County-wide LANCASTER, Pa. - The Lancaster County Farm Women Society county-wide picnic was held August 3 at the Lancaster County Central Park, The covered dish luncheon was held in Pavilion 3, with about 70 members present. A short business meeting was held with County SSpyTrfi®' * OF OOAl ,t» S' Authorued/Distributor and Warranty/SUtion PEQUEA BATTERIES Ronks. Pa. 17572 Your store for all kinds of CANNING EQUIPMENT & Supplies CANNING SUGAR LP -GAS SERVICE W. I ZIMMERMAN &SQNS Ph: 717-768-8291 INTERCOURSE, PA. To the lady of the House, I wish to announce to the ladles of thlsarea that! have SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING. Having had years experience let repairing Nf kind* el Sewing Machines In my shop and In readencesin a Scottnty radius. All Work Warranted to be done In the Best Manner and at yowr house who** yoo cm seehow ftis done* antes* m need to brio* it tow shop, end at tow price*. Don't throw away or rede off your old machine, when for a small sum. small when compared with what you wouW have to pay to trade—you CAUTION lemploy oo help, but do any ovw work, thereJorewiM not be responsible lor wfcat othOr* do, tMm* tobomnjyfrtsyley. f'teedles, Attecfemsntsand 6«5* MashiattOil ' ' cm befog at me* v , rimr nit innriififtiti Irnm iHi nut ttWM** iMsmosa Se« Us Fw Specials At Thelebanonfair! ■ Jim StrobeKf 414 SOUTH RA&ROAOSTfiEET, MV«RSTO#N 737*5744 OPEN 9T09: SATURDAY Til 3 Sewing machines for repair can also be brought t 0.,. UTITZ SEWING 19 S. Broad St CENTER Lititz 626-2318 picnic held President, Mrs. Robert Gregory, presiding. Discussed at the meeting was the county convention to be held in November 5 at the Lancaster Farm and Home Center. Dinner tickets will be $5.50 with reservations to be made by October 25. Also discussed were the state project plans, activity reports and the offer to host the Spring state rally. A plea was made to the farm societies of Lancaster County to donate to a county farm society fund to be sent to the Cambria County Farm Women Society for flood relief. Deadline for these contributions will be October 4. 29th ANNUAL OLD THRESHERMAN’S REUNION AUG. 17,18,19,20 THE ROUGH ANDTUMBLE ENGINEERS HISTORICAL ASSOC. KINZER, PA. For more information contact AMOS STAUFFER 717-354-4181 Lancaster County Farm Women Society 11 met July 28 and enjoyed a picnic at the American Legion Park, Quarryville. A short business meeting was held. The bus trip was discussed. Program for the afternoon was a quiz conducted by The annual family picnic for members of Lancaster County Farm Women Society 13 will be held on August 10, at 6 p.m. at the Lancaster County Park in Pavilion 3. ■n In your reefer* «time to HIMt of Farm Women Societies Lancaster Co, Society 11 Lancaster Co. Society 13 Mrs. Dorothy Huber. The August meeting will be the anniversary luncheon August 25 at the Robert Fulton Inn, at noon, with Senator Richard Snyder as speaker. Reservations should be made by August 20, by calling Mrs. John Swarr, 786-3889. Each member is asked to bring one hot and one cold dish for the buffet supper. Games and prizes are being planned for the evening. A short business meeting will be held. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 6,1977 — Lancaster Co, Society 18 The Lancaster County Farm Women Society 18 met June 18 at the home of Mrs. Jay Wissler, Mount Joy, RD2. It was decided to give a donation of $25 to the In- Lancaster Co. Society 24 Lancaster County Farm Women Society 24 recently held their summer picnic at the residence of Dorothy and Ira Mast, Elverson, Pa. All present enjoyed a covered dish picnic supper. Ap proximately 23 members and their families attended. Members will be en tertaining guests of the Lancaster Co. Society 27 On July 26 Lancaster County Farm Women Society 27 entertained Society 15 and the county officers at the Donegal Presbyterian Church with a fruit salad luncheon. A tour of the church was given by Mary Sarver. York Co. Society 16 York County Farm Women Society 16 held their July meeting at the home of Fairy Eyster, Dover, Pa. The meeting was a surprise birthday party for Mrs. Eyster, who is the oldest member of the Society 16. Society 16 will be en tertained by Society 23 in August. Other August plans York Co. Society 20 Society 20 of the York County Farm Women were hostesses on July 12 to Society 5 at the New Freedom Methodist Church. Present to hear the en joyable program on dolls were 23 guests and 15 members. Farm Calendar Saturday, August 6 Lancaster Co. Society 6 family covered dish supper, 6 p.m. at the Milton Grove Sportman’s club. Lancaster Co. Society 1 meeting, 1:30; hostesses Mary Kreider and Edna Shenk. temational 4-H Youth Ex change and $lOO to the S. June Smith Center, county project. An election of officers will be held at the September meeting. A tour of the Founders Hall, Hershey, was given after the meeting. The next meeting will be held August 20, with the program “Evening on the Farm”. Hosts will be Mr. and Mrs. David Buckwalter, Lititz RD3. Members are to let Mrs. Buckwalter know if they are planning to attend. The picnic supper will begin at 6 p.m. Lancaster County Home August 18. The next meeting will be held August 31, at the home of Mary Ann Greiner, 15 Forest Hill Road, Leola. Program will be a book discussion on “The Total Woman” led by Mary Jane Myer. A special feature of the program presented was the Rev. A.B. Schirmer and his wife and daughters who sang selections from the musical “Fiddlers Roof.” The evening was con cluded with group games and prizes. include baking goods for the Cancer bake sale August 13 and having a food stand at the sale of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Decker, August 27. The next meeting will be held at Gertrude Fisher, Dover, Pa. on September 28. The meeting will be a family picnic beginning at 6:30 p.m. The - next regularly scheduled meeting will be at the home of Margaret Shaub on August 9. Special guests will be area 4-H members. Members of Society 20 are requested to bring a wrapped gift for playing the game, “Now you have it - now you don’t.” Women’s Tuesday, August 9 Lancaster Co. Society 22, 7:30 p.m. Hostess, Margaret Lefever. There will be an auction at the meeting. Dauphin Co. Society 1 Night Out. York Co. Society 26 picnic York Co. Society 29 will entertain group 1. Wednesday, August 10 Berks Co. Society 1 Night Out. Lancaster Co. Society 13 Car-a-rama, meet at East Town Mall, 8:30 a.m. Lancaster Co. Society 13 Family picnic, 6 p.m., Lancaster County Park. 7 Thursday, August 11 Lancaster Co. Society 21 trip to the beach. Saturday, August 13 Lancaster County Society 2 picnic, 5 p.m. at Buhl's Picnic Grove. • V 45