANDIS da Restaurant Sale by order of theSBA Bob, Chuck and Rich Roan, Inc, Auctioneers WED. NOV 9 - 530 PM Public Sale of Fine Antiques and Household Goods Located in the Al Starr Community Building village of Willow Street, Pa (along North Rt 272 behind Keystone TV) Sale by Janet & Louise Metzler Howard Shaub and Roy C Pro bst, Auctioneers WED NOV 9-1 PM Md Herd Dispersal. Located at the New Holland Sales Stables, Inc, New Holland, Pa Consigned by Glenn Fite, Quarryville, Pa THURS NOV 10 - 1 P M Lyn chburg Virginia 1977 Feeder Cattle Sale. 1100 head Calves & Yearlings Located at the New Lynchburg Livestock Market 6 miles South of Lyn chburg, Va on Rt 29 South across from Cindy’s Truck Stop Sale sponsored by Lyn chburg Feeder Cattle Assoc & Virginia BCA THURS NOV 10 - 7 PM Roanoke Feeder Cattle Association Sale, Calf Sale, 1200 head Roanoke-Hollms Stock Yards THURS NOV 10 - 2 PM Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate Located in the borough of New Holland, one block North of Rt 23 on North Kmzer Ave and East Spruce Rd Owners John E and Mildred M Campbell Robert E Martin and Frank L Steller, Auctioneers THURS NOV 10 - 10 30 A M Public Sale of Tractors, Machinery and Feed Located 1 mile North of Middletown, Md on Rt 40A, East 1 mile on Old Hagerstown Rd or 2 miles South of 170 at Myersville Exit Mr & Mrs Charles F Cartee, Owners Robert C Mullendore, Auctioneer THURS NOV 10-1 PM Public Sale of 28 Registered and Hi-Grade Holstein Dairy Cattle, Milk Equipment, Oats and Ear Corn Located on the farm 8 miles South of Williamsport, Pa 2 miles West of US Rt 15 Elimsport 41008 Hwy W Merle and Barbara Page, Owners Max Fraley and Son, Auctioneers THURS NOV 10 - 1 PM Public Sale of Real Estate and Fair Stock Located along old Rt 11,2 miles East of Danville, just across road from Frosty Valley Golf Course Clarence E Deer, Owner Long Bros , Auc tioneers 717-527-4784 THURS NOV 10 - 530 P M Public Auction at the Hat & Gavel Auction Co located one mile North of Lititz along Rt 501. Auctioneer Wilbur H Hosier THURS NOV 10 - 6 PM Public Sale of Antiques and Household Goods Located in the Lampeter Fire Hall, along Rt 741, village of Lampeter, Pa Sale by Elizabeth H Shissler Auctioneers Howard ShaubandßoyC Probst FRI NOV 11 - 9 A M Large Public Sale of Early American Antiques, and Some Modern Household Goods Located at the Community Building in the rear of the McSherrystown Fire Engine House along Rt #ll6, 2 miles West of Hanover, Pa William W and Beatrice K Miller, Owners Clair R Slaybaugh, Auctioneer FRI NOV 11 - 130 PM Special Sale of Feeder Cattle and Calves Blue Ridge Livestock Sales, Inc , Charlestown, WV FRI & SAT NOV 11 & 12- 10 A M Public Sale of Valuable Commercial & Residential Real Estate, Antiques, Classic Cars, Trucks, Garage Equip, Auto Parts, Tires, Etc Located at Spngg's Garage, take US Business Rt 15, 6 miles South tersection) known as Spngg's Garage Charles & Dorothy Spngg, Owners C David Red ding, Auctioneer FRI. NOV 11 - 7 PM South Central Pa Cattlemans Sale, Thomasville Livestock Market, York Co, Pa FRI NOV 11-12 Noon Stocker and Feeder Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc, Lancaster, Pa FRI NOV 11 - 730 PM Virginia Herd Dispersal at Shady Lane Dairy Sales Located ’/« mile West of Quar ryville on Oak Bottom Rd Owners Shady Lane Dairy Sales FRI NOV 11 -5 30 P.M Public Sale at Gap Auction located off Route 41 - Lancaster Ave. op posite Turkey Hill Mmit Market, cross RR bridge Anti ques sold at every auction Auctioneers Ira Stoltzfus & Son SAT NOV 12 - Public Auction of Farm Equipment & a Com munity Consignment Auction Located 322 West from Ephrata, 2 miles to Clay School Rd Turn right on to Clay School Rd , first farm on left Sale by Warren I Seibel John E & Paul E Martin, Auc tioneers SAT NOV 12 ■ 1 PM Charolais Production Sale at Stauffer Homestead Farm, East Earl, RD 2, Pa just South of Goodville, 5 miles East of New Holland on Rt 23 60 Charolais cows, bulls, heifers, S claves Many polled Sale by Elizabeth Groff Miller New Holland Sales Co , Auctioneers SAT NOV 12 - 1 P M Public Auction, 3 farms, 200 acres Located 1 mile Southeast of Pitman in Eldred Twp , Schuylkill Co, Pa. 12 miles Northwest of 1-81, Exit 34, take Rt 25 to Hegms and Rt 125 North to Mahantongo Valley, at Franklin Square Tavern turn 2 miles East to sale site at Cross Rd V* mile North of Hepler’s Church Watch for auction ar rows day of sale Owners Glenn C Masser & Carole Y Masser Auctioneer George N Deibert SAT NOV 12 - 10 A M Con signment Sale of Tractors, Farm Equipment, Horse Drawn Implements Located on Rt 11-15, 8 miles North of Liver pool, 9 miles South of Selm sgrove, formerly Stauffer Saa die Shop Sale by Elmer Stauf fer 717-374-4356 Frank and Paul Snyder, Auctioneers SAT NOV 12 - 12 Noon Household Goods & Mobile Home Sale Located in Not tingham, Pa Owner Rebecca Smoker Auctioneer Steve Petersheim SAT NOV 12 - 11 AM Real Estate to be sold at 1 P M Public Auction of Very Valuable Real Estate, approx 78 acre farm, some farm equipment and antiques located 5 miles South of New Holland Take S Brimmer Ave and follow New Holland Road Turn left onto Lowry Road and follow to Red Well Road, turn right and watch for signs Sale by Ruth Scheaffer Inspection by calling 354-5976 Ira Stoltzfus and Son and Jay Leary, Auc tioneers SAT NOV 12 - 10 30 AM Public Sale of Valuable Farm Real Estate and Brick Ranch Home Located m RD 7, Carli sle, Pa , app 5 miles South of Carlisle, Pa on Rt 34 to Rt 174 (York Rd) turn West of Rt 174 app l‘/2 mile to sale Selden and Harry Bear, Ex ecutors Ben and Bill Rowe, Auctioneers SAT NOV 12 12 30 PM Public Auction of Household Goods and Antiques Located in the Village of Nottingham, Pa 3 miles Southwest of Ox ford, take Rt 1 to 272 South Terms by Rebecca B. Smoker SAT NOV 12-12 Noon Public Auction of Tractors, Trailers, Equipment, and Shop Con tents Located on Rt 6 Coudersport, Pa Sale by Keck’s Auction Service R L Keck, Auctioneer SAT NOV 12 - 10 A M Com plete Dispersal Sale of Holstein Cows and Farm Machinery Located on the Hall-Lee Farm, Vmcentown, NJ Gerald R Hall, Owner, Buddtown Rd, Vmcentown, NJ 609-859-3783 Auctioneer E Allen Nixon SAT NOV 12'- 9 30 AM Public Sale of Farm Im plements, Livestock, Household Goods and Anti ques Located 3'/2 miles South of Strasburg, take May Post Of fice Rd to Weaver Rd, turn right on Weaver Rd , Lancaster Co , Pa Terms by Lee B and Edna M Eisenberger Frank and Paul Snyder, Auctioneers SAT NOV 12 - 10 A M Public Sale of Valuable Excavating Equipment, Tools, Tractors, Bulldozer, Trucks, and Anti ques Located off Rt 80 at Col umbia, NJ Then turn onto Rt 94 towards Blairstown, NJ Take first tar road to left after railroad underpass road sign Hamesburg River Rd , up the mountain Vz mile, watch for signs off Rt 94 Sale by Loretta Lanarre Hartzell’s Auction Gallery, Inc Raymond M Hart zell, Auctioneer SAT NOV 12 - 11 AM Autotore’s Auction of Collec tibles, Household Goods and Real Estate Located - Catawissa, RD 1, (Millgrove) off Rt 42 South of Bloomsburg Earl F Sevison, Seller - Ex ecutor John Autotore, Auc tioneer SAT NOV 12- 11 AM Public Sale of Real Estate, Vehicles and Tools Located at the in tersection of Pa Rt 944 and Long’s Gap Rd, North Mid dletown Twp, Cumberland Co , Carlisle RD 3 R S Kell, Owner V Art Klmg, Auc tioneer SAT NOV 12- 11 AM Public Sale of Holstein Dairy Cattle, Equipment and Feed Located 4 miles South of Hagerstown, Md or 2 miles South of 170 on Rt 65 Mr & Mrs Eugene D Reese, Owners Robert C Mullendore, Auctioneer SAT NOV 12 -12 Noon Public Sale Due to Contractor Going Out of Business Located 2 miles East of Abbottstown off Rt 30, Beaver Creek or Canal Rd Grim Brothers Contrac tors, Inc, Owners Clair Slaybaugh, Auctioneer SAT NOV 12 - 11 AM Public Sale of Full Line of Farm Machinery, Produce and Small Items Located on the farm 6Vi miles East of Hughesville, Pa , Vz mile North of Lairdsville (Rt 118) Owners Eugene and An nabels English Auctioneers Max Fraley & Son SUN NOV 13 -1 30 PM Public Sale of Real Estate and Farm Equipment Located 3Vz miles North of Montoursville on