—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 5,1977 118 AFBF says trade, not strike, PARK RIDGE, 111. ...While many farmers face extreme financial dif ficulties this year, a proposed farmers’ strike is not the answer to the far mer’s dilemma, Allan Grant said here last week. Grant, president of American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF), said a better solution is for farmers FEEDER SALE IDES., NOV. 15 7:00 P.M. CARLISLE LIVESTOCK MARKET, Inc Carlisle, PA gap auction FRIDAY EVENING, NOV. 11,1977 5:30 P.M. Located off Route 41 - Lancaster Avenue opposite Turkey Hill Minit Market - Cross RR Bridge. ANTIQUES AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS SOLD AT EVERY AUCTION. inspection Friday from 9.00 a.m. until sale time. CONSIGNMENTS ON MONDAYS FROM 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM OTHER DAYS BY APPOINTMENT Call us for pick-up service IRA STOLTZFUS & SON, Auctioneers 442-4936 or 442-8254 CONDUCTORS ALL TYPES PUBLIC SALES Watch Paper for Complete Close-Out of Local Antique Shop Friday, November 25. PUBLIC SALE Discontinuing farming, the undersigned will sell on the farm located 4 miles south of Hagerstown, Md., or 2 miles south of 1-70 on Route 65. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12,1977 At 11:00 A.M. 65 HEAD OF HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE 64 Consisting of 54 dairy cows of which 3 have freshened in Oct.; 16 fresh or close to freshening in Nov.; 10 due to freshen in Dec. and Jan., with balance in different stages of lactation; 10 open heifers 3 mos. to yearlings. This is a mostly young herd including 16 first calf and 10 second calf, out of artificial breeding, all bred back artificially except first calf heifers which are bred to Angus bull. All but three are calfhood vac., Bangs and T.B. tested within 30 days of sale. Pregnancy examined. Home raised and family tended. Cattle Sold in Tent—Loading Chute— DAIRY EQUIPMENT & FEED Complete Surge pipeline and stall cocks for 27 cows, vacuum pipe and stall cocks for 36 cows, 3 mini cup .milking units, automatic washer. Mojonnier 335 gal. milk tank; stainless double wash tub; Peerless gas heater; 3 Surge bucket units; strainers; bam fan; 2 silage carts; metal water trough; 2 wooden hay bunkers. APPROX. 3500 BALES GOOD MIXED HAY APPROX. 1500 BALES STRAW APPROX. 10 TON OLD EAR CORN APPROX. 950 BU. BARLEY APPROX. 950 BU. OATS Sale Order: Feed, Dairy Equipment, Cattle. Machinery Sale to be held March 18,1978 Terms: Cash - Not Responsible for Accidents. MR. & MRS. EUGENE D. REESE Auctioneer: Robert C. Mullendore Clerk: C. L. Metz — Lunch Rights Reserved and the administration to do everything possible to in crease the flow of wheat and feed grams into export markets. A group of farmers ad vocating a strike on December 14 has demanded 100 per cent of parity price supports by the strike deadline. Originating in Southeastern Colorado in September, the strike ad vocates have sponsored tractor “drive in” demon strations m Denver and Pueblo, Colo., and AmarriUo. Tex. Grant said that if the demands of the strike ad vocate leadersior full parity on farm products were met, the U.S. would price itself out of world markets. Pointing out that 100 per cent of parity for wheat is $5.03 per bushel at the farm (at the Kansas City market last week, hard red winter wheat was priced near $2.70 per bushel), Grant said: “We have wheat coming out of our ears, and nobody’s going to pay the full parity price.” “There is only one price for wheat,” he added, “and that is the price that someone is willing to pay.” Calling the strike ad vocates’ motives sincere but meffective,Grant said that in any event, AFBF could not participate in a strike smce PUBLIC SALE OF FULL LINE OF FARM MACHINERY (3 JO TRACTORS), PRODUCE, SMALL ITEMS, ETC. On farm 6Vz miles east Hughes ville, PA, Vz mile north of Lairdsville(Rt 118). SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12,1977 Starting at ll:OOA.M. JD 620 tractor with 3 pt. hitch, power steering, good; 2 JD 60 tractors with live PTO - hyd. both have sidehill hitches; all 3 tractors have tires loaded; JD 3-14” 3 pt. hitch plows; Oliver 3-14” plows; MM 2-14” plows; JD 12’ harrow; 8’ cultimulcher; JD 290 com planter; JD 8W quick hitch 7’ mower; JD 32 crimper; JD 4 bar rake; electra #5025 18’ flatbed wagon with sides, other wagon with sides; 2 JD 2 row cultivators; NH smoker 32’ all purpose elevator with motor; IH #5 flail chop per; IH #27 PTO baler; AC 66 PTO combine with bin; IH 16-7 disc drill on rubber; Case PTO 135 bu. spreader; NI #lO picker; Mayrath 16’-3” auger; 10” Hammermill; 2 wheel farm trailer; mounted wood saw for JD; 5 butcher kettles; 500 bu. oats; several hundred bu. ear com, small items a few household goods and antiques to be sold first. Owners: EUGENE AND ANNABELIE ENGLISH Auctioneer Max Fraley & Son 546-6631 Lunch REAL ESTATE AUCTION SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1977 1:30 P.M. To settle the Estate of Fred T. Tebbs, Jr., Montgomery, Pa. PLOTI: Two lots totaling approx. 86.5 acres of farmland. PLOT 2: Approx. 