Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 15, 1977, Image 50

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    —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 15,1977
Home on
(Continued from Page 48)
Dredge meat m flour;
brown in hot fat. Season
meat. Cover with un
sweetened cranberry sauce
and one cup hot water. Cover
closely; cook slowly about
three hours or until tender.
Add more water if
necessary. Remove roast to
platter. Thicken liquid for
gravy. Yields six to eight
Mrs. James Coombs
Gardners, Pa.
1(4 to 6 pound)
beef tenderloin
% cup melted
butter or margarine
1 clove of garlic
1 tablespoon Wor-
chestershire sauce
V< pound bleu cheese
Trim surface of fat from
tenderloin. Brush with V* cup
margarine. Roast on a rack
at 450 degrees F. for 45 to 60
minutes or until meat
thermometer registers 140
degrees F. Mash garlic in
Worcestershire sauce.
Combme with bleu cheese
and remaining margarine.
Remove meat from oven.
Spread cheese-garlic
mixture over top Serve
immediately. Yields six
Mrs. James Coombs
Gardners, Pa.
2 pounds beef for stew,
cut in %-mch pieces
1 tablespoon brown
Vi teaspoon ground
2 cups cider
2 teaspoons whole
Vi cup flour
1 teaspoon salt
Vi teaspoon pepper
V* teaspoon paprika
Vi cup cooking fat
V* cup finely chopped
2 tablespoons
2% cups cooked brown
rice (cooked in beef
2 tablespoons minced
Vi cup pecans, finely
Vi teaspoon basil
Vi teaspoon ginger
Vi teaspoon pepper
Vi teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons
■ Generators - Starters
The Range
1 teaspoons bottled brown
sauce forgravy
Broiled tomato wedges
Place beef cubes in
casserole large enough to
hold beef. Combine brown
sugar, gmger, cider, and
whole cloves, and pour over
cubes. Cover and marinate
beef in refrigerator over
night. Remove beef cubes
from marinade. Discard
cloves, reserve marinade.
Combme flour, one teaspoon
salt, V* teasooon nenoer, and
V< teaspoon paprika
and dredge beef cubes.
Brown beef in fat in heavy
skillet. Place beef in
casserole, add V* cup
marinade. Cover and bake m
a slow oven (325 degrees F.)
for two to -two and a half
hours or until tender.
Remove beef cubes to center
of a hot serving platter and
keep hot. Saute onion in
margarine until transparent.
Add onion to rice. Toss
cooked nee with parsley,
pecans, basil, ginger, V*
teaspoon pepper and V*
teaspoon salt until hot; keep
hot while making gravy. To
make gravy, blend corn
starch and V* cup reserved
marinade; cook, stirring
constantly, until thickened,
stir in brown sauce.
Surround beef cubes with hot
rice. Drizzle spicy gravy
over beef cubes. Garnish
with broiled tomato wedges
and parsley. Makes six
Mrs. Margie F. Tyler
McComb, Mississippi
2 pounds beef round
steak, cut in 1-inch
3 tablespoons flour
3 slices salt pork
1 tablespoon cooking fat
2 onions, chopped
2 teaspoons paprika
Vi cup water
lean (16 ounces)
Chinese vegetables
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 envelope (2 ounces)
country vegetable soup
with noodles
1 cup boiling water
2 tablespoons flour
Coat beef cubes with flour.
Pour cold water over salt
pork, dram and cut in small
pieces. To a four quart
pressure cooker, add salt
pork and cooking fat; brown
beef cubes in fat. Add onions,
paprika and Vi cup water
Cook in pressure cooker 10
Ronks, PA.
minutes o< t nm meat is
tender Preheat oven to 400
degrees F. Dram Chinese
vegetables, cover with cold
water, let stand one minute
and dram. In a three quart
casserole, place cooked
meat, cooking liquid,
Chinese vegetables, lemon
juice and soup mix; add one
cup boiling water. Shake two
tablespoons flour into
mixture to thicken. Mix well
cover and bake m a hot oven
(400 degrees F.) for 15 to 20
minutes or until heated
through and thickened.
Makes six to eight servings.
Mrs. Beatrice M. Hanson
Keene, New Hampshire
3 pounds beef round
steak, cut 1 inch thick
3 tablespoons cooking fat
1 teaspoon garlic salt
Junior Cooking Edition
(Continued from Page 49)
bubble. Add vanilla. Stir.
Pour hot custard on crust.
Let stand until cool.
Place egg whites in bowl.
Add sugar and cream of
tarter. Beat at high speed
until peaks form. Add
vanilla. Beat agam. Spread
on top of custard and
sprinkle Vs cup of crumbs on
top. Bake at 400 degrees F.
for eight to ten minutes or
until topping turns golden
Esther Mae Hoover
Age 10
New Holland, Pa.
