Rough & Tumble BLUE BALL - The Rough and Tumble Engineers Historical Association, Inc. of Kinzer elected new of ficers recently while holding their annual meeting and banquet at the Blue Ball Fire Hall, here. PUBLIC SALE OF ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD GOODS THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 10,1977 At 6:00 Sale to be held in the Lampeter Fire Hail, along Rt. 741 village of Lampeter, Pa. Westinghouse refrig., Whirlpool wringer washer, apt. size washer, Magic Chef gas stove, Speed Queen, gas dryer, port. TV, uph. & Chrome furniture. Lg. & sm. pine & cedar blanket chests, 4 pc. walnut & 3 pc. waterfall bedroom suites. Oak, mahg., uph. & other furniture. Bennington, opalescent, Nippon, Noritake, etched, German, depression, & other glassware & china. Household articles. Food served. Sdlc by ELIZABETH fl. SHISSLER ESTATE Howard Shaub Auctioneer and Roy C. Probst PUBLIC AUCTION FARM EQUIPMENT COMMUNITY CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12,1977 Location; Take Route 322 west from Ephrata 2 miles to Clay School Road, turn right onto Clay School Road, first farm on left. Clay Township, Lancaster County, Penn sylvania. Ford 4000 SU With 575 Hn. Maisey Ferguson 35 very good condition; International 990 haybme, good condition, Ford baler, good condition; Ford 3ft' side rake, International manure spreader; Cunningham hay crimper, 30-ft Latle Giant elevator; 9 ft ciilitpacker; 3 pt. disc harrow; 2 row 3 point cultivator; plow packer; Ford post hole digger; trailer type rotary cutter; 3 pt seed and fertilizer spreader, Sauder loader; 2 flatbed wagons with com sides; 6ft 3pt PTO Howard rotavator Wheel Hone II H.P. Lawn Tractor with hydrostatic and 550 ARK loader, like new; 1965 Chevrolet automobile, 6, stick, McCullock chain saw; platform scales; 2 mineral feeders; 2 back scratchers; small trailer; 5 Dutchcraft feed carts; 154 H P. motor and other small electric motors; 3 fence chargers; dehorner; canes, calf buckets; bull pinching pliers; cow clippers, grease guns; log chains; poultry equipment; 3 gas brooders; PTO hydro piston pump; nusc weed spraying material; 3 hydraulic jacks, screw jacks; Ashley wood stove; Acorn stable cleaner parts; Seigler oil space heater; wheelbarrow wheels; forks; shovels; brooms; power tools; 5-50 lb bags Aureomycm Crumbles; Cardinal gram elevator; 2 large bam fans; raise, tools, Handyman jack; 22 nfle with scope; school desks; fence posts and wire; sledge hammer; electric fence posts for hogs, rabbit hutches; chicken crates; misc. lumber; 4”x4”x12" treated posts; nuts; bolts, screws, pipe fittings, the above listed belong to Warren I Seibel and are being sold because of the sale of his farm Consigned Tractors and Equipment, Etc. 1971 Ohver 1755 dieselw tih over-under shift engine just overhauled; Ford 5000 with W F E.; Ohver 770 gas; Massey Ferguson 235 dieselw ith onlySOhrs , uni-loader, Fox 425 harvester with 1-row comhead, excellent condition, New Fox 2200 forage harvester with 2-row N chain comhead & electric knife sharpener; Gehl FHB4 harvester with 1-row & hay pickup; new Fox 656 blower; Gehl 630 forage box; Gehl grinder mixer, Brady 722 flail chopper; Gehl hay pickup attach like new fits 600 harvester; Gehl TR 600 comhead 2R narrow, like new; John Deere 1240 4-row plateless planter. New Holland 357 grinder mixer; John Deere 1207 haybme; In ternational mow-conditioner; new Bnlhon 16 ft. transport spring harrow; new Bnlhon 14 ft cultipacker, Pittsburgh 3 pt 554 ft disc, Case 5 tooth high clearance chisel plow, Pittsburgh 10 ft diskharrow, Glencoe7tooth Soil Saver, new shovels; 25 ft Wing field cultivator, Ohver 242 disc 13 ft; Bush-Hog 