—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 16, 1977 6 Livestock martet ami auction news Pa. Auction Summary Harrisburg, Pa. JULY 8,1977 CATTLE 6785. Compared with 10,151 head last week, and 7031 head last week. Compared with last week’s market, slaughter steers, slaughter heifers and slaughter bullocks steady to $1 higher. Slaughter cows weak to $1 lower. Slaughter bulls unevenly steady. STEERS: High Choice & Prime 40.00-42.25, Choice 39.00- Good 34.50-38.90, Standard 32.00-35.00, Utility 28.35-31.75. HEIFERS: Choice 35.00-39.00, Good 34.00- Standard 29.00 32.75. few Utility 26.30-30.00. COWS: Utility & High Dressing Cutter 26.50-30.00, Cutters 25.00-28.00, Canners 21.85-26.00. Shells down to 18.75. BULLOCKS: Few Choice 35.75-39.00, Good 33.00- few Standard 31.00- Utility 27.50- 31.75. BULLS: Yield Grade No. 1 1000-2000 lbs. 32.00 38.85; yield grade No. 2 800 1600 lbs. 30.50-35.00. FEEDER CATTLE: Good 350-700 lbs. feeder steers 30.00- few Medium & Good 300-600 lbs. feeder heifers 25.50-31.50; Medium & Good 300-650 lbs. feeder bulls 24.00-32.50. CALVES 3845. Compared with 5015 head last week, and 4712 head a year ago. Vealers $1 to $5 higher. VEALERS; Few Prime 62.00- Choice 48.00- 62.00, Good 42.00-54.00, Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. 37.00- 90-110 lbs. 32.00- Valley Stockyards Athens, Pa. Monday, July 11 Reported receipts of 386 calves, 130 cows, 144 hogs, 44 heifers, 25 sheep, 26 bulls, 21 steers, and 6 lambs. Cattle market a little easier and calf market steady. Veals 40.00-58.00; bobs, 90- 110 lbs. 34.00-38.00; bobs 80 lbs. and down 25.00-33.00; grassers and feeders 22.00- FORTY-THREE YEARS OF SERVICE... to the farmer, to the dealer and to the packer. May we serve you? S. K. SHOTZBERGER. INC. LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION GeneZwally, President Marvin Johns, Secy. - Treasurer P.O. Box 925, Lancaster, PA 17604 Phone: 393-4641 (day or night) VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Box 100, Paradise, PA 717-442-4181 or 768-8204 EVERY THURSDAY AT 12 NOON Ha,, Straw & Grain Sale We have plenty of good buyers each week. We need consigners. Contact: L Robert Frame, manager 41.00, Standard 7090 lbs. 25.0035.00, Utility 50100 lbs. 15.00- Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-125 lbs. 37.00- HOGS 4629. Compared with 8005 head last week, and 5063 head a year ago. Barrows & gilts $1.75 to $2.50 higher. BARROWS & GILTS: US No. 1-2 200-235 lbs. barrows & gilts 48.25- 50.25, No. 1-3 195-240 lbs. 47.0049.25, No. 2-3 195-250 lbs. 43.60-47.25, few .No. 24 260-300 lbs. 38.00 45.10, few No. 1-3 140190 lbs. 36.0046.00. SOWS: US No. 1-3 300600'lbs. 31.0037.25, few No. 2-3 350650 lbs. 28.00 31.75. Boars 22.00-30.00. FEEDER PIGS 1513. Feeder pigs unevenly steady. Compared with 1859 head last week, and 1763 head a year ago. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 15.00 32.00 per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 25.00-35.50, few No. 1-3 50-75 lbs. 31.00-48.00. GRADED FEEDER PIGS 2524. Compared with 2599 head last week. Feeder pigs steady to $lO higher per hundredweight. US No. 1-2 3050 lbs. 82.00102.50, 5075 lbs. 61.0084.00, No. 2-3 30-50 lbs. 68.0088.00, 5070 lbs. 50.0078.00. SHEEP 212. Compared with 1137 head last week, and 647 head a year ago. Spring slaughter lambs $1 to $2 lower. Choice 65-110 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 42.00 51.00. Good 60100 lbs. 35.00 46.00. Slaughter ewes 7.50 19.50. Valley Livestock 30.00; lambs 35.00-46.00; sheep 8.00-16.00; hogs 200-250 lbs. 44.00-47.75; sows 30.00- 35.00; boars 22.00-27.00; pigs 15.00- heifers 28.00- 34.50; steers, good 34.00- 36.00; steers, common 26.00- 30.00; bulls 28.00-35.75; cows, good 27.00-38.50; cows, medium 24.00-25.50; cows, poor or small 15.00-22.50; horses 80.00-150.00; ponies 5.00- goats 10.00-30.00. Chambersburg Auction Chanbersburg, Pa. July 7,1977 CATTLE 405. Compared with last Thursday’s market, slaughter steers grading Standard and Good 25 cents to 50 cents higher. Slaughter cows 50 cents to $2 higher. Choice slaughter steers 24, slaughter steers 1050-1250 lbs. 38.6041.10, Good 35.50 38.00, Standard 32.5035.75, Few Utility 30.0031.25. Few Choice slaughter heifers 35.00-39.00, few Good 32.75- 35.85, few Standard 32.00 33.00, Utility 27.00-30.00. Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 27.50 30.00, individual at 31.00, Cutters 26.75-28.75, Canners 23.5026.50, Shells down to 20.00, Few Good slaughter bullocks 34.5036.35, Utility 28.75-31.00. Yield Grade No. 1, 12001800 lbs. slaughter bulls 33.00-37.10. Few Medium and Good 400750 lbs. feeder steers 29.00-35.00. CALVES 676. Vealers 50 cents to $2.50 higher. Few Prime vealers 62.00-65.00, Choice 50.00-59.50, Good, Put it all to The Babcock B-300V is rapidly reestablishing herself as the world’s top layer. Egg producers w; flocks well into production are reporting performance they haven’t seen for years ... from «ny layer. In many cases, in fact, they are reporting their best performance ever, But in this business, potential is only half the game. Babcock backs us bird with the most pro fessional, experienced distribution team in the eg] industry. Consider these features: PRODUCT The B-300V rates “excellent” in all key mdicat itable performance: * EGG PRODUCTION - The B-300V peaks higl for quick recovery of your costs, and early profit! persistency after peak translates to top egg produi * FEED CONVERSION - The B-300V has a pro’ efficiently convert feed to eggs. From 1966, until was withdrawn from Random Sample Tests, she feed converter in the industry. * LIVABILITY - Field results from all B-300V fli reintroduction in late 'l6 indicate she may have f; in the business. ♦EGGSHELL QUALITY - Eggshell strength is > 1977 B-300V. Between 1972 and 1976, shell strengi has improved by a measured 15% in early lay (36 (68 weeks). ♦RESISTANCE TO STRESS - We call it “manageability’’.The B-300V is a calm, adaptable bird. She resists environmental stresses and recovers rapidly from management problems. SERVICE The Babcock distribution team has developed service programs to provide each individual grower or egg producer with the optimum product for his specific operation ♦DELIVERY -- Careful, on-time and courteous. ♦ QUALITY PRODUCTS -- Birds are hatched and/or grown with Babcock technical assistance. Uniform, healthy chicks and started pullets are vaccinated for your area challenges, and are correctly ana fully-developed for their age. *jl ♦SERVICE -- Experienced, profcisional service is available before, during and after delivery. •£ * FLEXIBILITY - Babcock distributors are equipped to supply the needs of your operation, whatever the size of your order. Cage or floor grown started pullets are available-, depending on the needs of your program. Talk to a professional about your next replacement flock. The businessmen behind the businessman’s bird have a performance package tailored to your chick or started pullet program. Quality and service. Put it all together with Babcock! 45.00- Standard and Good 110-130 lbs. 39.0046.00, 90-110 lbs. 34.50-40.00, Standard 70-90 lbs. 30.00- 35.50, Utility 50-110 lbs. 15.00- 29.00. Farm Calves bulls 90-125 lbs. 3730-53.00, Holstein heifers 85-110 lbs. 33.00- Good and Choice 150-250 lbs. slaughter calves 33.00- * HOGS 95. Barrows and gilts $2 and $3 higher. US No. 1-2 195-225 lbs. barrows and Gilts 49.5050.60, No. 1-3 200- 220 lbs. 48.2549.50. US No. 1-3 350575 lbs. sows 32.0036.00. Boars 24.00-28.50. FEEDER PIGS 28. US No. 1-3 15-25 lbs. feeder pigs 12.50-22.50 per head. SHEEP 34. Choice 75-110 lbs. slaughter lambs 42.00- 48.00, few Good and Low Choice 70-90 lbs. 37.5043.50. Few Slaughter ewes 8.00- 19.50. Carlisle Auction Carlisle, Pa. July 12,1977 CATTLE: 232. Compared with last Tuesday’s market; Good slaughter steers 38.25- 40.10, Standard 36.00-38.75. Please call us collect! Utility 29.25-34.00. Good slaughter heifers 34.00-36.50, Standard 28.50-34.50, Utility 24.25-29.50. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 26.00-27.85, Cutters 24.75-27.00, Canners 22.00- 24.50, Shells down to 19.25. Good slaughter bullocks 32.2534.00, Standard 29.50- 32.00, CALVES: 219. Good vealers 46.50-52.50, Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. 34.00- 48.00, 90-110 lbs. 29.00-37.50, POULTRYMEN Oi ™ A I ) -JRIGHT" IDEA CALL W HALLER ELECTRIC, INC. Route 2 Denver, Pa. 17517 SPECIALIZING IN POULTRY HOUSES, ALSO GRAIN DRYERS SEE JOHN FOR ALL YOUR WIRING NEEDS. CALL 215-267-7610 ether! BABCOCK FARMS Box 285 Lititz, PA (717)626-8561 * Dave Delaney (717) 898-0234 ♦Harold James (717)587-3301 ♦Walt Weydman (716)649-5987 , * Lee Walker (304) 496-7807 j * Glenn Morgan (717) 394-3320 ba'bcock POULTRY FARM, INC. Box 280 Ithaca, NY (607)272-5990 ♦Bob Grander (607)387-3941 Standard 70-90 lbs. 24.00- 32.00. HOGS: 293. US No. 1-2190- 230 lbs. barrows & gilts 48.00, one lot 49.00, No.' ! 4- 200-240 lbs. 42.5047.00, No. 2- 3 200-250 lbs. 39.0042.00. US No. 1-3 300-550 ’ lbs. sows 33.50-37.00, No. 2-3 300-600 lbs. 27.00-29.00. Boars 20.00- 21.50. SHEEP: 22. Good spring slaughter lambs 38.5042.50, Utility 32.00-35.00. V I, V- itj Wm "*>._ *<