Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 13, 1977, Image 1

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Lane , poultrymen join i Dietary Goal 9 struggle
August 9, five members of
the Lancaster County
Poultry Association traveled
to Washington D.C. to meet
with Paul Cooksey,
legislative assistant to
Republican Senator Richard
Schweiker of Pennsylvania,
to discuss their views on the
controversial government
booklet “Dietary Goals for
the United States.”
This booklet was prepared
by the Senate Select Com
mittee on Nutrition and
• In this issue
Lebanon sheep show 19
My Thoughts 23
Life on the farm 24
Lebanon Fair dairy
shows 30,35,90,96
Jerry Webb 31,36,98
Conservation series 34
Organic fanning 35
Homestead Notes 42
Ida's Notebook 43
Farm Women Calendar 44
Lancaster poultry queen 45
Jr. Cooking Edition 46
Home on the Range 48
Joyce Bupp 50
Plant lovers' comer 54
What’s New 57,62
and Southeastern Pennsylvania Areas - Also Maryland, New Jersey and Delaware
A trio of heifers on the Cyras Bomberger farm near Lebanon looks in the direction of the Lebanon Fairgrounds.
Human Needs, an eight
member committee com
prised of Senator Schweiker;
surplus milk situation which
has plagued dairy fanners
throughout the U.S. is now
easing in the Northeast, Dr.
James E. Honan, Inter-
State’s general manager
reported Monday, to about
350 members and their
Classifieds 63
Lebanon Holstein Day 92
Hay Outlook 94
Berks FFA hog show 99
Lebanon steer show 100
Goshen sheep show 102
Goshen cattle shows 104
Lebanon swine show 105
Dallastown sheep show 106
Dallastown dairy show 107
Allentown swine show 106
Berks conservation tour 111
Dallastown steer show 113
Dairy supports 118
Beekeepers picnic 120
Sale Reports 121
Public Sales Register 122
Senator Hubert H. Hum
phrey from Minnesota;
Senator Robert Dole,
Surplus milk situation eases here
families attending a chicken
barbecue at the Solanco
“Only a minimal amount
Lancaster County 4-H pig
roundup and sale was held at
the Lancaster County
Stockyards on August 9. A
total of 148 pigs were shown
by 32 different 4-H members.
Sharon Heisey,
Elizabethtown, a nine year
old first year member of the
Elizabethtown Pig and
Rabbit Club showed the
grand champion hog, a 220
pound Blueback. The animal
was purchased from the
Masonic Homes,
Elizabethtown, near the end
of April, and raised by
Sharon who stated that die
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 13,1977
The pages inside will tell you all about it
Twins take top two in hog roundup
Kansas; Senator Edward M.
Kennedy, Massachusetts;
Senator Charles H. Percy,
of Inter-State milk is
presently being shipped to
out-of-state markets”, said
Honan. “During June, for
based her success on
“brushing, driving, feeding,
and watering the pig herself
Steven Heisey, a twin
Farmers donate lime to Johnstown
York County Reporter
DELTA, Pa. - Just before
retiring to bed last Friday, a
Brubaker 3rd in Angus showing
LANCASTER, Pa. - At 18
he’s already known for bis
ability with beef cattle. Not
only has Kenneth Brubaker,
Illinois; Senator Patrick
Leahy, Vermont; Senator
Edward Zorinsky,
example, onfy 10 per cent of
Inter State members’ milk
was excess.”
Honan noted that although
brother of Sharon, showed
the reserve champion hog of
the show. This animal was a
littermate of the champion,
weighing 230 pounds.
Delta R 2 dairy farmer
watched television news
reports of the Johnstown
flood cleanup. He didn’t rest
the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Brubaker, 2418
Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster,
excelled in raising top
quality 4-H animals in his
$6.00 Per Year
Lancaster Farmin* photo by Dieter Krieg
Nebraska, and chaired by
(Continued on Page 16]
the critical stage has passed,
the effects of the surplus
problem will remain for
[Continued on Page 21]
The champion pig was
bought by Hatfield Packing
Co., Hatfield, Pa. for the
price of $3 per pound com
|Continued on Page 20]
very well that night. A plea
from the disaster area of a
{Continued on Pate 20,
career, but he’s also been
rated second in the nation in
4-H livestock judging. And,
now, to round out his talents,
IConiinind on P?p f