5 ft 3pt chisel plow; Bush-Hog Bft 3pt chisel plow, New 200 gal field sprayer with 8 roller pump, Meyers 8 ft snow plow; Meyers snow plow with tractor frame; Vicon 3 pt fertilizer spreader, Gehl flatbed wagon; Speed King elevators 31 &36 ft, New McCurdy gravity bins 230 & 275, Gehl 6 ton wagon; McCurdy 8 ton wagon, new Albs Chalmers 3x14 &16 3pt slat bottom plow; Alhs Chalmers 3x16 3pt plow. Fox 3000 harvester with inhead knife grinder, 2 row comhead and 7ft hay pickup. International 4 bar rake, International hay conditioner, like new, John Deere 3700 side mount mower; Niagara 15KW generator with shaft ic trailer, Bnlhon 8 ft grass seeder, needs work; Sauder D 2 loader, Stauffer transplanter; Ohver mower, 18 ft potato bag elevator on transport Bolens IS H P. Lawn Tractor with 48 inch mower, Large lot of new Turfmaster 7hp lawn mowers, new snowblowers, new mini bikes and new rear engine riders, dealers welcome, Case Bhp ndmg mower. Case rear engine nder with bagger attachment, Case 14 hp hydrohc drive with 48 inch mower; Bolens 1050 10 hp with 38 inch mower, David Bradley garden tractor with plow, cultivator, and sickle bar, elec trac E-14 with 42 inch mower, 1 pair new Goodyear 20 Bx3B tries, 1 pair new 14 9x38 Goodrich tires, 1 pair new 13 6x38 Goodyear tires; 1 - 18 4x30 Firestone tire; 2 - 14 9x28 Goodrich tires; new 9 SLxIS ULxls —l2 SLxIS implement tires, potato graders, Jamesway electric brooder, patio door; 600 gal water tank on chasis, 300 gal oil tank; 2 chain saws; radial arm saw on stand; new V 4 22 hp Wisconsin engine, 2 hole com shelter; drill press; 1973 Vega panel truck; truck load of SMALL HARDWARE. OIL, ANTT-FREEZE, NEW AND USED CHAIN SAWS 1 PONY AND MANY OTHER ITEMS Auction conducted by John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers 717-733-3511 - 717-733-3305 NOTE: Plan now to attend this Auction. We have lots of very good Farm Equipment and expect more by sale day. Small items sold first, then lawn equipment, then farm equipment followed by tractors. Come early. Re-elected as president of the Association was Amos Stauffer, of Ephrata. Now beginning his second term in that capacity, the Lancaster County farm equipment dealer had previously served three years as vice president 9:30 A.M. Auction by, WARREN I. SEIBEL R.D. #l, Ephrata, Pa. 717-733-7195 Food at Auction. elects new officers and director. Stauffer operates Stauffer Diesel, Inc., New Holland, and is a well-known tractor puller. Others elected to office were; Scott Lefever, Lan caster, first vice-president; Raymond Herr, Paradise, second vice-president; Guy B. Siauffer, East Peter sburg, treasurer; Patricia Frey, Kinzer, secretary; Rev. Marlin McCleaf, Mount Wolf, chaplain; and C. Everett Young, Kinzer, curator. Willis Hershey of Paradise remains as manager of the museum at Kinzer. The following directors were re-elected to serve for the coming year: Otis Astle. ADA appoints agency RncTTMONT TIT - P romote the use of dairy ROSEMONT_[LL - products ta resteuranls , Jlobert A. Morris, tooa schools and universitieS) American Dairy Association hos P itals - “-P cafeterias Vho and other volume food apSantTEU^ & Simms, Inc., a Chicago- WI , U mclude advertising. based advertising agency, to J^JJ ar I Jf not, Sirketing handle ADA’s tootemca Zd com- Moiris noted that various th 6 programs will be initiated to foodservice md PUBLIC SALE FARM IMPLEMENTS, LIVESTOCK, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ANTIQUES SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12,1977 Located 3Vz miles south of Strasburg, take May Post Office Road, to Weaver Road, turn right on Weaver Road, Lancaster County. 