Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 09, 1977, Image 13
tnckma Dewart Martinsburg Omaha Auction AUCtlOn July 7,1977 heifers were 25-50 higher, not available due to Markets not available due to Compared with the Cows sold firm to 50 higher not holiday. previous week s close: and bulls were steady. O* FOR HIGH QUALITY FORAGE Getting the most nutrients out of your forage crops is your best way to save feed bills. Along with your good manage ment, Beacon Pre-Serv gives you an edge on the weather so you can harvest and store better forage. Beacon Hay Pre-Serv* lets you bale hay at 25% moisture. That's a big help in rainy weather, because it can save you a day's waiting time and avoid loss of nutrients from wet hay. By treating hay with Beacon Hay Pre-Serv you reduce oxidation and retain more leaves and stems. The result: 10% more digest ible nutrients. Up to 10% more protein. BEACONFEEOS ( Beacon Milling Company, Inc. DAVID 0. FDR Slatington, PA 215-767-1408 CLARK SUPPLY CO. Rising Sun, MD 301-658-5125 H. lACOB HOOKER intercourse. PA 717-768-3431 HYKES QUALITY FEEDS York Haven, PA 717-266-1269 VAN-MAS FEEDS Shoemakersville, PA 215-926-2121 RICHARD B. KENDIG Special Accounts Representative Phone 302-478-3058 irket and K York, Pa. MCCRACKEN’S FEED MILL, INC. Nearly 10% more income per ton of hay. Beacon Silage Pre-Serv* helps keep haylage and grass silage fresh and sweet. Tests have shown that, in storage, Pre-Serv gives 7% more protein retention, increases lactic acid production 53%. Pre-Serv products are a combination of natural acids, anti oxidants and selected flavors. They help to maintain forage quality, so you will get greater palatability from your hay and silage—and that's another reason you get less waste, more profit. Use them both this year, and get more nutrients from your forages. W. L MUMMERT CO. Hanover, PA 717-637-6923 EARL SAUDER, INC. New! illand,PA 717- 34-0861 Manheim, PA 717-665-2186 GEORGE UNDERWOOD Northeast, MD 301-398-1541 THARPE & GREEN MILL Churchville, MD 301-734-7772 CHESTER WEST Sale 8 Distribution Manager Phone 717-741-2600 auction news ‘Trademark of Kemln Industries, Inc THE OHLY HORTHEASTERH COMPANY OFFERINGI COMPLETE, RELIABLE PRESERVATIVE PROGRAM FOR HE FARM. Phone 717-843-9033 ELROY SANER Thompsontown, PA 717-535-5583 SERVICE FEED AND SUPPLY Cardiff, MD 301-452-8444 717-456-7433 NEW FREEDOM FARM & GARDEN New Freedom. PA 717-235-3606 R & W FEEDS AND HARDWARE Centerport, PA 19516 Phone 215-926-3818 RHOADS MILLS, INC. Selinsgrove, PA 717-374-8141 R. L RUDISILI Sales t Distribution Manager Phone 717-854-2281 % Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 9,1977—13 Four day receipts 13,200 as compared 19,600 previous week and 11,700 a year ago. Fed cattle prices advanced rather sharply following the fourth of July holiday, but a part of the early upturn was lost at midweek in a slow, deliberate trading session as most interests acquired sufficient numbers for im mediate requirements. However, this marked the third successive week of uptrending prices and closing levels were the third successive week of up trending prices and closing levels were the highest since mid-May. Continued searing heat dictated care in the movement of livestock and much of the supply arrived during the early morning hours. The steer crop in cluded a fair percentage choice, but there was also some increase in the volume of Good and low-Choice 975- 1050 lbs; much of the diminishing heifer supply was of the good to average choice vaiety. Slaughter steers made up ap proximately 52 and heifers 30. Cows comprised 10 and feeders 6, STEERS: Five loads choice and prime 3-4 1132- WHAT'S NEW STOCK TRAILERS A new line of high-quality, tandem stock trailers, offering a choice of three different top configurations, has been introduced by The Donahue Corporation, Durham, Kansas. Manufactured in standard 16-foot and 20-foot lengths, each is available with open top, metal half-top or metal full-top. The 16-foot models have bumper hitch, while the 20-foot units have Donahue’s “goose-neck” hitch. Standard width is six-foot. Gross vehicle weight is 9,760- pounds. The units have center and rear combination sliding and swinging gates plus a 30- inch-wide escape gate up front - all standard LIVESTOCK BOOKLET LOS ANGELES - “Raising Better Livestock on Small Farms”, recently revised is now available from Albers Milling Company, division of Carnation Company. This 47- page booklet cover several livestock feeding programs for profitable livestock production. Described are 8 easy steps for developing calves into better cows, and programs for raising better dairy beef and veal, as well as how to raise better sheep, swine, rabbits and dairy goats. Additionally, there are such items as ideal calf pens and creep feeders, along with 1267 lbs. 43.00 during week; at midweek, five loads same grade 341077-1281 lbs. 42.25- 42.50. Choice 975-1325 lbs. Yield Grade 24 closed 41.00- 42.25, loadchoice and prime 4 with end 5 1420 lbs. 41.50. Mixed good and choice 2-3 950 -1250 lbs. 40.0041.00, two loads 341490 lbs. 39.00. Good 2-3 36.0040.00. Standard and good 2-3 34.5035.50. AVERAGE of LS-214, detailed quotations, for choice 9001100 lbs. steers this week 41.75; Choice 1100 1300 lbs. 41.75. Average weight steers first two days 1134 lbs. As compared 1120 lbs. previous week. Average weight heifers first two days 964 lbs. compared 963 lbs. previous week. HEIFERS: Several loads and part loads choice and prime 34 953-1044 lbs. 41.25- 41.50. Choice 24 875-1060 lbs. Closed 40.00-41.00. Mixed Good and choice 2-3 850-1000 lbs. 38.7540.00. Good 2-3 34.50-38.50. Standard and good 2-3 32.00-34.00. COWS: Utility and com mercial 24 25.50-27.50, few individuals 27.75-28.00. Canner and cutter 22.00- 25.50. Mixed cutter and utility 27.75-28.00, BULLS: 1-2 1400-1900 lbs. 31.00-34.00, few 1 34.50-35.00. equipment. Flooring is two inch treated pine, and floor height is 15-inch. Axles are equipped with oil bath hubs and slipper springs with electric brakes standard on each wheel. Drop-leg jack stand is also standard on “gooseneck” models. A unique feature is a 12- inch wide side rail which runs full length of the trailer on both sides. According to Donahue, the rail provides a handy walkway for performing numerous chores like sorting, spraying and inspection - particularly on open top and half-top models. Complete information is available from The Donahue Corporation, Durham, Kansas 67438. management calendars for all animals. Carnation-Albers feeds and feeding equipment have been developed from 1892 when the Albers Milling Company was founded. These include: Calf - Manna - the first pelleted calf feed on the market; Suckle Milk Replacer; Suckle Nursing Bottles; Manna-Mate - a combination of Calf Manna and grains; Optimil - the scour control formula; and Horse Sho-Glo, an ultra high potency horse conditioner. Copies of these booklets are available by writing Carnation-Albers, 6400 Glen wood, Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66202.