Krieg U BUY.> LET YOUR AGRI-BUILDER HELP YOU DESIGN YOUR SYSTEM N BUSINESS TO STAY! STAHLMAN galley Hoad 21502 11 777-0582 ead SALES TAP ENTERPRISES INC. R.D. <3, Box 256 A .OiiXr Fleetwood, Pa. 19522 *1 * <■* The sight of a grain-swallowing combine excites the imagination of the young, and stirs memories of those who remember the horse-drawn binder. The harvest whether grain or experiences of life is fascinating, if we just take time to think about it. TAM AGRi CORPORATION R.D. #l, Mountain Road DOsbuif, Pa. 17019 Phone 717-432-3376 GRAIN [SM© DRYER ISUIW® NEW FINANCE PUN' "ASCS Financing" ★ 15% DOWN PAYMENT ★ 5 YEARS ON BALANCE * 7% INTEREST SEE YOUR LOCAL AGRI-BUILDER ' P. E. Hess, Butler Mfg. Co. j Box 337, Oxford. PA 19363 TEMCO PARTS CO. INC. C.H. WALTZ SONS INC. Route 213 and 544 Cotan Station, Pa. 17728 Cheslertoun,lld. 21620 Phone 717-435-2921 Phone 301-778-4454 TRI-STATE MARINE DIST.INC. Route 256 Oeate,lM. 20751 Phone 301-167-1447 BUTLER MARKANTHONY &SONS R.D. #1 Rochester Ms, Pi. 15771 Phone 412-216-9250 incaster Farming. Saturday. July 9.1977—19 ...a bountiful harvest I'm interested in more information on Butler products □ Buildings □ Bins □ Dryers □ Bulk-0-Matics Nam Address County. Phone AGRI-BUILDER Stati I Include area code| I