Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 04, 1977, Image 4
4 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday. June 4. 1977 Poultry Market Reports Weekly New Ynk Egg Market From Tuesday, May 31 to Friday, June 3 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. WHITE ExLarge H 57 Large 0 52 Mediums L 43 Pullets I 34 Peewees D 22 BROWN A Large Y 58 Mediums Unquoted Peewees Unquoted OFF GRADE Large ~45 43 43 45 Checks 33 31 31 33 Tone - Supplies ample,' sales slightly improved, undertone cautious. New England Weekly Shell Egg Report Tuesday, May 31,19?7 Prices paid per dozen Grade “A” brown eggs in cartons delivered to retail stores: EX LARGE MASS (+) 66-72 Mostly 67-70 NEWHAMP. 56-66 Mostly 60-61 58-59 48-49 R.I. 70-71 68-69 56-57 VERMONT 68-80 * '66-78 53-70 Mostly 70-75 68-73 55-60 MAINE 68-70 66-68 53-55 40-42 (+) INCLUDES CENTRAL & WESTERN SECTIONS ONLY. NEST RUN EGGS Prices are from Egg Clearinghouse, Inc., (ECI) Durham, N.H. and reflect trading prices for gradeable nest run eggs (GNR) on ECI, a nationwide trading center ’ for producers, packets and marketers. GNR eggs are classified by weight in 30-dozen cases, and traded in lots of either 300 or 750 cases. Prices are FOB buyers dock, and are computed Tuesday and Thursday of each week. This week's prices for each classification were New Weight Per Case 51 lbs 48 lbs. 45 lbs. 42 lbs. 39 lbs. 48 lbs. 48 lbs. Classification Extra Large Class 1 - Large Class 2 - Large Class 3 - Medium Class 4 - Small Breaking Stock Checks Baltimore Eggs Wednesday, June 1,1977 retailers, state graded (min Market unsettled, one case sale) white Demand only fair. Supplies Grade A Large Grade A Medium Cartoned eggs Prices to ***********♦************¥* t * panning * ~ * * * * ♦ * P.O. Box 266 - Lititz, PA 17543 Office; 22 E. Main St., Lititz, PA 17543 Record-Express Office Building Phone: Lancaster 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-1164 Robert G. Campbell, Publisher * Dieter Krieg, Editor + + Joanne Spahr, Associate Editor £ + Laurel Schaeffer, Berks County ¥ Joyce Bupp, York County Correspondent Z ¥ J Subscription Price: $4 per year ¥ ¥ $8 per year outside of- i * PA, NJ.MD.DE, NY, VA&WV 5 Established November 4,1955 ¥ 4c Published every Saturday by Lancaster Farming ¥ ¥ -Lititz, PA r ■k Second Class Postage paid at Lititz, PA 17543 £ ¥ J For Address Change form or new subscription * £ see Classified Section. ¥ ■ft Members of Newspaper Farm Editors Assn, Pa Newspaper w Pubfishers Association, and National Newspaper Association. ♦ ********4MF^*4MMF********k ' 58 58 58 LARGE MEDIUM SMALL 64- 51-64 38-45 65- 53-55 40-43 54-66 44-51 31-38 Wed. PACMA-FACTS Sales 10 to 10%, mostly 10, Fri. Delmarva Poultry Wednesday, June 1,1977 Demand continues good and prices are trending higher in most instances. Prices paid for plant grade trucklots range 49-45 cents, mostly 44 cents for Thursday and Friday deliveries. Prices for next week’s deliveries are undetermined but most processors are asking 44 cents on plant grade and 45 cents on U.S. Grade A. Live Supplies fully adequate. Most plants are operating on an overtime basis. Current broiler-fryer negotiated prices for immediate delivery, mostly multiple drop shipments to New York City from Delmarva. Range: U.S. Grade A 43- 45; Plant Grade 42-44; Premium (X) U.S. Grade A 50; Plant Grade 48. Wtd. Avg. U.S. Grade A 43.73; Plant Grade 43.04; Premium (X) 50.00; Plant Grade 48.00. (X) Includes special services, selected competitive brands, etc. Eastern Pa. & N.J. Poultry 35-36 42-43 Wednesday, June 1,1977 Trading light although movement fairly heavy on previous commitments. Offerings are more available as egg market weakens. Prices Paid at Farm: Light type hens 9-9%, Heavy type hens 15%-16. Fri. Stahl appointed WASHINGTON, D.C. - Sheldon W. Stahl, vice president and senior economist with the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, has been appointed as the Farm Credit Administration’s deputy governor, Office of Finance and Research, according to an announcement today by FCA Governor Donald E. Wilkinson. 