94—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June' 4, 1977 Eating out challenges dairy ROSEMONT, HI. - The dairy industry is facing a critical challenge in today’s rapidly accelerating trend toward “away-frora-home” eating, Alden R. Grimes, executive vice president of American Dairy Association (ADA), told 142 delegates at the recent annual United Dairy Industry Association (UDIA) meeting in Orlando, Florida. “All our research tells us ‘away-from-home’ means ‘ a way-from-milk, ’ ” said Grimes, “so we face a serious loss of market if we don’t find solutions.” Problem Outlined According to Grimes, one in every five meals was eaten away from "home in 1967. Today, it’s one in every three - almost 80 billion meals a year • and growing at a rate of 10 per cent or more per year. (National Restaurant Association ’ figures show 1977 food service business will amount to $B6 billion, or 10.6 per cent more than last year.) By the 1980’s, half of all the meals in the country will be eaten away from home. Grimes also told how a 1971 market research survey indicated 89 per cent of all milk drinking takes place in the home and only 11 per cent away from home. He added that a more recent National Restaurant Association survey of 11,500 eating establishments showed adults and children with a free beverage choice picked milk only one out of 10 times. “The story is the same in coffee shop chains,” said Grimes. “One in 10 picked milk. Meanwhile, we get only a three per cent share among the four major beverages in ‘burger chains - and less than that where juices are offered.” Meeting the Challenge ADA's executive vice president outlined what he felt was needed to respond to the “away-from-home” challenge. He said ADA must have marketing research to learn how to sell to and through the food service industry, and that it must be the kind that involves one qualified person calling on the key franchise and chain groups as opposed WHAT'S NEW LIFT TRUCK Designed for the tobacco industry and other industries where wooden floored warehouses with limited capacity are involved is the new Pussyfoot lift truck described in sales bulletin MH-814. It is available from the Allis-Chalmers Industrial Truck division. The 1000-pound capacity PT1024 pneumatic tire truck weighs only 3300 pounds, but handles 1000-pound loads and has a 63 inch turning radius. Thus, it is suitable for operations with load and floor restrictions. “PT 1024 Pneumatic Tire Truck” describes engine, fuel system accessibility, frame, hydrostatic drive, brakes, steering, inching capability, mast, operator’s compartment, dimensions and maneuverability. The bulletin is available from the Industrial Truck Division, 21800 S. Cicero Ave., Matteson, 111. 60443. to a big statistical survey. In line with this, he announced ADA’s board of directors has Save money on high cost protein Your home grown hay and haylage may have a high protein source, if fed in balance with energy minerals and vitamins. Why not allow Triple S Laboratory, Inc. to do a complete nutrient test of your feeds. Their new method of testing gives you a more accurate: When each of these contents are fed in total balance, animals will have better production and fewer breeding and health problems. Feeding costs are reduced after feeds are balanced and utilized more efficiently. For aid in testing and analyzing feeds contact: Ray Weiler Clarence Weiler 717-866-6710 Melvin R. Weaver 717-569-6576 Montour. Northumberland Dale A. Brown 717-752-5387 authorized it to employ a food service specialist. Grimes further indicated a FA WEILER BROS. INC. on & Berks Co. Bemville & Robesonia Area Washington Count* John Henstey 215-693-5080 Hagentmn, MO ana Bob Runs Call Eby 301-842-2630 717-733-4302 lumbia. Luzerne Crozel VA Agia-Pro Enterprises 804-823*5968 industry food. service training program must be-developed to show the most important digestible protein totalT.D.N. fiber fat nitrate pH level energy minerals vitamin content of feed Chester County York Counfr Richard Breckbiil 215-932-3307 Bair's Mill 717-252-3114 segments of the commercial feeding business how to sell and profit from dairy products. He said ADA is currently working on a training manual for retail ice cream stores in a joint effort with the International RS! IM-PBUV-fILL Union & Snvder Counties Nornian Brouse 717-524-5454 County WWan Robbins 717-S4MSS9 Association of Ice (w Manufacturers. eaill “That’s a beginning „ $6OO million segment * commercial feeding that really making money dairy products,” he po m C out. **
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