SAVE Vi OF THE COST OF SPRAY PAINTING BARNS • By having it done right l • Like you want it done • With latest equipment •Crushed properly with the real 6” paint brush •By one who is self employed • Using the original proven barn paint. • Check with my recent work near your place PHARESS. HURST RDI, Box 420 Narvon, Pa 17555 215-445 6186 BUY A NEW JOHN DEERE TRACTOR NOW! _o MORE CASH AND MORE JOBS ON THE MOVE. LANDIS BROS. INC. M. S. YEARSLEY & SONS AGWAY, INC. Lancaster, PA West Chester, PA Chap man Equipment Center 717-393-3906 215-696-2990 Chapman, PA 215-398-2553 ADAMSMN EBBMff INC. SHOTZBERGER’S EQUIPMENT NEUHAUS’ES, INC. Mohnton, RD 2, PA 19540 Flm p . „ n 0 Wnrk PA (n 2ls^J^439i n) 717-665-2141 1-83 LoganvilleExt. 3 717-428-1953 or 235-1306 PIKEVILLE EQUIPMENT INC. A.B.C. GROFF, INC. STANLEY A KLOPP INC Dale Road New Holland, PA bl™^p/’ Oley RD2, PA 717 ai oi Bernville, PA 215-987-6277 717-354-4191 215-488-1510 KERMIT K. KISTLER, INC. ROBERT E. LITTLE INC. I. G.'s AG SALES Lynnport, PA Zieglerville, PA Silverdale, PA 18962 215-298-3270 215-287-9643 215-257-5136 Farm Women Societies Berks Co. Society 3 Berks County Farm Women Society 3 met at the home of Mrs. Harvey Moyer Boyertown R 4. The ladies worked on sewing bed pads to take along to Berks Heim, November 10, the night they help host a Bingo Party for the guests. Mrs. Ernest Hartline reported the high lights of Get the new John Deere tractor you need—any model, any horsepower size—right away with no finance charges imposed until March 1,1978 That s right—not a penny of finance charges until March The same offer applies to all makes of used tractors we have in stock Here s your chance to trade up and let machinery pay for itself while it s producing profits for you Stop in or call Ask us about the John Deere Finance Ran tractor waiver offer' 1977’s meetmgs were a surprise 80th birthday party for Mrs. Lydia Cleaver, the founder of Society 3, and the fact that the society gave over $1,500 to chanties and needy families m the Boyertown Area. The next meeting will be October 26 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Har tlme, Boyertown. Speaker will be from the Social Security office. Just Announced Special Finance Charge waived on select new John Deere and used forage harvesters and forage boxes for use in corn. Finance Charges waived to Sept. 1,1978. Berks Co. Society 4 The Berks County Farm Women Society 4 met Oc tober 4 m the home of Mrs Barbara Campbell, Earlville. A program on cake decorating was presented by Mrs. Elsie Rothenberger Mrs. Rothenberger demonstrated different techniques on a cake later won by Mrs. Lottie Burkepile. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 15,1977 Members planned for a workshop for October 13 at the home of Mrs. Verna Taylor. Final plans are being made for a bazaar bemg held on October 29 at the Odd fellows Hall in Boyertown to be held 8 a.m. until 4 pm. Featured will be homemade baked goods and various crafts. Miss Linda Taylor gave a report on the Berks County Farm Women’s Convention held October 1. The next meetmg will be held at the home of Mrs Dorothy Barrett on November 1. Dauphin Co. Society 1 The Dauphin County Farm Women Society 1 held its monthly meeting October 11, 1977 at 7 p.m at the Hor nerstown Church. Hostess for the evening was Daisy Cassel and co-hostess was Harnett Baldwin. Roll call was taken with eighteen members answering. The County Convention was held on October 8, 1977 at Camp Hebron m Halifax. It was noted that Society 1 won third prize m the Safety Poster Contest. This poster will be on display at the Conewago Elementary School. The Group was pleased that many of its members were able to attend inis convention December 7, the group will get together cookies, punch and gifts and travel to the State Hospital where they will be entertaming the patients there. This is annual event for the group Plans are also underway for the Group’s Christmas Party and Banquet. This event will be held on December 13,1977. A committee was ap pointed to purchase a rocking chair which will be donated by the Group to the Child Care Center m Hummelstown. The Society also plans to contmue doing mending for the Center. Election of officers was held with the following results; president, Kathy Moffatt; first vice president, Pat Baum; second vice president, Ruth Oberholt zer; recording secretary, Jean Janssen; correspon ding secretary, Ruth Rife; treasurer, Daisy Cassel. The project for the meeting was the making of wreaths by braiding baling twine. Electric Generating Systems Built to Your Specifications Manual or Automatic L. P. Gas - Diesel - Gasoline Martin Electric Plants Isaac W. Martin, Owner Pleasant Valley Rd., RD2 Ephrata, PA (717) 733-7968 Lancaster Co. Society 1 A meeting of Lancaster County Farm Women Society 1 was held at the home of Mrs. Edna Shearer, Lancaster, with Fay Gar man acting as co-hostess. The society will have a garage sale October 22 at the home of Mary Kurtz, Rothsville, from 8 a m. to 2 pm. The women are also sponsoring a bus trip to Flemmgton, N.J., and Ox ford Valley Mall, October 27. An election of officers was held with the following results: Recording secretary, Mrs. Marion Fuhrman; corresponding secretary, Jean Newcomer; and treasurer, Dorothy Hollmger. Speaker for the day was Mrs Ruth Dourte, whose topic was centered on handling emotions. November meeting will be held at the home of Anna Sargrey. Lancaster Co, Society 2 Lancaster County Farm Women Society 2 held the October meeting at the home of Margie Shelley, Elm Co hostess was the President of Society 2, Grace Miller “Packages for Pennies”, was the title of the timely pre-holiday gift wrapping demonstration by Mrs. Wallace Heisey, Penrvn. Elected as treasurer of Society 2 was Kathryn Shreiner, assistant treasurer i* Mabel Pinkerton. Grace Miller reported on the executive board meetmg; and reminded all of the November 5 con vention to be held at the Farm and Home Center in Lancaster. The Convention delegates to the State Convention to be held in Harrisburg on January 9 and 10 are: President, Grace Miller, Mabel Pinkerton, and Vivian Hemeisan. Alternates are Edna Loose and Elsie Witmer. Society 2 will be represented at Home- Makers Day on November 8 which will be held at the Farm and Home Center in Lancaster. Eva Keener was made an Honorary Member of Society 2, and given a life mem- (Contmued on Page 55) Sales - Service 53