—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. June 18.1977 102 Lancaster Co. DHIfl (Continued from Pace 93| OWNER NO. cow toys HEED COWS IN MUX Moses L. Lapp RH 27 J. Wilmer Eby R&GrH 62 Rufus G. Martin RH 32 Dan S. Stoltzfus RH 31 Christian Zook R&GrH 28 J.Z. Nolt R&GrH 32 Vemon R. Umble R&GrH 29 Ben K. Stoltzfus R&GrH 34 33.6 96.9 Lancaster Mennonite Hospital R&GrH 31 89.0 99.4 J. Earl Horst R&GrH 22 Mervin Sander R&GrH 34' S.R. Shellenberger R&GrH 28 Donald R. Bare R&GrH 32 J. Nelson Sangrey R&GrH 29 Paul V. Nissley R&GrH John P. Lapp RH 29 K.D. & Else Linde R&GrH 27 46.2 J. Harold Musser & Son R&GrH 32 49.4 Furry H. Frey RH 35 40.6 Here’s help for fruit trees UNIVERSITY PARK - If you have a small home orchard or just a few fruit trees, a seven-lesson course on how to care for trees to ensure optimum fruit bearing can be valuable. Penn State’s correspondence course on home garden fruits gives information on applications of fertilizers, principles or pruning, and selection of methods of harvesting, storing, and packing fruits. A valuable addition to the course is the Home Gardener’s Guide to Fruit Sprays - their selection, application, and safety. The spraying timetable tells when to spray, materials to use, and pests to control for apples, stone fruits, pears and quinces. The course is available by writing Garden Fruits, Box 5000, University Park, PA 16802. Make check for $4.00 payable to Penn State. US. MILK 62.1 94.8 33.9 61.7 91.1 58.5 61.2 89.5 26.0 58.3 94.1 40.2 58.3 93.5 44.0 61.2 88.0 31.6 54.1 92.1 60.4 58.9 54.7 58.7 94.0 33.2 59.9 97.1 39.0 57.6 91.1 67.0 52.7 93.3 62.9 92.6 k 56.1 30.0 51.2 90.3 64.4 52.1 96.9 35.6 43.1 89.3 53.2 91.6 50.5 87.8 Abraham Shelly Jr R&GrH 33 Samuel E. Beiler R&GrH 31 Ivan M. Hursh R&GrH 35 Stephen J. Stoltzfus R&GrH 38 Curtis E. Akers R&GrH 31 C. Nevin Hershey RH 28 John K. Stoltzfus RH 32 Harold G. Shelly RA 33 Ellis D. Kreider R&GrH 31 Russel L. Kline R&GrH 35 Charles Lefever R&GrH 33 Samuel F. Long Mix 29 J. Mowery Frey Jr. RH 26 Earl N. Landis R&GrH 32 Lester E. Landis Jr. R&GrH 30 32.2 Ben S. Stoltzfus R&GrH 31 46.8 Samuel K. Stoltzfus R&GrH 28 36.8 Robert F. & Joan B. Book' R&GrH 29 65.4 86.0 John Omar Stoltzfus RH 29 48.9 88.4 Paul S. Homing R&GrH 33 52.7 84.5 R. Edwin Hamish R&GrH 32 40.1 92.3 Parke H. Ranck RH LIS. FAT % FAT 2.52 2.33 2.32 2.26 2.20 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.12 2.12 2.10 2.10 2.09 2.09 2.08 2.08 2.07 2.07 2.07 92.5 40.2 98.0 47.6 96.7 39.8 89.6 36.3 93.2 56.1 91.7 34.3 93.2 31.7 99.8 13.9 53.6 91.2 92.0 34.1 90.2 31.0 93.1 48.0 87.7 87.0 90.7 51.8 97.1 87.9 98.2 36 55.7 88.6 3.7 7 2.07 56.5 2.06 55.4 2.05 54.8 2.05 52.3 2.03 52.1 2.03 53.9 2.02 56.2 2.02 52.5 2.01 53.8 2.01 52.1 2.00 54.6 2.00 51.7 1.99 49.9 1.97 52.4 1.97 50.6 1.97 51.7 1.97 53.5 1.96 55.1 1.95 51.2 1.95 53.0 1.95 48.7 1.94 49.4 John B. Stoltzfus Jr. R&GrH 29 33.0 P. Robert Wenger RH 35 38.0 Joseph L. Fisher R&GrH 36 33.2 Daniel W. Fox R&GrH 22 28.8 Leßoy S. Weaver R&GrH 33 44.0 J.E. & Shirley Hershey RH 33 39.0 John 0. Stoltzfus R&GrH 38 33.4 David S. Smucker R&GrH 17 Allan R. Shoemaker RH 27 44.0 John A. Brubaker Jr. R&GrH 28 51.2 James A. Hess RH 32 43.6 Harold K. Witmer R&GrH 34 28.8 Weidler Grube R&GrH 30 23.2 J. Wilmer Conrad R&GrH 31 42.3 91.3 50.4 (Continued on Paw 1041 RICHfIRDTOfI MORE USES THAN EVER • Saves time, labor, forage boxes and trucks • 12 ft. & 14 ft. sizes FOR YOUR CLOSEST DEALER -Suncook Valley Equipment Company, If*o P.O. Box 220 Suncook, NH 03275 (603)485-5355 Dealer Inquiry Invited 51.2 97.8 49.6 90.5 54.6 93.9 46.4 92.3 53.1 91.8 51.4 86.9 51.7 89.0 50.6 100.0 31.0 51.0 93.3 93.1 52.0 52.8 91.5 89.4 48.2 89.1 52.0 ly Converts or Use As A orage Wagon Irain Box Ear Corn Beet Wag l Chaff Sa’ CONTACT 3.8 1.94 ,'AWHf ** '