—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 29,1977 6 Livestock market and auction news Pa. Auction Summary October 21,1977 CATTLE 8851. Compared with 5929 head last week, and 7707 head a year ago. Compared .with last week’s market, slaughter steers mostly 25 cents to $1 lower, most decline on grades below Choice. Slaughter heifers steady to $1 lower. Slaughter cows mostly steady to SO cents lower. Slaughter bullocks unevenly steady. Slaughter bulls highly uneven. STEERS: High Choice & Prime No. 3-4 43.00- Choice No. 24 40.0044.75, Good 36.0040.00, Standard 31.00-36.00, Utility 26.00- HEIFERS: Choice 35.0040.75, Good 32.00- Standard 27.00- 32.00, few Utility 22.00-27.50. COWS: Utility & Com mercial 23.00-26.50, Cutters 21.50-24.75, Canner & Low Cutter 19.00-23.00, Shells down to 15.00. BULLOCKS: Choice 35.00-38.00, few to 40.00, Good 32.00-36.75, few Standard 28.00-33.00, few Utility 23.00-28.00. BULLS: Yield Grade #llOOO-2000 lbs. 29.00- yield grade No. 2 900-1650 lbs. 25.00-33.00. FEEDER CATTLE: Feeder steers steady to $3 higher; heifers and bulls $1 to $2 lower. Choice 300-700 lbs. feeder steers 32.00-38.50, Good 300-750 lbs. 28.00-35.00, Medium 300800 lbs. 22.00 28.00; Good & Choice 275-700 lbs. feeder heifers 23.00 32.00, Medium 300750 lbs. 16.0025.00; Medium & Good 300750 lbs. feeder bulls 18.00 27.50, CALVES 5056. Compared with 3412 head last week, and 5527 head a year ago. Vealers steady to $3 higher, BEEFALO SEMEN SALE Dealer Close Out $6 per ampule, 50 amps or approx. 200 amps with tank included. $7 per ampule, 25 amps or more $8 per ampule, 10 amps or more Semen from Basolo sires HG-13, HB-I4 & HB-9 WALNUT HOLLOW FARM Creek Road, Pipersville, Pa. 18947 215-795-2452 spots to $5 higher on Choice. VEALERS: Few Prime 70.0078.50,' Choice 56.00 72.00, Good 45.00-60.00, Standard & Good 110135 lbs. 38.0048.00, 90110 lbs. 32.00 40.00, Standard 7090 lbs. 28.0035.00, Utility 5090 lbs. 20.0030.00, Farm calves, holstein bulls 90120 lbs. 35.00-54.00; holstein heifers 85-125 lbs. 38.0053.00. HOGS 6830. Compared with 3201 head last week, and 6258 head a year ago. Barrows & gilts $1 to $1.75 higher. BARROWS & GILTS: US No. 1-2 200240 lbs. 43.5045.00, No. 1-3 200 250 lbs. 42.0044.00, No. 2-3 200260 lbs. 40.8542.50, few No. 24 245-290 lbs. 39.00 41.00, No. 1-3 140190 lbs. 33.0039.00, SOWS: 50 cents to $2 higher. US No. 1-3 300 575 lbs. 34.0038.50, few No. 2- 3 300600 lbs. 30.0034.75. Boars 22.0030.00. FEEDER PIGS 2132. Compared with 1224 head last week, and 1510 head a year ago. Feeder pigs mostly steady to $1 higher. US No. 1-3 2035 lbs. feeder pigs 14.0028.00, few down to $7 per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 25.0036.00, Utility 2050 lbs. 9.5025.50 per head. GRADED FEEDER PIGS 1571. Compared with 2918 head last week. Feeder pigs uneven, extremes $5 higher to $lO lower. All prices per him ed weight basis. US No. -2 3050 lbs. 85.0089.00, few down to 82.00, 55-75 lbs. 71.0078.00, No. 2-3 3055 lbs. 72.0085.00, Utility 35-55 lbs. 50.0056.00, SHEEP 692. Compared with 324 head last week, and 797 head a