12 Guernsey Cows in all stages of production, 2 Guernsey Heifers springing 504 Farmall tractor; 3 bottom 14” plow; Farmall Super A tractor with cultivator and saw to fit, also 2 row International com planter; Farmall F2O on rub ber, good condition; International grass mower; NH 66 baler; 24 ft. Smoker elevator; 2 rubber tire wagons with 16 ft. bed; 2 horse wagon; 28 International disc; New Idea side rake; PTO potato digger; 2 wheel trailer; New Idea 12A spreader; lime drill; Mc- Cormick 2 bottom trailer plow; 140 gallon tobacco sprayer; 1 row tobacco planter; spring harrow; com harrow; Massey Harris com binder; 106 Wiard plow; David Bradley garden tractor with cultivator; mower; snow plow; roller; shovel harrows; all kinds of lum ber; tobacco press; 4,000 tobacco lath; 2 platform scales; tobacco ladders; com sheller; grind stone; ground scoop; 40 ft. extension ladder; wheelbarrow; barrels; 12 by 12 chicken house; 10 by 12 chicken house; shutters; doors; 23 bags wheat; 45 bags Spultz; harness; bushel baskets; lawn mowers; forks; tools; log chains; ropes; milk cans; DeLaval milker and pumps; 2 - 40 lbs. units; wash tub; stainless steel strainer and buckets; milk cooler; straw hooks; hog troughs; hand potato plow; rototiller. Player piano, working order; dinner bell; jelly cupboard; wagon seats; lanterns; wooden wash tub; copper wash boilers; wooden benches; porch swing; tool chests; meat bench; 3 iron kettles; ice box; pic ture frames; butcher tools; scale; ladles; wood box; extension table; large bowglass china closet; mantel clock; record player; toilet set; almanacs; waffle iron; piano stool; child rockers; small wooden bucket; cherry seeder; old toys; small doll carriage; all kinds crocks; jugs; wooden clothes tree; marble top bedroom suite; buttons; stamps; broad axes; irons; sausage stuffer; meat grinder; old chairs; carnival glass; augers; 2 copper kettles; and many, many more antiques. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Gas range; Westinghouse refrigerator; Maytag washer, wringer type; G.E. automatic washer; Philco refrigerator; coal stove; dresser; music cabinet; wooden bed; bedroom suite; books; chest of drawers; quart jars; dishes and many more articles. Sale at 9:30 A.M. sharp. Terms by, LEE B. & EDNA M. EISENBERGER Frank & Paul Snyder, Aucts. 717-733-7052 Refreshments by Mt. Eden Lutheran Church Not Responsible for Accidents. Sale Order: Small Items on wagons, Household Goods, Farm Machinery. Watch for sale signs along road. Oxford; Titus Brubaker, Conestoga; Harry Frey, Kinzer; Walter Hams, Lincoln University; Neil Hochsteller, Blue Ball; A.D. Mast, Lancaster; John Mast, Gap; John Railing, Pequea; and Paul Stoltzfus, Leola. Three new directors were also named. They were; Glenn Ament, Conestoga; James Conte, Hershey, and Grant Huddle, Lancaster An estimated 275 people attended the recent dinner meeting of the Rough and Tumble Engineers, a society which was founded in 1948 by the late Arthur S. Young of Kinzer. Total membership in the organization to date is around 2000. At 9:30 A.M. ANTIQUES Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 5,1977 Sale reports A Public Sale of antiques and personal property was held October 29 by Roy Bireley, executor for the Edmund Bireley estate. The sale was located between Parkesburg and Pomeroy on Valley Rd., Chester Co., Pa. Items sold mcluded: Sofa $l3O, Gateleg Table $215, Barrel $3O, Portable TV $3OO, Loveseat $B5, Crock $67.50, Cherry Seeder $2l, Parkesburg Lamp $B5, Oil Lamp $5O, Spice Set $3l and Trunk $27.50. Auctioneers were Ira Stoltzfus & Son and Jay Leary. HUNTERS SALE BARN, INC. held their weekly sale October 31 at Rising Sun, Maryland. FEEDER HEIFERS: High