Winners chosen at Carisle Fair CARLISLE - In the Carlisle Fair, open livestock division, competition was held for sheep, dairy, and swine, with many winners chosen. In the open swine show the grand champion hog of the show was shown by John .<U«ss** "Satisfaction is what we got from Shenk’s Farm Service. They helped us with our previous milking problems till all were solved. Our cows have much better udder health, also increased milk production plus the job of milking is not near the chore it used to be. We find we have a better milk out. We have prompt service and all parts are available whenever needed.” LET BOU-MATIC WORK FOR YOU! t&uinaXicl IS YOURS FOR BETTER MILKING GRAIN DRYING EQUIPMENT • Read Grain Bins • Grain Augers • Grain Cleaners • Circle Grain Bins • Continuous Flow • GT Batch • Grain Legs Dryers • Recirculating Dryers Pst ~ // I, * i j/f * i \ SUPER B AUTWUIED BATCH CRAIN DRYER GT BATCH RECIRCULATING m||| B|||s FK|) B|Ns SHENK'S FARM SERVICE Lititz. Pa. 17543 Bulk Tanks & Therma • Star After 5 P.M. CalUitus Burkholder 717-859-1620 Our Service Trucks Are Radio Dispatched 24 HR. SERVICE OFFERED 501 E. Woods Drive Strawbridge, Stuartstown, who raises purebred Hampshires. The boar was sired by Iron Horse in Illinois, born in March, and weighed 220 pounds. The animal was also chosen champion boar at the Hagerstown, Md., Fair and DOROTHY A ROGER WAGNER Any Questions five us a call 215-689-5496 REMEMBER f SEE OUR DISPLAY AT THE t C OLEY FAIR, SEPT. 15-17 § v' iL*. SALES - INSTALLATION - SERVICE its littermate was champion carcass hog at the same fair. In the dairy show, David Smith, Waynesboro, showed a two-year old to be grand champion Guernsey cow; Jim Young, Newville, took his five year old animal to become the champion Phone 717-626-1151 Milking Shorthorn cow; and Pattie Ocker, Shippensburg, showed her 12 year old Ayrshire to the champion of that breed. Mildred Seeds, Downington, had the grand champion Jersey, showing a two-year old; Sharon Cor nman, Carlisle, had the grand champion Holstein, exhibiting a four year old animal; and Russell Miller, showed the champion Brown Swiss cow. In the open sheep show, the champion market lamb was shown by Mindy Brandt, Carlisle. Complete results of the fair follow; SWINE Yorkshire Champion and reserve champion boar: John Strawbridge, Stewartstown. Champion and reserve sow: Strawbridge-McClea ry, Stewartstown. Champion and reserve barrow: Strawbridge-McC leary, Stewartstown. Spotted Poland China Champion boar: Denton L. Driest, Abbotstown. Champion and reserve sow: Denton L. Giest. Champion and reserve barrow: Denton L. Griest. Berkshire Champion and reserve boar: David Carlin, 914 W. Trindle Road, Mechanic sburg. Champion and reserve barrow: David Shultz, 914 W. Trindle Road, Mechanic sburg. Landrace Champion and reserve sow: Mrs. Harold Mummert. Champion and reserve barrow: Mrs. Harold Mummert. Hampshire Champion and reserve boar: Strawbridge-McClea ry. Champion Strawbridge-McCleary. Reserve sow: John C. Strawbridge. Champion, reserve and grand champion of show barrow: Strawbridge-McC leary. Chester Whites Champion boar: Rodger Bankert, Hanover. Reserve boar: Charles Griest, Abbotstown. Champion sow: Rodger Bankert. Reserve sow: Griest. Also champions of their breeds were these animals. Sharon Cornman. Carlisle showed the grand champion Holstein, and Mildred Seeds, Downingtown, showed the grand champion Jersey cow. .ancaster Farming, Saturday, Septembers, 1977 In the swine show, the champion hog of the show was shown by John Strawbridge, Stuartstown. The animal was a purebred Hampshire and weighed 220 lbs. Champion Barrow: Rodger Bankert. Reserve Barrow: Charles Griest. Champion boar: Rodger Bankert. Reserve boar: Harold Mummert Champion barrow: Mrs. Harold Mummert. Reserve barrow: Rodger Bankert. DAIRY Holstein Grand champion bull: Paul Cornman, RD2 Mechanicsburg Heifer, cow: Creedin Cornman. RD6. Carlisle. Jersey Champion bull, heifer and cow: Mildred Seeds, Downington. Milking Shorthorn Champion bull, heifer and cow: James Young, RDI Newville. sow: Brown Swiss Champion bull, heifer and cow: Russel H. Miller, RD3 Tamaqua. Ayrshire Champion heifer and cow: John Ocker and family, RDS Shippensburg. Guernsey Grand champion bull: Long Lane Farms, RDI Waynesboro. Champion heifer; Doug Frombaugh, Newville. Champion cow: Dave Smith, RDI Waynesboro. Charles Champion ram: Wayne Bankert, Red lion. . Reserve ram: Michele Bankert, Red Lion. Champion and reserve ewe: William Yontz, Pitt stown, N. J. Doroc Mrs. Champion and reserve Ram: Maxine Bealle, Germantown, Md. Champion and reserve ewe: Maxine Bealle. Suffolk Champion and reserve ram: Ray Holtry, Carisle. Champion and reserve ewe: Dianne Keefauver, Newville. South Down Champion ram: Taylor, Elizabethtown. Reserve ram: Michele Bankert. Champion ewe: Schildt, Elizabethtown. Reserve ewe: Michele Bankert. Champion and reserve ram: David Buder. Champion ewe: David Bizler. Reserve ewe: Shultz. Champion ram: Paul Wynn, Carlisle. Reserve ram: Ruthann Osman, Harrisburg. Hampshire Shropshire Kim Oxford David Cheviot [ [Continued on Page 2(3] 19 Teri
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