year ago. Wooled slaughter lambs steady to $1.50 higher. Choice 65-110 lbs. 47.00-53.00, few 56.50, Good 50-110 lbs. 38.0047.00, Slaughter ewes 7.00-21.00. GM Livestock Market Duncanville, Pa. October 24,1977 Market steady with last week’s market. Steers: Good to choice, 1000 to 1300 lbs. 38.5041.00; standard to good, 1000 to 1300 lbs. 32.0038.50; other 25.00 32.00. Heifers: Good to choice 32.0036.00; other 24.00-32.00. Feeder Steers: Good to choice, 300 to 500 lbs. 36.00 40.00, 500 to 800 lbs. 32.00 37.00; standard to good, 300 500 lbs. 30.00-36.00, 500 to 800 lbs. 28.0032.00; other 22.00 28.00. Bulls: 1000 to 1500 lbs. VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Box 100, Paradise, PA 717-442-4181 or 768-8204 EVERY THURSDAY AT 12 NOON Hay, Straw & Grain Sale We have plenty of good buyers each week.. We need consigners. Contact: L Robert Frame, manager AVON GROVE HAY, STRAW & FODDER AUCTION Guaranteed not less than $6O per ton for dry hay. Every Thursday 12:00 NOON AVON GROVE Routes 1 and 41 GREEN DRAGON |*\ LIVESTOCK SALES MJ 1 mile North of Ephrata, PA cows COWS cotvs BUYERS FROM 3 STATES Regular consignments from Ray Kyper, Bob Kennedy, Dale Brewer and Ed Stover plus local consigners. Lots of good Northern Feeders and Stockers. SALE EVERY FRIDAY Bulls, Steers, Slaughter Cows, Lambs and veal calves. 11.00 A.M. - Beef Sale Stockers & Feeders 200 to 250 each week. 12 30 PM - Dairy Cows 7:00 P.M - Small Animal Sale For Special Safes and Herd Dispersals on the farm or at our barn or other market information call: Office 717-733-2444. Walter H. Risser, Proprietor 28.00-34.00; 800 to 1000 lbs. 28.0036.00. Cows: High choice to prime 26.00-28.35; good to standard 22.00-26.00; utility 20.00-22.00; canners 17.00- 20.00. Calves: High to choice 60.00- good to choice 40.00- standard to good 30.0040.00; bobs 20.0030.00; farm calves bulls, 100 to 120 lbs. 45.00-55.00; farm calves heifers, 100-120 lbs. 42.00- 50.00. Hogs: 190 to 240 lbs. 43.00- 43.65; 170 to 280 lbs. 39.00- 43.00. Sows: 300 to 500 lbs. 36.00- 40.00; 500 to 700 lbs. 34.00- Lambs; 80 to 120 lbs. 38.00. Boars: 22.00-29.00. BEEFALO HYBRID CATTLE 45 LIHOUSIN-HEREFORD CROSS COWS Bred Beefab For Sale - Rapid gains on grass and roughage. - 55-65 lb. Births - up to 1100 lb. yearling. - Test data show 62 percent carcass dress ou - We stock and distribute Pureblood BeefaU Semen and Half-Blood Beefalo heifers anc bulls. - Visit our farm and see pur animals. SEMEN *l2 an ampule NOW TAKING ORDERS FOR V« BULLS & HEIFERS. BEEFALO N & i 4270 Quakerbridge Road Princeton, NJ 08540 609-896-0336 Member World Beefalo Association ATTENTION FARMERS!! INSECTICIDES CONKLIN PRODUCTS IM —PRUV—ALL GOLDEN ACRES For greater root system, looser soil, less water run off, creased yields. University data available. More than years of proven performance. Medina has been used ait types of crops and soils - in almost all of the Uni States and m 25 foreign countries. Check our Prices before you buy. KELVIN R. WEAVER RDI Box 529 53*00; 60 to 80 lbs. 44.1 ' Sheep; 12.00-20.00. Manheim, P PH; 717-569-6576