Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 09, 1977, Image 44

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    —Lancaster Farming. Saturday. July 9. 1977
Recipe themes announced for Aug./Sept.
“Home on the Range”
trial run of recipe themes
went so well during the
months of March through
May, that we’ve decided to
try them again. Hopefully
our readers will be as helpful
with the upcoming months as
they were during Spring and
the Dairy Issue.
July 23 - Jellies and
On July 23 we will feature
jelly and preserve recipes.
From last year’s con
tributions, we know that
many of our readers are
accomplished at the art of
making these condiments, so
this year we are dedicating a
whole week to your favorite
concoctions. Since you are
probably familiarizing
yourselves with them right
now, we are hoping that you
won’t find it too difficult to
meet our deadline date of
July 15 for those recipes.
That only gives you one week
to copy down your favorite
jelly or preserve recipe and
get it to us, but it will be well
worth it, for those that do get
their recipes to'us by July 15
will receive a special pot
luck gift from Lancaster
Farming. Why don’t you
send us a recipe and see
what you get?
July 30 - Canning and
-Since canning and freezing
are two of the biggest
homemaking activities going
on at this time of the year,
Lancaster Farming has
decided to dedicate a “Home
on the Range” section to all
your favorite, yet unique,
recipes you can and store on
the shelf. The deadline for
this information will be July
22. We’re looking forward to
several feature stories on the
new methods of canning, and
many other related items.
August 6 • Garden*
For the week of August 6,
we are planning to feature
every type of garden
vegetable recipe under the
sun. Anything from com to
“you name it” will be
PEARSON takes the
work and waste out
off manure . . . with
Better-Blit Liquid
Manure Systems ffor
hogs, dairy, beeff
and poultry.
• Two types of manure spreaders han
dle liquid, semi-liquid and heavy slurry
fast and easy • Eight models, capaci
ties up to 3150 gallons • Truck mount
ing optional for all models • Manure is
spread over 35’-40’ swath or injected
into soil (up to 1 2") • Three PTO pow
ered, heavy-duty pumps agitate and
break up solid manure into massive
slurry, pumps are reversed for filling
spreader • Powerful mono pump is
used in irrigation systems • Heavy
duty electric pump available
Klingerstown, Pa. 17941
printed this week, and
possibly the various con
tributors can give each other
some new ideas for old
favorites. Deadline date is
July 29.
August 13 - Last call for
garden vegetables
We’re expecting such a
turnout for the garden recipe
theme, that whatever is left
over, we will be featuring
this week. (Please donT let
us down-send us plenty.)
August 20 - Cooking out
Just as important as using
up your garden vegetables
during this time of die year
is getting out into fresh air
and sunshine and having a
cookout. And, while making
grilled hamburgers and
barbecued chicken is fun and
delicious, there art more
than two recipes which can
be made on the grill. By this
time, you probably know one
or two which your family
loves, and now is your
chance to share them with
our readers and learn some
new ones in return. We are
looking for beef, chicken,
pork, lamb, and any other
meat recipe which can be
cooked over the grill. This
should be an exciting ex
change for all of our readers
who love to “eat out” in this
fashion. The deadline for
sending the cookout recipes
is August 12.
August 27 - Peaches
With peach season soon
arriving, we can’t create a
recipe theme calendar
without mentioning this
sweet, juicy fruit. Send us all
toe various peach recipes
you know and love, whether
for pies, main dishes, ice
cream toppings or
“whatever.” The deadline
for this theme is August 19.
September 3 - Apples
and cheese
September is the month for
apples, and along with ap
ples, comes cheese. If you
have any recipes featuring
these two together, or if you
have a favorite recipe using
just one of the two, send
them to us by August 26 and
Vmimri apiertir
t«tl ntUnf —Hmt Dw OpUanal
Recipe Theme
, nn “Jams and Preserves” -
60 Deadline July 15 -
__ “Canning and Freezing”
dll Deadline July 22
_ “Garden Vegetable*”
0 Deadline July 29
. _ “Garden Vegetables”
la Deadline Angnst 5
a a “Cooking out on the Grill”
20 Deadline August 12
QIV “Peaches”
47 Deadline Angnst 19
“Apples and Cheese”
O Deadline August 26
“Pumpkin Recipes”
10 Deadline September 2
“Nutritions Snacks”
17 Deadline September 9
24 Deadline September 16
we will see that they get
printed on September 3 with
the rest of the theme redoes.
-September 10-
Pumpkin recipes
When September 10 rolls
around, most people start
dreaming of and making
pumpkin pies. But, pum
pkins are much more ver
satile than that, so for one
week we would like to
feature that vegetable in as
many forms as we can. If
you have a favorite pumpkin
recipe to contribute, send it
to us by September 2.
Aimr M«ne »ar»«a»f
September 17-
Nutrltious snacks
It’s hard to believe, but by
this week, the children will
be back in school and coming
home just starved. Instead of
soda and “junk foods”,
mothers should have
nutritious snacks prepared
for their children. Since most
of our readers are farm
wives with knowledge, on
how to prepare quick, easy.
(Plant) R.D. 1, Box 268 A, Shermansdale, Pa. 17090
Phone 717-582-4108
(Sales) Rose Pollock office Phone 717-582-4108
Home Phone 717-834-4838
but nutritious snacks, we’d
like to feature a week in
which mothers share their
secrets on getting their
children to eat properly
when they come home from
school. If you have a snack
that is both nutritious and
delicious, send it to us by
September 9 and we will
feature your recipe during
our “snacks” week.
September 24 - Breads
For the last week in
September, we’ve decided to
feature breads, a food that
many of our contributors
Junk makes good projects
MEDIA, Pa. - Anyone who
has been around a toddler
knows they often enjoy
playing with the box a toj
came in more than the toy
itself. Penn State home
economists say older
children aren’t much dif
ferent. That is a bonus for
adults in charge of
organizing activities for
children’s groups. Beautiful
junk is the term the
Department of Health,
Gudcation and Welfare gives
to the materials you can get
for free or next to nothing
from neightborhood mer
chants. Grocery store boxes
Broilers down
production in Pennsylvania
dropped 14 per cent during
the week ending June 18,
according to the Penn
sylvania Crop Reporting
Service. The 1,717,000
placements of broiler chicks
were two per cent more than
a year earlier.
Average placements
during the past 10 weeks in
the Commonwealth were 15
per cent above the same
period a year ago.
have requested. If you have
a favorite recipe, send it to
us by the 16th of the month
and we will publish it.
When sending in any
recipe, address the envelope
to Lancaster Farming
“Home on the Range,” Bo*
266, lititz, Pa. On the outside
of the envelope, and with
each recipe or group o{
recipes you send, print the
theme for which you are
sending each contribution
Also, it is very important
, to include your name, ad
dress, and phone number
with each recipe sent in.
We’re looking forward to
bearing from you!
can become lots of things for
children. Cut a box in half
diagonally for a table easel,
or use a larger size for a
puppet theatre, or post of
fice. HEW has compiled
some beautiful junk projects
in a booklet called
“Beautiful Junk.” The
booklet includes drawings of
different play materials that
can be made from low-cost
materials and a source list.
To get a copy, send name
and address and 35 cents to:
“Beautiful Junk,” Consumer
Information Center Dept. 44,
Pueblo, Colo. 11 fillers
In the 21 key poultry
producing states,
placements of broiler chicks
were 71,341,000. This figure
is about the same as the
previous week, but three per
cent more than the same
week a year earlier.
Average placements in the
21 states during the past ten
weeks were five per cent
above a year ago.