Jealousy can be problem Hk YORK - A hassle that most p parents must occasionally face when children compete for love and affection is jealousy. If a child is unsure of his parent's love, he will be jealous of their attention given to other children, according to Extension home economists. There may be some jealousy between children of even the affectionate parents. But there are ways to keep it to a minimum. A parent should avoid using one child’s behavior as a model for another child to follow and try not to com pare the achievements, personal qualities or possessions of one child with Lancaster Farming, Saturda; those of another. Such comparisons can only create envy. Much jealousy can be stopped by never judging one child superior or inferior to another. Complimenting each child’s personal strengthshelps. Jealous children are in variably unhappy, no matter how many possessions they have. When praising a child, Septembers, 1977 a parent should specifically indentify the pleasing behavior. This allows the child to reinforce that behavior and get ride of opposite behaviors. 83