56-59 46-50 Stahl, who will assume his new duties August 1, will be responsible for monitoring, coordinating and supervising the financing programs of the nationwide Farm Credit System and supervising a research staff which conducts studies on both money-gathering and money-lending functions. The Farm Credit Administration, an independent Federal agency, supervises the member-owned lending units of the Farm Credit System which has more than $35 billion in loans outstanding to farmers and farmer cooperatives. Hay Markets Harvey Z. Martin Wednesday, June 1,1977 46 Loads Alfalfa old 74 to 93; Alfalfa new'and Alfalfa Mixed 77 to 95; Orchard Grass new 51; Clover 1 load 69; Timothy 43 to 64; Mixed Hay 64 to 89; , Straw 65 to 82; Com Fodder 2 load 52 and 53; Ear Com 68.50 to 77; Shelled Com 1 load 2.40 per bu. Oats 1 load 2.02% per bu. Danville Auction DanvQle, Pa. May 30,1977 STEERS: - Good to Choice 36.00-38.60; Standard to Good 32.00-35.50 HEIFERS: - Good to Choice 32.00-34.75 BULLS: 32.00-35.50 COWS: - High Choice to Prime 27.50-29.00; Good to Standard 25.00-27.60 CALVES: - Good to Choice 41.00- Standard to Good 25.00- HOGS: 43.00-45.10 SOWS: 25.00-35,00 BOARS: 24.00-32.25 Philadelphia Eggs Wednesday, June 1,1977 Market undertone lacks confidence. Demand is just fair with supplies of large and mediums ample. Extra large are adequate. Prices to retailers; sales to volume buyers, consumer grade white eggs in cartons delivered: Store Door: A Extra Large 52-58; A Large 50-52; A Medium 41-43. Some facets of Moyer’s Chicks are difficult to visualize... If you were among the more than 300 persons who attended our 30th Anniversary Open House May 19-21 you also got the "inside scoop” by touring our hatchery. At Moyer's we're proud of every “angle” of our operation which goes into guaranteeing you a top. quality chick—breeding, hatching, service, and delivery. And if you happened to miss our open house celebration, send for our new photo brochure depicting some of our latest improvements. Tfayen,'*, CHICKS, INC. Broilers 266 E. Paietown Road Chicks DEKALB Layers IWSI Started Pullets Regional Hay May 31,1977 (All hay No. 2 and better, prices paid by dealers at the farm, price per ton.) New crop hay now on the market with prices steady to strong. Old crop hay slow, steady to weak. Straw steady. Old/Crop Alfalfa 65.00-75.00, New Crop 45.0060.00 Old Crop Mixed Hay 55.00- 60.00, New Crop 45.00-60.00 Old Crop Timothy Hay 50.00 55:00 Straw 50.00-55.00, fdw to 65.00 Mulch 25.00-30.00. . like this aerial view of the hatchery, (unless you’re a bird or in a plane!) New Holland Hay Monday, May 30,1977 Total Loads 35 Hay and Straw sold most], $5. to $B. per ton higher ita last Monday. Ear com % steady. All prices quoted 7 the ton delivered to the fa J Alfalfa 72 to 94, few belt# Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixed so. 90; Alfalfa mixed 70 to gg Clover Mixed 60 to 70; tm load 93; Timothy 49 to ]\ Straw mostly 70 to 80,1 i Oj J 87, low load 55; Ear Con mostly 72 to 75, top load 78 j load with mold 50. Green Dragon May 27,1977 32 loads hay & 20 loads straw. Alfalfa, few 45.00-72.00, Timothy few 48.00-62.00' Mixed hay 47.00-63.00, some down to 38.00, Orchard Grass hay, 2 loads 38.00 and 41.00, Straw 59.00-72.00, one 82 00 Corn. 7 loads 71.00-82.00.