Choice and Prime 25.50-27.50; Good to Choice 22.00-24.00. FEEDER STEERS; Good to Choice 33.50-36.50; Standard to G00d28.50-31.00. COWS: High Choice to Prime 26.00-27.25; Good to Standard 25.25-26.25; Utility 23.00-24.75; Cutters 22.00- 23.55; Canners 20.75-23.50. CALVES: High to Choice 140-180 lbs. 53.00-58.00; Good to Choice 120-140 lbs. 45.00- 54.00; Standard to Good 90- 110 lbs. 34.00-48.50; Utility 70- BO lbs. 34.00-39.00; Low Utility 60-75 lbs. 23.00-31.00. FEEDER PIGS: $l6 to $lB by head; few $22 to $24 by head. SOWS: 27.00-33.00. Sale Mgr. and Auctioneer, Norman E. Hunter, Pres. PUBLIC CONSIGNMENT SALE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12,1977 On Route 11-15, 8 miles north of Liverpool, 9 miles south of Selmsgrove (formerly Stauffer’s Harness Shop). 10 00 A.M. TRACTORS FARM MACHINERY—HORSE DRAWN EQUIPMENT —HARDWARE—ANTIQUES GUNS —FRESH FRUIT FROM FLORIDA 1 AC 180 diesel, good condition; 1 Oliver 70; 1 No J N.I. manure spreader; 2IH riding cultivator; 1999 JD com planter W.F.A.; 1 No. 9 IH 5 ft. mower; 2 JD two way riding plows; 1 husker shredder; 1 8 ton hay wagon, new; 16 ton flat wagon; 1 two seated one horse sleigh; 1 Wiard 106 plow, good condition; 2 7 h.p. HATZ diesels, good condition; 1 fore truck; 1 2 horse timber cart, small; 1 rubber tire horse sulky; many more items too numerous to mention. 1 library table; 1 glass door bookcase; glass front gun cabinet; 1 cream separator, good condition; or namental tire flower planters; 3 com. ice cream freezer chest; 1 trash 50 gal. drum cover; Toledo 1 cent graduation scales; 1 pulley for No. 32 meat grinder; horse blankets, halters, 1 Scotty 8 ft. truck cab. ANTIQUES White cedar cylinder chum I x h gal.; old brass knobs; crocks and jugs, many sizes; glass show case, 24” high, 30” wide, 54” long; old buggy lantern; ox yoke; shoulder yoke; small iron kettle; 2 wooden saw cut ters; 1 old writing desk; 1 drop hd desk; 1 bed and washstand to match; 1 old arm chair. ALL THESE ANTIQUES BELONG TO 1 OWNER CAN BE SEEN ANY DAY OF WEEK OF SALE. GUNS 1 410 ga. shotgun, Mossberg; 1 32 special model 94 Winchester; 122 cal. rifle model 320 Winchester; 1 6.5 bolt action rifle. All guns have been used recently and are in good condition. Sale By, ELMER S. STAUFFER RDI, PortTrevorton, Pa. 17864 Phone 717-374-4356 Frank and Paul Snyder, Auctioneers We Sell On Commission. Owner not responsible for accidents or theft, Lunch Available. A Public Auction of 11* acres, Dairy and Tobacct farm took place October 27 two miles east of Lancaster and 3 miles south of the Strasburg Pike. The farm was owned by the Enos R Buckwalter estate. The farm was sold for $569,000 or about $4,975 per acre, to John L. Stoltzfus and David King who will con tinue to farm the land. Besides the 114 acres it included a nine-room stone house, a double-decker bam, a 3-car garage, two silos and an implement shed. Alvin L. Miller was the auctioneer. The Hocker Auction sole an assortment of cast iror banks on October 27 at 95C Page Road, Harrisburg, Pa. The 63 antique cast iron banks ranged in price froir $2 to $320. The top price was given for Teddy and the bear bank. Auctioneers; Col. L.M.F. Hocker, Harnsberger. Martin. A Public Sale of a 123 acre farm on Elizabethtown Rd. near Risser’s Mennonitt Church, was held October 2£ by the Clayton Risser estate. The property included i> stone house, a dairy ban and other buildings and was sold at auction for $380,000 tf Franklin B. Zink of Moun Joy, acting as agent foi himself and several part ners. The opening bid waf $250,000 and there were ' active bidders. Claude F. Smith was tin auctioneer. 129
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers