Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 02, 1977, Image 6

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    —Lancaster Farming. Saturday. July 2. 1977
Livestock market and
Pa. Auction Summary
nne 1977 10.00-31.50. Farm calves,
CATTLE 8915. Compared holstein bulls 90-115 lbs.
with 8333 head last week, and 36.50-50.00; holstein heifers
8282 head a year ago. 75.n0 ibs. 30.0042.00.
Compared with last week’s HOGS 7376. Compared
market, slaughter steers 25 5597 head last week, and
cents to $1 higher. Slaughter 8564 head a year ago.
heifers & bulls uneven. Barrows & Gilts 25 cents to
Slaughter cows uneven, $1.25 higher. BARROWS &
week started mostly steady, GILTS: US No. 1-2 200-230
ended up to $1.25 higher, ibs. 46.0049.00, few to 49.60,
Slaughter bullocks steady to n O . 1-3 195-240 lbs. 43.75-
$1 higher. STEERS: High 46.50, No. 2-3 190-260 lbs.
Choice & Prime 39.0041.25, 42.5046.00, few No. 24 250-
Choice 38.00-41.00, Good 300 lbs. 36.0042.00, No. 1-3
34.50- Standard 30.25- 140490 lbs. 35.00-42.00.
35.35, few Utility 27.00-32.00. SOWS: US No. 1-3 300-550 lbs.
HEIFERS: Choice 34.00- 31.00-37.25, few No. 2-3 350-
38.25, Good 31.50-36.00, 600 lbs. 29.50-33.00. Boars
Standard 26.00-31.60, few 21.00-30.50.
Utility 23.50-30.00. COWS: FEEDER PIGS 1938.
Utility & High Dressing Compared with 1665 head
Cutter 24.25-29.00, Cutters last week, and 2001 head a
22.50- Canners 20.00- year ago. Feeder pigs
25.00, BULLOCKS: Few unevenly steady. US No. 1-3
Choice 33.50-38.00, Good 25-35 lbs. feeder pigs 14.00-
31.50- few Standard 32.D0 per head. No. 1-3 35-50
28.50- few Utility 26.50- lbs. 22.0040.00, No. 1-3 50-75
30.00, BULLS: Yield Grade ibs, 35.0046.00 per head.
No. 1 1000-2000 lbs. 31.35- GRADED FEEDER PIGS
38.25; yield grade No. 2 800- SALES 3181. Compared with
1700 lbs. 28.50-34.00. 1665 head last week. Feeder
FEEDER CATTLE: Good pigs weak to $14.00 lower. All
300-700 lbs. feeder steers prices per liondred weight.
28.50- few Medium 300- US No. 1-2 30-50 lbs. 70.00-
600 lbs. 26.00-31.75; Medium 95.50, 50-65 lbs. 60.00-82.00,
& Good 300-500 lbs. feeder n O . 2-3 25-50 lbs. 63.00-80.00,
heifers 22.00-30.00; Medium 50-70 lbs. 52.00-69.50, No. 3 25-
& Good 300-600 lbs. feeder 50 lbs. 70.00-78.00, 50-65 lbs.
bulls 22.00-31.50. 45.50-50.00, few Utility 25-35
CALVES 4578. Compared ib s . 62.00-64.00.
with4l32headlast week, and SHEEP 948. Compared
4630 head a year ago. with 1010 head last week, and
Vealers unevenly steady. 772 head a year ago. Spring
Jf®* Prime slaughter lambs steady to $2
57.00- Choice 48.00- 'lower. Choice 60-100 lbs.
60.00, Good 40.00-52.00, spring slaughter lambs 45.00-
Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. 55,00, Good 45-100 lbs. 40.00-
35.0045.00, 90-110 lbs. 32.00- 48.00. Slaughter ewes 9.50-
42.00, Standard 70-90 lbs. 23 00
26.00- Utility 50-100 lbs.
Cbambersburg, Pa.
June 23,1977
CATTLE 409. Compared
with last Hmrsday’s market,
slaughter steers strong to 50
cents higher. Slaughter cows
$2 to $2.25 higher. One Prime
slaughter steer at 40.00, few
Choice 1000-1200 lbs. No. 2-4
38.25-39.50, Good 35.00-37.50,
Standard 30.75-35.00, few
Utility 27.75-30.25. Few
Choice slaughter heifers
33.00-35.10, few Good 32.25-
35.25, Utility 27.00-30.00.
Utility & High Dressing
Cutter slaughter cows 26.75-
29.35, Cutters 25.50-28.25,
Canners 22.75-25.75. Few
At Green Dragon Livestock Sale
1 mile north of Ephrata, Pa.
June 27 to July 10
Have a Happy Fourth of July!
Will Reopen Mon. July 11
Good slaughter bullocks
34.60-37.50, Utility 26.60-
31.10. Yield Grade No. 11100-
1900 lbs. slaughter bulls
31.75-37.10, one at 37.85. Few
Good 500-700 lbs. feeder
steers 32.50-36.50; few Good
400-700 lbs. feeder heifers
CALVES 732. Vealers $1 to
$4 lower. Few Prime vealers
55.00- Choice 45.00-
53.50, Good 40.00-47.00,
Standard & Good 110-130 lbs.
37.00- 90-110 lbs. 34.00-
40.00, Standard 70-90 lbs.
29.00- Utility 50-90 lbs.
12.00- Farm calves,
holstein bulls 90-120 lbs.
37.00-50.00; holstein heifers 115 lbs. spring slaughter
75-100 lbs. 30.00-40.00. lambs 44.50-49.00, few Good
HOGS 112. Barrows & Gilts 40-85 lbs. 34.00-34.50.
steady to $1 lower. US No. 1-2 .
200-235 lbs. barrows & gilts L/3IIVIIIC
45.75-46.50, No. 1-3 200-245 AllPtlVlll
lbs. 44.10-45.35. US No. 1-3 AUtUUU
300-450 lbs. sows 32.25-35.25. Danville, Pa.
Boars 22.00-25.75. June 27,1977
1-3 20-30 lbs. feeder pigs
18.00-24.50 per head, No. 1-3
(one lot) 45 lbs. 34.50 per
SHEEP 25. Few Choice 85- to Choice 35.00-37.50, Stan-
Hay, Straw & Grain Sale
We have plenty of good buyers each week.
We need consigners.
The Babcock B-300V is rapidly reestablishing
herself as the world’s top layer. Egg producers with
flocks well into production are reporting
performance they haven’t seen for years ...
from any layer. In many cases, in fact, they are
reporting their best performance ever.
But in this business, potential is only half the
game. Babcock backs its bird with the most pro
fessional, experienced distribution team in the egg
Consider these features
The B-300V rates “excellent” in all key indicators of prof
itable performance:
* EGG PRODUCTION -- The B-300V peaks high and early,
for quick recovery of your costs, and early profitability. Her
persistency after peak translates to top egg production.
•FEED CONVERSION - The B-300V has a proven ability to
efficiently convert feed to eggs. From 1966, until 1973 when she
' was withdrawn from Random Sample Tests, she was the top average
feed converter in the industry.
•LIVABILITY -- Field results from all B-300V flocks in production since her
reintroduction in late ’76 indicate she may have far-and-away the best livability
in the business.
• EGGSHELL QUALITY -- Eggshell strength is one of the greatest assets of the
1977 B-300V. Between 1972 and 1976, shell strength of eggs produced by B-300 V’s
has improved by a measured 15% in early lay (36 weeks) and 30.8% in late lay
(68 weeks).
•RESISTANCE TO STRESS -- Wccalht “managcability”.Theß-300Visacalm,
adaptable bird. She resists environmental stresses and recovers rapidly from
management problems.
The Babcock distribution team has developed service programs to provide each
individual grower or egg producer with the optimum product for his specific operation
•DELIVERY - Careful, on-time and courteous.
• QUALITY PRODUCTS -- Birds arc hatched and/or grown with Babcock technical g
assistance. Uniform, healthy chicks and started pullets are vaccinated for your area $£
challenges, and are correctly and fully-developed for their age.
•SERVICE -- Experienced, professional service is available before, during and after delivery.
• FLEXIBILITY - Babcock distributors are equipped to supply the needs of your operation, whatever the si:
your order. Cage or floor grown started pullets are available, depending on the needs of your program.
Talk to a professional about your next replacement flock. The businessmen behind the businessman’s bi
a performance package tailored to your chick or started pullet program
Quality and service. Put it all together with Babcock!
auction news
STEERS: High Choice and
Prime 40.00-41.00, Good to
Choice 37.50-39.00, Standard
to Good 34.00-36.00.
10 mi. East of Lancaster
on Rt 30
Box 100, Paradise, PA
or 768-8204
L Robert Frame, manager
Put it all together!
dard to Good 26.00-34.00.
COWS: High Choice to
Prime 28.85-30.10, Good to
Standard 26.00-27.75, Utility
CALVES: High to Choice
50.00-55,00, Good to Choice
Regular consignments from Ray
Kennedy. Dale Brewer and Ed Stmer
Lots of good Northern Feeders and
Bulls, Steers, Slaughter Cows,
Lambs and veal calves.
11:00 A.M. - Beef Sale Stockers ft
200 to 250 each week.
12:30 P.M. - Dairy Cows
7:00 P.M. - Small Animal Sale
For Special Sales and Herd Oispei
farm or at our barn or other market
call: Office 717-733-2444.
Walter H. Riser, Proprietor
Box 285 Lititz, PA (717)626-8561
• Dave Delaney (717) 898-0234
• Harold James (717) 587-3301
•Walt Weydman (716) 649-5987
• Lee Walker (304) 496-7807
•Glenn Morgan (717)394-3320
Box 280
Ithaca, NY (607)272-5990
•BobGrundcr (607)387-3941
Please call ns collect!
1 mile North of Ephrata, PA
COYIS cows
40.00- Stam
HOGS; 46.00J1
SOWS: 31.00.js
BOARS: 24.00.;
LAMBS: 38.0jJ
. v