—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 25. 1977 94 Aspiring herdswoman chosen dairy princess By JOYCE BUPP York Co. Reporter NEWVILLE, Pa. - Karen Smith, a 17-year-old senior at Big Springs High School, has been crowned the 1977 Cumberland County Dairy Princess. She was chosen from a field of five com petitors during the June 15 pageant at Big Springs High School, Newville. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, -Ship pensburg Rl, Karen plans to become a herdswoman after high school graduation. Her dairying background in cludes several years in 4-H work; she owns eight registered Holsteins. Karen is a teen leader and also carries cooking, sewing, crafts, and flower projects as well. Active in school activities, she is a member of the concert band, twirls a flag on the marching band front and plays on the volleyball team. Sunday mornings find Karen teaching a first grade Sunday School class. Pitching in with the family bam chores are part of the new dairy princess’ schedule. She helps milk the 50-H oistein herd, feeds calves and gets behind the wheel of the tractor when needed in the fields. Her presentation to the audience during the princess competition included posters and background information on milk. During one-stage Planning to Dig 780 EAST MAIN ST., NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 717-354-4241 judging, the new princess readily shared her favorite dairy recipe from memory. With a busy Summer already scheduled, Karen is looking forward to her year of milk promotion ap pearances. “I’m especially eager for the chance to take live cows into the schools,” Karen said. First runner-up is Janice Davidson, who is a senior at Shippensburg High School. Janice, age 17, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Davidson, Shippensburg R 2. Janice and her sister take turns rising at 5:00 a.m. to hlep milk the family’s 60 Holsteins. A 4-H member for seven years, she enjoys taking her project animals to area shows, and serves as a teen leader. Janice has won two degrees in the Future Homemakers of America and is a member of the Pennsylvania Junior Holstein Association. Her future plans include a secretarial career. Sheree Mains, daugher of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mains, Newville Rl, was named second runner-up. A 1977 graduate of Big Springs High School, Sheree will attend Shippensburg State College in September, majoring in elementary education. She is currently employed by her father to help milk the herd of 150. cows. Peggy Staub, 1976 Cum berland County pageant winner, is currently serving the dairy industry as Penn sylvania dairy princess. She spoke during the program, reviewing her year’s ac tivities, and offering thanks to all who had helped her. Peggy was presented with a legislative citation, recognizing her achievements, which was sponsored and presented by Representative Fred Noye. Musical entertainment for the evening was provided by vocalist Paul Roth. Pageant judges were Mrs. David Roth, Loysville, dairy farm wife and retired guidance counselor; David Yoder, Lancaster, general - manager of Atlantic Breeders Cooperative; and Mrs. Leroy Bupp, Seven Valleys, dairy farm wife. V s> Peggy Staub, 1976 Cumberland Pennsylvania dairy princess, croi County dairy princess and reigning her successor, Karen Smith. NO DROPPING BOARDS OR DROPPING BOARD SCRAPERS - dropping shieldson the slanted cage backs deflect manure into the Manure on the shields dries and flakes off into the pit without build-up. W S * ■* -S'** y> *' ** **4k * * * 1 ' f~. < ' 'r i' *, v * >< * 'rf , % *V r Vinyl dropping shields eliminate the headaches of dropping boards dropping board scrapers. Manure slides off the dropping shields and he pit It’s that simple. fZj THOMAS FARM SYSTEMS, I \ I 57 West Main Street Leola, Pa. 17540 JIM THOMAS PH: (717) 656-2677 For more information complete this coupon and return to' THOMAS FARM SYSTEMS, INC. 57 W. Main SL, Leola, PA 17540 Name Address. NORT f SYSTEMS 'mams nr a* mamuxnm State •*1 Z\ * V-v P-6-25