—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 1.1977 50 Last week a flu bug was wandering around and decided to get me, so as a result, I ended up going home from the office early one day, to get some much needed restancfrecuperation. When I got home, nobody was there, so without further ado, I trudged wearily up the stairs, crawled into bed, and fell asleep to dream blissfully of sunny weather for fair seasons. About two hours later, I was awakened by a phone ringing. I pulled mvself from the bed, stumbling over to the next room, which is used as an office Falling into a chair, I picked up the old black phone on the desk, and mumbled hello. Dead silence. Well, not complete silence....a phone was still ringing somewhere, but it was pretty obvious that it wasn’t the one in my hand. Now there is only one phone line into our house, and only supposed to be one phone in that area. In my half asleep, pill-drowzy state, none of this made any sense. I pulled myself out of the chair and wandered through the next doorway into the sewing room. Aha! The ringing noise was definitely coming from somewhere in this room. WE HAVE MICHELIN BLEMS 20% OFF THE LOW REGULAR PRICE 4-PLY POLYESTER Ist QUALITY - MAJOR MANUFACTURER n HURST TIRE SERVICE Phone 354-4931 1 Mile West of Blue Ball On Rt. 322 OFFICIAL INSPECTION STATION There on the porch roof, outside the back window, was a ringing phone. Sure enough the storm window was down tight and had to be raised before I could get to that cold precise devise chat was causing me all this grief I dragged the phone in, it stopped ringing Such is life. Later, when my mother appeared, I asked her if she knew anything about a phone on the roof. Sheepishly, she smiled, and said she had put it out there so she'd hear it while working outside. Obviously, she had forgotten to bring it back in again And people ask me if it’s boring living in the country. New horse club forming NORRISTOWN - A new 4- H Horse Science Club is forming in the Collegeville area and invites any boy or girl ages eight to 19 to join. The organizational meeting will be held October 4, 7:30 p.m. at the Sebastian Riding Associates facilities located on Water Street Road in Collegeville, West of Grange Avenue. The club is for youih who are interested in learning about horses but for various reasons do not own a horse. Members will have the opportunity for “hands-on” practical experience working with horses and ponies to learn about grooming, management, and safety. Additional topics include breeds and breeding, lamenesses, feeding and A7B-13 $21.39 C7B-14 22.60 E7B-14 23.20 F7B-14 25.39 G7B-14 26.05 H7B-14 27.59 G7B-15 26.40 H7B-15 28.41 L7B-15 28.61 560 15 22.40 F.E.T. Ranging from $1.73 to $3.12 ICHIUM - THEUSTFOMUSS basic nutrition, care of tack and much more. Members are expected to attend their meetings and complete their project books. Completion of these requirements will enable 4- H’ers to receive award ribbons, certificates and year pins. For additional in formation, contact Nancy Kadwill, County Agent at the 4-H office 215-277-0574. For directions, contact Mrs. Bannie Stewart at Sebastian Riding Associates. THE EQUIPMENT ENGINEERED AROUND THE BIRD. WHY DIAMOND POULTRY SYSTEM? ★ Less Electrical Hookup Costs ★Less Electricity Used ★Less Feed Used ★Less Maintenance NO OTHER COMPANY OFFERS YOU SO MUCH CALL US - 717-464-3321 LET US SHOW YOU A DIAMOND CAGE SYSTEM IN OPERATION. Let the Diamond Feedsaver Cage System Work for you Qwe sell, service and install E. M. HERR EQUIPMENT, INC. R.D. 3 Sprecher Road, Willow Street, Pa. Lancaster Co. Know Where the Activities Will Be? Read the Farm Women Calendar. DIAMOND INTERNATIONAL POULTRY SYSTEMS 717-464-3321