Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 05, 1977, Image 119
(Largs Pieces) (Small Pieces) (DdXDfor Stew* Braise Cook in Liquid ® Arm Steak ® Blade Steak Braise, Panfry ®® ' In ßoneless Shoulder Roast ® Arm Roast ® Blade Roast Roast, Brass ■ SHOULDER SHANK Shank Shank Cross Cuts Iran*, Cook in Liquid •Veal for stew or grinding may be made from any cut '•Cube steaks may be made from any thick solid piece of boneless veal PUBLIC SALE Due to Contractor Going Out of Business SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 1977 At 12:00 Noon | Two miles East of Abbottstown off of Route 30 | Beaver Creek or Canal Roads, Follow Signs. P Haber Grader Model 1500 % Austin Western Crone Model 1200 H Concrete bucket and forks for the Crane, Fruehauf || trailer, two office trailers, storage trailer; door buck || brackets, ammo guns, misc. forms, Universal Forms a (2* x4’ -18” x4’ -12” x 4’), radius forms (2’ x 10’), | hydraulic pipe bender, granite stone, eye beams, light 1 poles, extension ladder, Huber 2 ton Vibertory Roller, » rototiller, transit, Homelite chain saw, space heater, || Black & Decker sweeper, draft table, drain tile, g protection barriers, troweling machine, rollers for p scaffles, concrete float, V-plow, V-snow plow, cement f mixer - mount on 3 point hook up, 3 toilet seats, 3 - wash bowls, 2 - DeWalt table saws, comer poles for masonry work, sanders, Wisconsin 4 cyl. engine (air cooled), | mower, Sign Maker, 3M - Copy Machine, adding If machine, and other misc. hardware items and sup- || plies. i For more information call (717) 259-7015 GRIM BROTHERS CONTRACTORS, INC. R.D. 1 Thomasviile, PA 17364 Clair Slaybaugh, Auctioneer RETAIL CUTS Breast Inis*, Cook in Liquid VEAL CHART IF VEAL WHERI Boneless Rib Chop Rib'chop Braise Panfry Roast Rib Roast Boast RIB BREAST // / Roast Brats* Boneless Riblets This chart approved by National Live Stock and Meat Board PUBLIC AUCTION 37H25 FEEDER PIGS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19,1977 At 2:00P.M. Location; Between Womelsd orf and Myer stown along Route 422, at Stouchsburg, take Scharff Road south 1 mile to third farm on left. Vz mile north of Sheridan Furnace, Marion Twp., Berks County, Pa. 30 - 60 POUND CHOICE FEEDER PIGS HAMPSHIRE - YORK - OUROC CROSS All pigs are vaccinated for Erysipelas, castrated young, wormed, tails crocked, sprayed for mange and lice. All pigs were raised on this farm. No outside pigs will be sold on this Auction. NOTE: Auction time 1:00 P.M. Terms by; WALTER M. HORST Newmanstown RDI, PA 215-589-2282 Auction Conducted by; John E. and Paul E. Martin Auctioneers I 717-733-3511—717-733-3305 THEY COME FROM AND HOW Stuffed Breast © Stuffed Chops llia*. Pmfry Cubed Steak ** 40 ® Sirloin Chop Braise, Panfry Boneless Sirloin Roast ® Sirloin Roast Roast SIRLOIN VEAL FOR GRINDING OR CUBING Rolled Cube Steaks* * Braisi Rout (laki) Braise. Panfry Mock Chicken Legs* * City Choplrt^^^ lnis*. Panfry ' master Farming, Saturday, November 5,1977 TO COOK THEM ® Cutlets ® Rolled Cutlets %% CutletsCThm Slices) Round Steak Braise Panfry Boneless Rump Roast Round Roast Boast Braise ROUND (LEG) © National Live Stock and Moat Board I’ll Show You A stranger entered the building and asked a boy standing in the lobby. '‘Can you tell me where Mr Bell lives 9 ” “Sure, I’ll show you,” the young man re plied Eight flights later, the boy pointed out a room and said it was Mr Bell’s After knocking on the door and receiving no answer, the man commented, “I guess he’s not here ” “That’s right,” the boy said “He was downstairs in the lobby when we first met ” Willing To Learn WANT AD Secretary uxints job. no bad habits willing to learn Man or Woman? TEACHER How old would a person be who was bom in 1935 9 STUDENT Is the person a man or a woman 9 Patience, Please A man is never in worse company than when he flies into a rage and is beside himself Gypsy moth damage NEW YORK, N.Y. - Leaf eating gypsy moth cater pillars fed well on some U.S. woodlands this summer, tne U.S. Department of Agriculture reports. Tree defoliations in eight nor theastern states totalled 1.6 radl’on acres in 1977, nearly double the damage caused by the pests year. Pennsylvania torests bore the brunt of the infestation, as they have for the past several years. Nearly 1.3 million wooded acres m that state were hit, particularly in its central and eastern regions. Pike County alone suffered damage on 264,284 forested acres. Trees throughout most of this Pocono Mountain resort county were attacked. Other states affected by gypsy moth this year include Massachusetts with 133,081 defoliated acres; New York with 91,313; New Jersey with 39,185; Vermont with 33,435 and Maine with 2,010. New Hampshire and Rhode Island got off lightly by comparison. A total of only 445 acres were defoliated in these two New England states. Last year, gypsy moths attacked over 7,580 wooded acres m Rhode Island alone. USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service believes the excessive damage this year resulted from conditions favorable to gypsy moth survival. The pests found ample food supplies within the heavily wooded mountain regions of Pennsylvania. APHIS says the potential exists for a similar situation in 1978. Pennsylvania’s forests are a type that is favored by the gypsy moth. Agency officials sav the pests have not yet reached their peak strength. High winds m Penn sylvania this past spring also contributed to spreading the moths over a wide area. In addition, a natural gypsy moth virus which normally kills off a large percentage of the pest’s larvae did not do so this year. The winter of 1977 also took its toll, but its victims were not gypsy moths, but the pests’ natural insect enemies. State and federal officials believe the severe cold may have killed off many beneficial parasites in Pennsylvania, while leaving the gypsy moth itself vir tually unscathed. Use of pesticides by APHIS to control gypsy moths was limited this year to areas such as cam pgrounds and nurseries to prevent artificial spread of the pest. Restricted funds and manpower prevented large-scale chemical treatments by federal and state agencies in many regions. APHIS officials say gypsy moths are moving in a southwesterly direction, along the Appalachian Mountains. Oak trees, a favorite gypsy moth host, are abundant along this range. Several adult moths have been recovered m traps in the northern counties of Maryland, although no defoliation was recorded this 119