4 acres with two story frame house, greenhouses, three large cinderblock buildings & poll bam. PLOTS: Approx. 1.24 acres with modem one story frame building. PLOT 4: Approx. 109 acres of Mountain land. PLOTS: Approx. 11 acres of residential land. All this Real Estate is in the Montgomery, Pa. Area. EXHIBIT SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23,1977 1:30-5:00 P.M AUCTION & EXHIBIT WILL BE HELD AT PLOT 3 WHICH IS LOCATED ON RT. 54 V* MILES WEST OF MONTGOMERY, PA., NEXT TO WEIS MARKET. EXECUTOR The Estate reserves the right to reject any or all bids on Real Estate. For further information contact: 808. CHUCK & RICH ROAN, INC. Licensed & Bonded Auctioneers Box 118, R.D. #3 Cogan Station, Pa. 17728 Phone 717-494-0170 Evenings 717-998-8281 such action has no place in current AFBF policies. AFBF policy for 1978 will be determined by duly elected voting delegates to the annual convention beginning in Houston, Tex., on January 8, 1978. That is more than three weeks after the proposed strike deadline. In view of the world hunger situation and the huge U.S. grain surplus, Grant called for stepped up action under Public Law 480 (Food for Peace). “We have exported more grain in recent years than we ever did before, but to ORVILLE C. MASE, price booster IS keep up with our productive capacity, we must move even more into the world markets,” Grant said. “The long-term outlook is that world food supplies will VALUABLE 118 ACRE FARM HEIRS of JENNIE C. CROOK, Deceased HUMISGITMG MY, MYYMH 24, «77 The Heirs will offer the following Real Estate, located in Adams County AVi miles north of East Berlin, Pa. Take Route 234 Vz mile west of East Berlin, then turn north 2 miles at Morning Hour Chapel Sign, at Lake Meade Road Sign, thence turn east 2 miles to SALE. SALE Signs posted. NICE TRAGI OF REAL ESTATE Farm containing 118 acres, more of less, lying and being in Reading Township, Adams County, Pa., having 1640 ft. frontage along Black top road, im provements erected thereon a 2% story and a IVz story main frame and weather boarded dwelling house, having kitchen, dining room area, large living room, guest room, 2 open porches -1 has cement floor; second floor contains 4 bed rooms, storage attic; basement cemented with outside entrance. Home has electric hot and cold running water. There is a 1-story frame summer house; frame bank bam 40’ x 70’ with white asbestos shingle siding & attached machine shed; frame hog pen; frame poultry house; farm has ap proximately 85 acres of good tillage soil, 33 acres in dear and wooded pasture land with 2 never-failing streams of water running through. Spring water for domestic use from stone spring house. All buildings are in good state of repair with metal roofs. NOTE: This farm has a lovely setting with unlimited potential. FOR INFORMATION: Telephone (717) 2594)776 or 259-0995 or 292-4921. TERMS: 10% down day of Sale, balance within 30 days with possession. HEIRS of Jennie C. Crook, Deceased Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer Idaviile, Pa., Phone 677-7479 Jan M. Wiley, Attorney SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12,1977 Starting at 11 A.M. Location - Catawissa R.D.I (Millgrove) off Route 42 south of Bloomsburg (follow arrows). Estate of the Late FRANK SEVISON COLLECTABLES, HOUSEHOLD, HEAL ESTATE 5 pc. ornate cherpr high back bedroom suite, 6 pc. maple bedroom suite (2 single beds), 9 lite corner cupboard, roll top desk, feed box chest, 5 pc. maple breakfast set, odd chairs, depression ware, app. 50 pc. fiesta ware, milk glass signed (w), limoges shaving mug, baskets, kerosene lamps, butter bowl & paddle, commode seats, drum table, porch furniture, parlor stands, dated jars, crocks, jugs, stick pins, 2 pocket watches (one Elgin), 30 piano rolls, lard cans, Maytag wringer washer, wash tubs, all type hand tools, home made bench saw w/2 H.P. motor, wheel barrel, Homes & Edwards flatware, National Geographies, Elec trolux sweeper, plus many unlisted items. Real Estate to be offered at 2 P.M. Two story wood frame dwelling on app. 2 acres located in Roaring Creek Twp. Columbia County, Southern School District, offering 5 rooms, 2 baths, wash room & enclosed porch. Ig. work shop, and 2 story 2 car garage. Home has well water, new septic system. (Ideal location). For inspection of property prior to auction call executor for appointment. Terms; Personal Property - cash or good check. Real Estate: $4,000 down day of sale balance in thirty days. Buyer pays all transfer taxes. Statements made day of sale regarding real estate take precidences over previously written material. Auctioneer: John Autotore 784-3506 Attorney; Wm. Kreisher Auctioneers Note: Home had fire - exterior good condition, interior fair. run a tight race with population growth, which would indicate a strong demand for American grain on future would markets,” tl»c farm leader concluded. rustic SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. PROMPT Seller-Executor, • EARL F. SEVISON 356-2266
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