1 cup butter
IVs cups granulated sugar
4 eggs
2 cups flour
V 2 cup cocoa
V 2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons vanilla
Mix ingredients together
until well mixed. Put b>
teaspoons into hot waffle
iron for two minutes. Frost
when cooled.
Carol Witmer
Age 13
Ephrata, Pa.
1 6 oz. package of but-
terscotch morsels
Vz cup peanut butter
4 cups rice cereal
1 tablespoon water
1 6 oz. package of chocolate
Vz cup confectioners sugar
j Myerstown R.D. 2 Phone (717) 866-4695 ♦
7 Vz mile west Myerstown - West Main St. ♦
7 Shop Hours: ♦
2 Mon.&Fri.-BtoB Sat.-8 to 12 ♦
J Wed. &Thurs. Btos Toes. Closed ♦
Vz teaspoon thyme
Vz teaspoon cracked
% teaspoon nutmeg
% cup beef consomme
1 can (10% ounces)
condensed mushroom
% cup sauterne wine
lean (4 ounces)
chopped mushrooms
% cup instant onion
1 cup nee
2Va cups water
1 teaspooifsalt
1 tablespoon butter
Slice meat mto thin strips
about four inches long.
Brown strips m cooking fat.
Add garlic salt, thyme,
pepper, nutmeg, consomme,
% cup mushroom soup,
wme, mushrooms with liquid
and onion; mix well. Cover
and simmer 1% hours or
until tender. Cook rice with
2 tablespoons butter
Melt butterscotch morsels
and peanut butter in heavy
saucepan. Remove from
heat and add rice cereal,
mix until well coated. Press
Vs of mixture into an 8 x 8 x 2
inch buttered pan. Chill. Set
remaining mixture aside.
Combine choclate chips,
sugar, water, and butter.
Stir over hot water until
chips are melted and mix
ture is well blended. Spread
over chilled cereal mixture.
Spread remaining cereal
mixture evenly over top.
Chill. Cut into squares.
Yield; about 25 V 2 inch
Marlene Yoder
Age 14
McVeytown, Pa.
3 eggs, slightly beaten
1 cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon lemon flavor or
Vi cup lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups cocoanut
cups flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking soda
% teaspoon salt
% cup butter
2 cups granulated sugar
2 eggs
Vz cup light molasses
Combine all the filling
ingredients except cocoanut
and cook over low heat,
stirring constantly until
thick. Remove from heat
and add coconut. Set aside to
cool. Combine flour, cin-
4 H.P. Pony Tillers
water, salt and butter 30
mmutes or until nee is
tender. Serve meat over
, nee. Makes six to eight
Mrs. Robert Scheidecker
American Angus Auxilliary
1 tablespoon flour
Vz cup beef broth
1 cup beef gravy
or 1 can (10-Va ounces)
Vz cup half-and-half
Salt and pepper to taste
8 thin slices cooked pot
roast (about 1 pound
1 can (1 pound) whole green
beans, well drained
Blend flour with small
amount of broth to smooth
paste. Heat gravy in skillet;
stir in flour paste, remaining
broth and half-and-half and
namon, soda, and salt. In a
mixing bowl, cream butter
and sugar. Blend m the egg
and molasses and beat until
fluffy. Add the dry
ingredients gradually,
mixing thoroughly. If
desired, chill dough for
easier handling. Roll out on
lightly floured surface to V 2
inch thickness. Cut in strips
two inches wide. Spread
filling on a strip and then
cover with another strip.
Repeat this until dough and
filling is used up. Cut into
one inch bars. Place on
ungreased cookie sheet and
bake at 350 degrees F. for 12
to 15 minutes. Yields about
50 cookies.
Mary Jane Sensenig
Shiloh, Ohio
cook and stir until slightly
thickened and smooth.
Season with salt and pepper.
Add meat to gravy on one
side of skillet and beans on
other side; heat through.
Good with noodles. Makes
four servings. Note If canned
gravy is used, flavor with
desired seasoning, garlic,
To cook in microwave
oven blend flour and small
amount of broth in 10x6x2-
mch glass baking dish.
Gradually stir m remaining
broth, half-and-half and
gravy; cook eight minutes or
until mixture boils, stirring
twice. Season with salt and
pepper. Add meat and beans
as above, cover with waxed
paper and cook three
minutes or until heated
l x k cups granulated sugar
1 cup rich milk (cream)
% cup com syrup
Vz cup butter
1 cup cream
1 teaspoon vanilla
% teaspoon salt
1 cup chopped nuts
Mix sugar, rich milk,
butter, and com syrup.
Bring to a boil, add slowly 1
cup cream. Cook gently until
mixture forms hard lump
when dropped in cold water.
Remove from heat. Add
vanilla, salt and nuts. Pour
into buttered nine inch
square pan. When cool,
mark into small squares.
Irene Oberholtzer
Age 13
Narvon, Pa.