Rt 87 Executor Edward Mitchell Bob, Chuck and Rich Roan, Inc, Auctioneers TUES NOV 15 - 7 P M Sharp Special Feeder Sales for your Cattle & Pigs Located at Carli sle Livestock Market, Inc Rmgman Richard Zimmerman TUES NOV 15 -1 P M Special Dairy Sale at the Green Dragon Livestock Sales located 1 mile North of Ephrata, Pa Selling entire dairy of 60 Hols tein Cows and Ist calf heifers for Mark Bashore of Lebanon County Walter H Risser, Pro prietor of Green Dragon Livestock Sales TUES NOV 15 11 AM Com plete Holstein Dispersal Located on the farm just off the Old West Windsor Pike on Greenwood Church Rd, 2 miles from New Windsor, in Carroll Co, Md William H Nevius 111, Owner. A Doty Remsburg, Auctioneer WED NOV 16 - 9 30 A M Con signment Sale of Tractors, Farm Machinery, etc located Vz mile North of Maple Ave in Leola, Lancaster Co, Pa Sale by David H Good F. Snyder, WED NOV 16 - 2 P M Public Auction of Outstanding Valuable Manheim Township Farm approx 110 acre limestone farm located along ( Koser Road, RD 3, Lititz, Pa Take 501 North of Neffsville, Pa , Vi mile West of the Lan caster Airport Sale by August and Evelyn Suess Sale con ducted by J Omar Landis Auc tion Service, J Omar Landis and Jay M Witman, Auc tioneers WED, NOV 16-10 AM Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Truck, Antiques and Household Goods Located at the corner of Fair View School Road and Hollow Road, RD 2, New Providence, Lancaster Co, Pa (take Rt 272 about 10 miles South of Lancaster at Neffie’s Arco Station, turn East onto Fair View School Road, about 2 miles to sale). Sale by Mr & Mrs D Guy Carngan. Howard Shaub and Roy C Pro bst, Auctioneers THURS NOV 17 - Public Sale of Farm Machinery. North Lebanon Twp., Lebanon Co., Pa. Owner Pauline Kutch. Auc tioneer Earl Buffenmeyer. $ THURS NOV. 17 - 7 P.M. Public Sale of 13 6 Acres of Woodland Sale to be held at the Martmdale Fire Hall, Mar tmdale, Pa (between Hmkletown and Terre Hill). Terms by Paul Z Burkholder, David H Burkholder and Elem M Reiff T Glenn Horst, Auc tioneer THURS NOV 17 - 2 PM. Public Sale of 2Vz Story Frame Dwelling and 27 Acres of Woodland Located on Sus quehannock Drive, Drumore Twp, Pa B Lester Landis, Owner Steve Petersheim, Auc tioneer FRI NOV 18 - 6 30 P M Con signment Sale of Feeder Cattle and Feeder Pigs at Keister’s Middleburg Auction Sale, Inc , Rt 522, 3 miles West of Selm sgrove, Pa Don and Walt Keister, Owners Art Klmg and Larry Long, Auctioneers FRI NOV 18-BPM at the Black & White Holstein Farm, Lancaster, Pa across from the Comet Dnve-m Theatre or 3 /« mile West of breeding unit Charles C Myers, Owner FRI NOV. 18 - 12 Noon. Stocker and Feeder Sale at the Lancaster Stockyards, Inc, Lancaster, Pa FRI & SAT NOV 18 & 19 - 10 30 each day Complete Holstein Dispersal On the farm located at 1545 Old Westminster Pike, 3 miles East of Westminster, in Carroll Co, Md Owners Charles R & Nan cy Pool A Doty Remsburg, Auctioneer FRI NOV 18 - 11 AM Dairy Herd Dispersal Milking Equip ment and Silage Located 12 miles North of Reading, 3 South of Hamburg, just Shoey Rd., between Shoemakersville and Center port, turn onto North End Rd , to first farm in Berks Co , Pa Sale ordered by Buch and Etna Dietrich Sale conducted by Ralph W Zettlemoyer Auction Co SAT NOV 19 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment and Household Goods, located mid way between Hmkletown and Farmersville, Pa Owner Kathern Z Burkholder Nevm Z Martin and Lewis B Groff, Auctioneers SAT NOV 19 10A.M Public Sale of Machinery, Furniture, Tools, Lumber and Personal Property Located at 710 South Union St, Middletown, Pa Owner E H Givler Auc tioneer Gerbench & Long 838-1825 SAT NOV 19 - 930 AM Public Sale of Real Estate, Household Goods, and Anti ques Located on Church St, village of Bowmansville, Lan caster Co, Pa Owner Sally Shirk, Leßoy S Horst and PaiMl W Horst, Auctioneers SAT NOV 19 - Public Sale of Farm Real Estate, Hogs & Farm Machinery. Jackson Twp, Lebanon Co, Pa Owner ■Pnhprt rwr Anrtinnppr Farl
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